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About spyre101

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  1. Success can be measured in many ways, units shipped is down to PR, but to be a GOOD game, its not financial, its when the designers can sit back and go... Wow!, everyone knows in anything they do whether they went the extra mile to make something special, and alot of the time the effort required is not that much more. Tie-Fighter for example, for its time quite advanced but the game itself was so good, so well coded, atmosphear was astoinding... sometimes i feel the 'golden' age of gaming has passed us by for the mass produced consumer market... I dont know any other game that can do what elite/frontier did in its later guises and its ancient, landing on a planet, 1 of 100000s anywhere and deploying a mining drone, then flying half way accross the galaxy for whatever reason... ahhh i dont know, maybe i have too high an expectation. I dont dislike oblivion, been playing it again for the last 2-3 weeks solid, but i sometimes find myself just standing in the street thinking, "ok what now?" thats when i turn my attention to my mod - which i hope i can back up my own words and go the extra mile. :P Good Gamin All
  2. Hate draggin this up if ya'll finished with it, BUT.... Ok this is just my opinion and general feelings. Oblivion seems to be suffering from what alot of games seem to suffer from, a substitute of graphics for gameplay/content. I feel that Beth did a good job on oblivion, but at the same time... ug. Its almost as if the demograph they aimed the game at is 14 year olds with the attention span a gold fish could put to shame and too much pocket money: the challenge of the game is almost the same, leveled creatures work well in a linier game, but a dynamic game where you can take unlimited paths from one city to another... it wasn't until i used OOO & MMM that i had to pay attention, before you had mild entertainment as you traveled with the bandits and such jumping out and your horse got a quick breather while you dispatched them, now... lol as before i was running around only paying attention to my compass heading and ran around a rather large rock and bounced of a minotaur, hit it and saw no damage, did a runner after a few min, checked my back, good it wasnt following, looked to get my heading and walked into a Ogre... that ended badly, but thats the point, now i pay attention, stick to areas i know are safe and when i venture into the unknown its with care. Perhaps being geared for the consol everything got overlly simple, lets face it, consol games in the majority are not the hardest and your pretty much led by the nose to the finish (why they cost so much i do not know) - or, this makes me laugh, you have a puzzle, to do the puzzle you need a spell, and in the corner of the room in a box is that spell... whats the point of the soddin puzzle if you put the answer right on top of it, at least respect me enough to realise i can read, write and apply reasoning thought. Too many games seem to be half finished when they are released and its down to modders to finish it. A linier game with levels (game levels, not exp levels) and such you dont need to apply much, but as i have found with almost every modern dynamic RPG , ones with 'a world to explore' seem to be oh so pretty, but lack content, im glade the Ultima series died, id hate to see such a game become nothing more then pretty pixels. Reminds me of the old saying; "There are pretty girls and girls with personality" only to be applied to games, bring back the old days when a game sold on how well it was coded and the content it had because graphics were limited. oooooh, does this then imply that we are becoming more and more shallow, that its looks over content that matter now... ug. Going to raise a question, might be interesting, might not but hey... If this was TES1, how much of the lore that makes TES TES would there be? How much of the content that has flowed through the forefathers would there be? Not just the Lore but the races, skills, background to each and every thing? I have a feeling that if Oblivion was a stand alone game, it would be but a shadow of what it is now. It is my understanding that games use to have an average turn aound time from start to finish of about 3 years, now its 1 year, thats 3900 hours of work that no longer go into the game, per person working a normal 37.5 hr week - another thought, if games are taking 1/3 of the time to do, get rushed and pushed out unfinished, then sometimes recalled, why has the price to the consumer gone up? Ok i may have gone off topic, but this is close to my heart, growing up with RPG's and such - you know, we all might as well buy 486's with 640k cache and play old RPG's that have the content then spend, i believe someone said in the states games cost $120 on some half-assed, half-finshed eye candy. BUT back on topic and to summerise my thoughts... Oblivion as it stands is nothing special, novelty of graphics wear off, BLUNT axes make you ask questions about the Intelligence of the developers and leveled loot means you might as well not bother searching for them because by the time you really needed it, it provides sweet FA to your char. Most deffinitly dumbed down and leads you by the nose, the consol generation is here! WHEEE! So BIG BIG THANK YOU!!!! to the moding community who have taken the time to help grow the game into what it should have been.... if you want something done right.... do it yourself. *** Just re-read what i wrote, good graphics and good content lead to a good game, i dont fault the graphics one bit, it does feel good to play the game just wsh more thought went into it. *** ok im done. :blush:
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