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Dr. Corbett

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About Dr. Corbett

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  1. Hey, hey, I have to stick up for my fellow moderators. (On a cold, snowy ridge far, far from the action...) Dr. Corbett sights through his snow rifle. Pink bunnies are tormenting the corpse of his fellow staff member. Not for long. *BANG!* One, two, four, twenty... The shots ring out and the rabbits fall to the ground, dead -- slain by snowballs through their eyeholes. Oops.
  2. A cold night wind blew. In the meadow where Dr. Corbett was standing, alone, he reflected upon his misfortune. <i>Oh why, oh why, did they have to go to space?</i> He was covered with drying (freezing) snowball splatters, but unfortunately, there was nobody there to fight against him. He looked upon the trees in sorrow and dissapeared out of the topic. :P
  3. How I miss the days when we were just throwing snowballs around. :P
  4. It's been complained about recently that there's a glut of posts about people's characters. So, as a proto-forum, I've created a topic where you talk about your characters. Character introductions and descriptions are to be done here. This topic will be pinned so that it does not fall off the page; and character schpiel in other places will be removed.
  5. Dr. Corbett steps in a snow time machine back to about page two when people were still throwing snowballs at eachother... just as Pack Rat sets about construction of his first ship, a cleverly executed snowball attack catches him off guard and whacks right in the front of his/her robe! [should have been wearing something a bit warmer. :P]
  6. As thousands of snow nukes launch, what do you do?
  7. Earth II: As soon as Pack Rat steps off the ship, he is immediately assaulted by a battalion of snowball-wielding soldiers from the "I've got the blight from a rat before" association. Watch out!
  8. The cold stars shimmered in the night. Your breath rises from your mouth as you pant, running up the hill. The crunch-crunch-crunch of your snow and the panting of your breath is all you can see or hear in the boreal forest, but you know someone else is out there. There! That sound... like a voice in the night... you stumble and trip. The last thing you hear before the cold snow-knife passes between your ribs is "Yarr..." ... as you fade into blackness, you think: "Ninja snow pirates? WTF?!"
  9. Suddenly, a giant snow-anomoly surfaces off of the starboard bow at two hundred kilometers... oh no... it's SNOW-Q! He returns humanity back hundreds of years to when they only had snow swords.
  10. I smack Pat Rack across the head and show him how swordplay is done -- with snow, and not with wood! En garde!
  11. Silent as a hawk, descending from the sky, Dr. Corbett lands behind LALALA and covertly shoves a snowball down the back of his shirt. HA!
  12. I once again request that you use the report a post feature. It's an excellent little button that will save the forum, you, and the moderation team a whole lot of trouble.
  13. Heh. Cliff racers are HARD to hit sometimes; but others, they're really easy. I shot way off on this cliff racer out in the middle of nowhere and it falls to the ground, dead. Yes, bows DO take a lot of getting used to!
  14. Oh, I agree, faith with questioning is pointless... there's just certain places where it should be done, and not on an internet free-for-all. There's a lot of "safety" in anonymity. For example, were I not a mod, chances are I'd be going at it with several people right now. That's actually what got me into forums on the Internet, some people were trashing Christianity on (of all things) a Chess forum.
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