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Dr. Corbett

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Everything posted by Dr. Corbett

  1. No, no, not the clone scandal, CLONEGATE! Aha! Anyway, bad clone. Come on, you're a mod and you did that. Set a good example for all the users, okay? Edit: By the way, afro, your post was pointless and is now gone. Too bad the negative postcount on Theodarius was gone, though. I'm saving up for that as well as negating flood control.
  2. The brown-robed man summons a Golden Saint and recalls...
  3. Good luck everyone on the quiz! I'll give some more comments once I've taken it. :-) Okay, I took it, I was just wondering a few things. Are the answers case-sensitive? Do you give out one or two names? Which way do you spell certain answers? Heh. However, it was a great test. I didn't pass, but I knew the answers. :-)
  4. Hmm. Interesting. Powerful Daedra treated with hostility. Locals appear to be powerful. *Takes notes, and readies a messenger scroll he has hidden in a pocket to see how they react to a scamp.*
  5. "Well, hello everyone. I would like to share with you a story of my younger, adventuring days, where my magicka supply didn't mean my life and my fatigue bar extended far, far longer than it did now..." I was a younger adventurer, a fledgeling Telvanni mage with a penchant for reveling in the gain of power. I was far, far too ambitious, though, and I joined the strangely cliche'd ranks of sorcerors apprentices gone wrong... but I went wrong in a different way. I was going to join a hidden coven of Aundae vampires, Ashmelech, located in the Sheogorad region to the north of Vvandenfell District. However, I got far more than I bargened for. Just outside of Dagon Fel, I took a wrong turn and continued west instead of taking a slight turn south. I soon found myself in front of Ald Redaynia... "I'm not saying any more until someone is kind enough to buy me a drink!"
  6. A door opens, and a tired-looking regular to the tavern walks in. Humbly dressed in brown scholar's robes and with rapidly greying hair and more of a gut than he would hope to have, he sits down and prompty orders bread and butter, fingering his favourite spellbook and turning to a page in some obscure yet mildly interesting tome on the ancient history of the western Tamriellic provinces.
  7. Umm. The Practice and The News. :-) / \ | <--boring.-->
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