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Feles Noctis#9086
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In response to post #67080591. #67080751, #67080816, #67085126, #67085821, #67085986, #67095611 are all replies on the same post. I wish that was the case. I don't think I'd make the same mistake all four attempts though. :P
In response to post #67080591. #67080751, #67080816, #67085126, #67085821 are all replies on the same post. Oh absolutely! Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest impact, and things certainly feel smoother than the last time I was there, so great job! =D EDIT: Speaking of small things, apparently the Nexus has decided I'm not allowed to use emotes. Blah!
In response to post #67080591. #67080751, #67080816 are all replies on the same post. @Moksha8088 Something to also consider is that if they were to end up in a situation where they'll down again, it could essentially be a repeat of the last time: the Nexus could step in once more and offer to back things up like it did previously. As for those Nexus Only mods, that's always seemed like such a strange concept to me. It's hard to imagine that anybody believes that actually works. Sure, maybe it acts as a deterrent on the more prominent mod-hosting locations and discourages people trying to sell someone else's content, but you'll find mods uploaded all the time to russian- chinese-/brazilian-/whatever sites without permission, there's the Wayback Machine, and methods of mod piracy are very easy to come by. Hell, I'll admit I used those resources a few times to find something important to me that had mysteriously disappeared with no explanation. Regardless, redundancy is certainly a good thing, but the original agreement in a sense was just for archival purposes. Now that there's unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of the precedent set, things have changed. If you're incredibly concerned about losing mods that you love, you can always back them up yourself. Hell, I need to buy a new external drive for that exact reason. My current 4TB is full! EDIT: Oh man, and they updated their UI as well. When I stumbled across them a month or so ago their games list in the Files category wasn't even sorted alphabetically, and everything felt really clunky to navigate. Good on them!
The Sunday Discussion - SmartBlueCat - Author of 'Inigo'
FelesNoctis replied to TheTokenGeek's topic in Site Updates
I fell in love with Inigo from the moment I met him in his cell. He's been a constant companion with every character and play-through, and things just don't feel right until I have him at my side. Inigo is much of the reason why I still enjoy playing Skyrim after all this time, and I didn't even bother to start my Skyrim SE run until he was ported over. I'm a heavy modder, with so many mods that I feel are absolutely necessary, but if I had to choose just one, Inigo would be it. Thank you so much for this wonderful friend! -
...Ah ha! Maybe I read the thread backwards. That's what I get for trying to figure this sort of thing out in the middle of the night when I'm exhausted. Let's see if I can triangulate her metal butt! EDIT: Nope, that didn't do it. Same error. And on that note, I thought Strips were more performance friendly and had additional advantages. Did SSE remove compatibility for them?
I'm working on converting Ihlenda Reconstructed over to SSE, and everything seems to be going smoothly other than her mesh. I keep seeing this error in the CK: In-game she comes up as the dreaded exclamation point triangle for a missing mesh. I can't for the life of me figure out what it wants. Ihlenda was originally built off of the Flame Atronach, however at this point her only attachment to it is the Body Part Data ([0008691C] AtronachFlameBodyPartData). I've gone through and compared all of her pieces to the Flame Atronach in SSEEdit to ensure they match, which they seem to, but that leaves me thinking it's the mesh itself. I didn't create the mesh, the original author pulled it from the Vicn Creature Pack. At this point I'm not exactly sure what it's looking for. I've seen some old threads on various sites referencing this error, but what confuses me the most is that she worked just fine in classic Skyrim.
If you're having problems getting RadeonPro/Nvidia Inspector to work, you can always try using Fallout 4's ENB. The general ENBoost functions work, as do the framerate caps and force vsync, from what I can tell. ----- enblocal.ini: [GLOBAL] ApplyStabilityPatch=true UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true [ENGINE] ForceVSync=true VSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER] EnableFPSLimit=true FPSLimit=61.0 ----- Did that with my install with Ultra/Max settings (minus the forced vsync, just changed that to true right now), went from low 40s FPS outside of Whiterun to a solid 61 without stutter during a test earlier. Bethesda, what the hell did you do :tongue:
Can i use my regular skyrim mods in the remastered version?
FelesNoctis replied to Roos534's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Using many older mods seems to work (i've been doing rough conversions and custom patches with SSEEdit for my install), but you have to keep in mind the various record and form changes that Bethesda introduced with the new technology. For my patches I've been copying plugins from CK64-converted mods, deleting what records they have, and then dropping the changes I want from the other mods into that blank file. It's a lot of work though, and not recommended for people who aren't completely proficient and comfortable with the xEdit tools. Really what it boils down to is yes, many old plugins will work, but you may run into unforeseeable consequences that may be irreversible. It's up to you if it's worth the risk. -
(Skip to the end for the TL;DR, lots of calculation fails ahead) ----- So I've been trying to remake an old and abandoned follower mod, and I've gotten all the spells and passives stuff down, but something bothered me. The companion has awfully high attributes and skills, both in base and offset. We're talking like... Magicka: 604 Magicka Offset: 450 Magicka Class Weight: 3 For the moment I've been editing this all in TES5Edit, not the CK, but if I'm understanding this correctly that means that the follower has a starting Magicka value of... 1054? So I wanted to try and turn that down a bit, get them roughly on the same level as other followers. Maybe with a small bonus due to their race, but still. But then I started trying to figure out how other followers' stats level. Here's what I know, or at least read: NPCs gain 8 skill points per level. NPCs gain 10 attribute points per level. NPCs always gain 5 Health per level, before attribute points are spent. Skills and attributes are weighted by priority. I decided to pick what I thought was an easy example to get my facts straight, Sven. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Sven http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Sven Immediately something's up. Those two different wikis produce completely different information. The wikia one has his base attributes correct (91/67/67), UESP has 50s across the board. The UESP calculations don't match anywhere near the Wikia ones. Consider he's level 20, so Health=6.2*20+50=174? In fact, using that calculation but replacing the 50 with 91 works out better (6.2*20+91=215, or for sake of argument if you d, 6.2*19+91=208.8, where the Wikia says 208). And then skills... how does the weighting work exactly? Sven is considered a Lumberjack. I would have thought weighting would have been dividing the skill value up by the total skills, distributed in equal parts. So Lumberjack is 2+2+2+3+1+1+3+1+3=18, 8/18=0.4 (rounded off) per weight point. Enchanting is a 3, so 1.2 per level? So, if we don't count level 1, 1.2*19=22.8, then add his base value, so 22.8+22 = 44.8. The Wikia claims that his max enchanting is 40. What? I'm way off here somehow, but I'm not sure what I'm missing. Either these numbers on the Wikia/UESP aren't accurate, or I'm completely off-base with how these calculations work. ----- So to reiterate the question, how the heck does Skyrim calculate NPC per-level skill and attribute gains? Considering the total weights are much higher than the given points to spend (or in the case of attributes cause them to be unevenly distributed), how does it determine what goes where each level? Am I correct with the (Points/TotalClassWeight)*StatWeight calculation, and the Wikia numbers are just wrong? Seems like no matter what I put into a google search, I just get responses of "followers didn't used to level their stats but now they do, yay!" Not very helpful. :tongue: At least I've figured out how to create and give them a custom perk that levels their destruction spell damage with their destruction skill, I think. EDIT: No, my calculations are definitely wrong. I just tested the follower in-game, level 10 (minimum), getav Destruction was 67. NPC has a base of 49, and with my calculations for the class (with gains for 9 levels) it should have come out to 70.6. I can not for the life of me figure out how it determines where to put what with each level!
For the first time in quite a while I've managed to pull together a mod config that looks decent, runs well, seems to play well, and I'm mostly satisfied with it. And then I started swimming. My character starts rapidly unequipping everything they're wearing, only to a moment later put it back on again, then repeat the cycle. I feel like this is a bug I've encountered before but for the life of me I can't dig up a reason why it's happening (might be because it's 3am and I'm braindead). Not sure if I'm just not searching for the right thing or what. I'd really appreciate the help figuring this one out. Load Order and Installed Packages List: http://pastebin.com/D80BAesa This is driving me nuts. As far as I can tell everything else seems to be working the way I want it. EDIT: An update to this, from my cross-post on the Oblivion reddit. It was Oblivion Reloaded. Somehow I missed it last night during my opening of INIs and searching for "water" and "swim", lack of sleep will do that I suppose. For anyone else having this issue: There are also a line just below for doing the same thing while sleeping, "ORLoaderQuest.SleepEquipment". And for anyone who dislikes combat camera lock (which I had disabled earlier as well since it was making my spells miss, probably awesome for melee though!), "ORLoaderQuest.StayOnTarget".
I don't think it's just you. Starting off my new character earlier this morning I had the Goblin Witch, who shoots the shock bolts, crash me. However, I had also drank several potions at the same time, and was trying to cast a scroll at her as well, so it may have been the overflow of special effects? Not sure. Judging from your Amulet of Greed mod though (thank you for that by the way, using that too! I like having super dark dungeons, but even with the khajiit night eye it can be hard to see things :P), the Shock projectile may cause more issues than it should. I'll have to look around and see if I can find more about it. If you try to use Oblivion Reloaded/OBGEv4 again, don't forget to turn off the Grass and EquipmentMode features! Grass currently causes a lot of graphical issues, and EquipmentMode is apparently completely broken right now. It's crashing everybody constantly. I mentioned that at the beginning of my first post, I was having so many crashes before I figured out EquipmentMode was causing it! Since then I've only had one, and it was from that Goblin Witch. Thankfully I had saved right before that fight. It also sounds like OR/OGBE can cause crashes with low framerates. If you aren't running consistently above 30 FPS, you'd want to tweak it to fix that. Oh, and also turn off the POM setting. That's parallax mapping, and, at least for me, was causing a massive amount of lag in some areas. I went from about 15 FPS in one portion of the cave to 80 FPS just by shutting that off.
OBMM doesn't show new .esp's , always the same ones
FelesNoctis replied to Draghy's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Congrats! Glad you figured it out! =D Yeah, copying records isn't too difficult, and from there learning edits isn't too bad either. TES4Edit is best for small edits, like what you did, changing a directory path. Or for changing a default hairstyle, or copying default race features in the case of race changing mods, etc. It's usually all that's needed for anything that involves patching up overwrites in a load order. Anything more complex and it's usually best to learn how to use the Oblivion Construction Set instead, which is quite a bit more complicated. Always be sure to keep backups! =D -
OBMM doesn't show new .esp's , always the same ones
FelesNoctis replied to Draghy's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
For some armors, yes, the male and female meshes are the same. Unfortunately my expertise is primarily with Skyrim, not Oblivion, so I couldn't tell you off the top of my head which ones do and which don't. If you want to look into it however, there's a tool to get called TES4Edit that's fantastic for quickly pulling open ESM/ESP files to take a quick look or make a quick edit. You could use it to open up your load order, open Oblivion.esm, go to Armor, sort by Name, and... hold that thought. I'll just do that myself. Yes, it looks like, by default, Oblivion has a female version of the Glass Cuirass and Greaves, but uses the male mesh for the Boots, Gauntlets, and Helmet. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (if you have that) assigns a female mesh to the Gauntlets, but not the boots. So yes, unless you specifically have a mod in YOUR install that changes it, the Glass Boots still use the male mesh. Another advantage of TES4Edit: it will tell you what mods modify a data entry, so you can easily see what each mod is trying to do. How to change that yourself? You'd need to create your own plugin, or find one that does it for you. Or you could use TES4Edit to modify one of the plugins (if you're willing to risk that) and tell it to look in the "F" folder instead of the "M" folder, or wherever your boot mesh (if you have one) may be located. However, I don't recommend doing the manual edits yourself unless you know what you're doing, or you're willing to deal with the consequences of failed edits. My general rule is if you're confident enough that you think you know what you're looking at, then you're ready. There are some things I'll hand edit myself, and some that despite casually modding since Morrowind, I refuse to touch. Fair warning! As for your mTES4 .NET Framework issue, I recommend updating your .NET install if you haven't already. It sounds like it may be out of date, or you're using the wrong version. I don't see a recommended version on the mod page, so you can find the newest version here (or considering how old mTES4 is, you might need 3.5 SP1?): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa496123 ...unless you're on Windows 10 now. In which case, Divines help you. ---------- While I usually support Mod Organizer (been using it pretty much since the first public release), I'm less of a fan of it with anything other than Skyrim. Using it effectively with Oblivion or the Fallout series requires a little more work than it initially appears, since MO has issues with older installers (and doesn't even recognize anything packaged in the OMOD format). If you do end up using MO for Oblivion, I recommend that you use WryeBash or OBMM to install mods, then go into your Data folder, sort by "Date Created", package up the new folders and files into a zip file, uninstall the mod through WryeBash/OBMM, and install your newly created zip file through MO. That way the installer will have run normally, you'll have all the correct files and options, and it'll be repackaged and MO-ready. You also need to go into MO's settings, Workarounds, and set the load mechanism to "Script Extender". This also means that for any mod that uses OBSE plugins, you still need to manually install the plugins as MO will not load them. This is because, to my understanding, for Skyrim MO will create a virtual folder for the game to launch through, but for Oblivion, it's "hooking" as an OBSE plugin itself. This means that Oblivion loads, OBSE checks its plugins, it loads the MO "hook", MO loads its files, the game runs. There's no second check for OBSE plugins, so it ignores any OBSE plugin loaded through MO. And if you actually managed to read through that entire explanation, you can see why I don't recommend it for Oblivion :tongue: It's a lot more complicated than it needs to be, when Wrye Bash can do almost the same thing as Mod Organizer (allowing you to install and uninstall mods on a whim while it keeps track of overwrites/underwrites for you) without all the copying around. -
I appreciate the advice, but I don't think that's related to the issue I was having. From what I can tell after quite a bit of troubleshooting, the issue lies in the relationship between Wrye Bash's new CBash process, and Better Cities' resources ESM. I don't believe there's anything that I (or we) can do to fix it, it probably is up to one or both of the authors of Wrye Bash and Better Cities to look into it. http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/topic/5183-cant-rebuild-bashed-patch/ Discovered this while looking around. I'm apparently not the only one having an issue with a CBash with Better Cities.