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Everything posted by Tharavax

  1. So Rieklings seem to only have animations for spears and unarmed combat. Would anyone be interested in animating swords and shield combat for them? Not the behavioral graphs, just the animations. Thanks!
  2. Maybe. I think it would require a hot key to activate the animation (near a wall) and a script to perform movement across the surface of the wall. Then an animation for looking around the wall. I think the animations would be not too difficult. I think it would have to boil down to a good script to allow it near a surface without clipping. IMO, this sort of mechanic would give the game a lot more immersion.
  3. Would it be possible to create a mod to hide behind a wall or debris and look over/around that surface to shoot an arrow, cast a spell or make a melee attack? Sort of like in ME/GoW/Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  4. Ohman. I just got dawnguard. Do you have to be a member of the thieves guild for this?
  5. If anyone can do this--- It would be cool to have an NPC in game that would allow you to change your hair, skin tone and body paint without having to use "showracemenu" or having any of the effects of showracemenu.
  6. This is a modding site and the majority of people who come here love skyrim. Your probably not going to get any positive feedback from a thread that directly bashes the game. This is not a forum that the developers of the game read so there's not a point to posting complaints you have about the game here. Why don't you try the official Skyrim forums? If you have a specific bug that you want help with, post it and people will probably help you with it. Otherwise, when people encounter bugs in a game they enjoy, they don't usually just go around re-posting their memory of it unless they want help with it.
  7. What about doing this to your companion? Would it be via targetactor?
  8. Is it not possible to add magical affects to yourself via spells? I'm really having a lot of trouble making this work. And yes, the tomb is linked to the correct spell.
  9. I'm trying to create a spell that will Increase the Fire resistance of the targetactor by X amount. I used the console to learn the spell. Then I tried the spell tomb I created once I could not find the spell in my spell list. I got the message: "You already know this spell." I duplicated the "Heal Other" spell; added the spell effect that I created to it and renamed it.
  10. Hi. I'm using the CK to try to create new spells. However, once I implement these into the game, they are not showing up in my spell list. The game recognizes that I have learned the spell but I can't actually see it to equip it. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  11. Right click and move your mouse. If you press Z while doing this, it will rotate on the Z axis, if you hold X, the X axis, and Y, the y axis.
  12. Hm, ok. Too bad you can't increase the size of the 64x64 world without having to turn off HAVOK. Thanks for the quick response. :) Just for clarifications sake, I am talking about the invisible wall your character meets when you hit the edge of the world. The UI gives you this message: "You can't go that way."
  13. How do you edit border regions? I don't want to turn them off. I just want to move the border. EDIT: I am talking about the invisible wall your character meets when you hit the edge of the world. The UI gives you this message: "You can't go that way."
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