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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Dirmire stepped to the side of the spell and the sword and then conjured up four skeletons to attack Jyrik Gauldurson while he started to charge up a bolt of lightening.
  2. Dirmire raised a ward and blocked the shot from the staff before throwing the bound sword then shooting at it a high velocity with air towords Jyrik Gauldurson head. Before casting a stream of electricity.
  3. Dirmire fired two ice spears at Jyrik Gauldurson and then cast a fire rune in front of Jyrik Gauldurson and waited for the result of the rune when he ran forward. He then conjured up a bound sword.
  4. Dirmire pulled up a ward and blocked the shout and looked at the deathlord's body. He walked through a hallway before he came to a door with a lever. He froze the door and then suddenly heated hit up with fire the sudden change in temperature made the metal buckled and snap. He kicked the weaken bars with his foot and they fell to the floor. He walked his down another hall way lighted by glowing stones befoer he came to an altor with Jyrik Gauldurson lying on a piece of the amulet aroung his neck. OOC: once again can someone RP as Jyrik Gauldurson
  5. Dirmire ducked under the blade it just missing his head. He put his hand on the deathlords head and a ice spear shoot out the palm of his hand. He then jumped back and shot fireballs at the deathlord.
  6. Dirmire arrived at Saarthal by carrage. He noticed some students from the college of winterhold trying to gain access to the ruin. He walked over to the otherside of the ruin and mumered something and a hidden door opened. He walked into the upper area of the dungeon and fought his way through of draugr with ice spears before finding a draugr deathlord guarding and sealed door. OOC: sorry about the OOC but can someone roleplay as the deathlord due to the fact if I do the fight will be one line long
  7. Dirmire walked around Markarth looking at the excellent arcitecture and the pale stone before walking out of the gates and down the road. He decided to investigate the ledgend of Gauldur and his amulet. He got back to his house in Karthwasten and started to research before he started to investigate the three brother who had killed Gauldur and split the amulet into three. The three dungeons he had to make his way where Saarthal, Folgunthur, and Geirmund's Hall.
  8. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqqazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpplokimjunhybgtvfrcdexswzaqqmwnebrvtcyxuzilokpjahsgdf
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vvk78


      Calm down, folks.


      All he's saying is that he's thirsty, and he's wondering whether any of us have any blood to spare.


      Give the poor chap a rosy neck, someone?

    3. Ithildin


      O_O *flees in terror*
    4. AnotherAverageName


      Its all the elder trolls you see....
  9. bbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddd
  10. Dirmire walked to his chambers and told Tubs to stay guard outside while he slept the night. Dirmire had nightmares about the killer of his parents coming after him so he got up and walked around the underkeep for a while.
  11. Dirmire turned to tubs and told him to sit. He then made his way up to Cyrus,"A scout called Neville contact me over what was happening in Karhtwasten, My lord." he said bowing. OOC: GTG be on 2moz
  12. Dirmire stopped lecuring tubs thats what he was going to call the zombies tubs. He the gestured for the zombie to follow,"Sorry about that." He walked through the cobbled streets and over a few bridges before he got to understone keep he looked at the golden doors and then walked in.
  13. Dirmire made his way towards Markarth walking through tree making the odd glance back to his zombies the numbers were getting small but he hadn't seen any bandits. He carried on walking and walking and walking. He arrived about 1 hour later with one zombie left. He turned around to see the really fat zombie with a bodie slowly getting sucked into its mouth. "You ate all of them didn't you?" The zombie nodded with a big smile thinking he had done good. "Well thats just great." He approached the gate and handed the guards his papers. He turned around to lecture his know extremly fat zombie.
  14. Dirmire signed the papers,"What about them?" he said pointing to the crowd of about 23 Zombies,"there were 30 on the way here but somebody ate 7," Dirmire said glared at a really fat zombies who cowwerd and burged up a leg.
  15. "Fine but if I end up in chains nowone will ever remember Neville, OK" Dirmire said the last part sternly.
  16. "Nothing is happening here mybe one of my hybrid zombies escaped so what," Dirmire looked over one of his zombies and point back to the basement, the zombie pulled a sad face and trudged back to the basement. "Yes I want entrance but were am I going to put all of them." Dirmire pointed to a fenced of area full a zombies clawing at the bars,"They're not the easiest to move."
  17. "What's it to you," Dirmire said looking a Neville, 'Why am I cursed to get all the cr*p in this world first I'm a orphan and now flea bags are calling me govnor, what next flying horses.' Dirmire thought to himself before looking down to neville again.
  18. Dirmire stood in the centre of Karhtwasten and looked towards Markarth he needed to get inside but the pass thing with the border would not help him either. How would he get in, it doesn't help when they ask what you do for a living and you reply with 'I'm a necromancer who cuts up bodies, makes hybrid zombies and would like to conquer Nirn with legions of undead'. Dirmire sat there and thought how could he get in, he banged his head on the wall in fustration,'Great choice of career' he thought to himself.
  19. Name:Dimire Age:27 Gender:Male Alignment:Neutral Race:Imperial Class: Master Necromaster Deity: N/A Personality: Seclueded and quiet, He doesn't tend to mingle to much because he's very dislikeable. he main stays on his own doing reseaerch or experimenting on bodies to make hybrid zombies Weapon: Steel Shortsword, Restoration and Destruction Magic Appearance: A tall thin figure with dark hair. He has a cut on his lip and a slightly out of shape nose after it was broken by a thug Clothing: A long black robe with blodd red stitching along the edges. A enchanted amulet which increases his powers and a small batered book in one of his robes pockets. History/background: At the age of 4 he had to watch his mother,farther and brother being hung from the rafters by there intestine in his house will he hid under his bed with his sister. After that he ran away and spent many years living on the streets in Riften while his sister was adopted as into a rich family. At the age of 8 he went to winterhold college but was kicked out only 6 months after joining jue to his extreme ways of research and testing. He wondered skyrim before he made his way to Karhtwasten were he lived in solitude to the present day.
  20. I'm going to make a char and if you were in the AOS you'll know he'll get beaten up within the first 50 pages after I get going
  21. Johnson looked to the sea the hobbled past alexzander in pain as he tried to make his way to his cabin he hated his broken leg he still wore his admirals uniform he treasured it
  22. are there any humanoid looking Tanar'ri
  23. Name: Lord Dire Race: Don't know the race of demon lord because there apperance can be anything so I'm just going to say he's some sort of Demon. Age: - (don't what to put as age so some help will be needed) Class: Demon Lord (Abyssal lord) Alignment: Chaotic Evil Deity: Doesn't really have one since hes a Abyssal Lord Place of Origin: Abyssal 76 Appearance: He's Around 8ft 6inches with red eyes under his helmet and his skin if you can see it it's jet black Armor/Clothing: Full steel plate armour which doesn't shine and has dark energy flowing through it. At the joints there his a red material which is flexable but strong Weapon: If he ins't use his hands or powers its a 3ft steel long sword splatted with blood Personality: Wants mortals to be enslaved and put under his controll he gets the job done and makes his way through anything to get the job done History: He's made many attempts of expanding his Abyss and conquering and enslaving the mortals but as been flawed and banished for hundreds of years. Slowly he thinks of plans while sitting in his keep in his abyss. He doesn't speak much but now and again he has influence his cultist followers to help him reign over the weak and pathetic mortals. He is close to returning after being baneshed over 100 years ago by a powerful mortal.
  24. Johnson sat on the top deck of the ship and looked out to sea and towards the horizon and to the sun. He started babeling to himself about his job he was gonng to get back and how the pirates would pay. He pulled out his repeater and twirled it on his finger before putting it back into his ripped tattered admirals unifrom. He remembered when he was an admiral and he want it back so much.
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