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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Character Sheet: Name: Agent T Age: 27 Race / Species: Human Height: 6ft 3inches Weight: 12st 7lbs Apperence: Brown swept hair and dimples. He has greeny hazely eyes. Affiliation: One of the MEN IN BLACK Equipment: Neuralyzer, Iconic Glasses and watch Weapons:De-Atomizer Pistol, Reverberating Carbonizer and the Particle Randomizer Background: Grew up in new york and use to look at the stars at a young age he loved shooting stars. He joinedat a the age of 21 jue to his skill set and trained up and became there top man.
  2. MEN IN BLACK The year is 2020 and there is an alien invasion and the MEN IN BLACK have been tasked with stopping it. You can either be a civilian (Cannon fodder for aliens) You can be an alien trying to take earth (Cannon fodder for the MEN IN BLACK) You can be one of the MEN IN BLACK (The cannons shooting alien fodder) Rules: 1)No godmodding I don't want any civilians have power over aliens or MEN IN BLACK it wouldn't happen 2)Stick to the guns if your one of the MEN IN BLACK don't make your own 3)No power posting 4)Don't kill other peoples characters 5)Even though rule 4 says you can't remember noone is made of titanium you can die 6)You can't suddenly gain something suddenly. if it's not on your character sheet you don't have it unless you've found it or picked it up earlier 7)If you do use the noisy cricket you'll probably fly back into a wall so don't spray with or dual wield it 8)If your part of the MEN IN BLACK don't go over the top with the Neuralyzer (Forget pen thing) Alien races: Worm http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/d/d8/Worm.jpg Remoolian http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/2/2c/Frank1.png Bug http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/7/7d/Bug.png Ballchinian http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/d/d7/Ballchinian_alien.jpg Arquilian http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/2/29/Arquilian.jpg Kylothian http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/a/af/Kylothian.PNG (These are shape shifters so size doesn't matter) Adorian: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/a/ab/Men-in-black-alien-crisis_002.jpg You can send me more alien races and I'll accept if there not too op MEN IN BLACK Weapons: De-Atomizer Models: Pistol: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/4/44/Sidearm.jpg Tri Barrel Plasma gun: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/9/93/MIB_Weapon_PlasmaGun.jpg Series 4 De-Atomizer: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/f/f2/Series_4_De-Atomizer.jpg Noisy Cricket: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/2/2a/Noisy_Cricket.jpg Particle Randomizer (Cricket Replacement): Looks the same as the noisy cricket. Reverberating Carbonizer: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/d/da/5468045_1_l.jpg Alien Weopons: Reverberating Carbonizer: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/d/da/5468045_1_l.jpg Adorian crossbow: http://images.wikia.com/men-in-black/images/c/cb/MIB_Weapon_CrossBow.jpg Character Sheet: Name: Race / Species: Height: Weight: Apperence: Affiliation: Equipment: Weapons: Background:
  3. I might make men in black plus I've found about 10 guns and 6 aliens
  4. Thanks for voting but I'm stuck between modern warfare ane men in black
  5. Please no flame war I just need an opinion and then I can start planing out a start of a story
  6. Its hard to think of what to base it on because so many have already been done and the fact I've got the imagination of a duck doesn't help either
  7. This is to decide the new rp I'm going to make if I can be arsed
  8. Thomas walked out from the forest and onto the beach. He looked straight at the GLA.
  9. Thomas was the last the to jump and made it to the ground unscathed. He looked around the Island and then saw Gisele caught in the tree. He pulled out his combat knife and cut her down so she landed without hurting herself. He then walked back onto the beach.
  10. Thomas looked around,"Is everyone off," he shoated. He then down the isle to check there was no one left before walking over to his weopon stash in the over head compartment. He took out his combat knife and his silenced USP.45 before walking over to the door.
  11. Thomas ran and grabbed a parachute he grabbed the door and opened it and turned to the rest of the people,"Ok we will jump out from behind the wing we don't want any accidents." Thomas the ushered people to the door.
  12. Thomas waited for the beverages to reach him he couldn't what to get to his destination. His SAS badge clearly on his shoulder glinting in the cabin lights. His blue eyes scanned the isle.
  13. SAS wouldn't wear normal clothes
  14. Gender:Male Name:Thomas Chartford Age:34 Race:English Appearance:Tall with brown hair and blue eyes. Height and Weight: 6ft2 12st 7lbs Weapons: Silenced USP. 45 and combat knife Clothes: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=SAS+MW3&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1080&bih=723&tbm=isch&tbnid=3gTjmOJLX4aBUM:&imgrefurl=http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/File:Mw3-mp5-SAS.jpg&docid=EWguML8EBcOEnM&imgurl=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/7/74/Mw3-mp5-SAS.jpg&w=847&h=1211&ei=E0OtT7XnN8So8APM0rzKCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=354&vpy=181&dur=1876&hovh=269&hovw=188&tx=99&ty=121&sig=111741478649031027443&page=2&tbnh=165&tbnw=130&start=12&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:12,i:121 this without gas mask and helmet Resources brought: Night vision googles and watch Personality: Confident and Sarcastic Backround:At the age of 21 he joined the military and made his way into the SAS by the age 0f 30 Flaws: Over confident and cocky.
  15. John had traveled to parker to see the end result of a miner protest. He then decided it was time for the red faction to take action. He grabbed his sledgehammer, charges, assult rifle and grinder and headed of to a EDF supply staion. He found the petrolium contains and placed a charge on each of them and hid. He waited for a EDF convoy to dock off with fuel. He pulled the trigger the fuel tanks exploding wiping some of the EDf from existance and destroying the fuel tanker in the convoy. He walked away and tried to stay low he knew the EDF would be searching so he went to a abandoned house and lay on the bed.
  16. Character Sheet: Faction: Red Faction Name: John Farrkroft Rank: Guerilla Sergeant Age: 27 Height: 6ft 2 Weight: 12st 8lbs Sector: Badlands Appearance: Brown Scruffy hair. Stuble with a scar on his lip Strengths: Could bring down your house within a minute Weaknesses: Trigger happy and arrogent Weapons: Sledgehammer, Remote charges, Grinder, Assualt rifle. Bio: Came to mars to seek a better life but that what they all say his brother murdered by EDF and know hes out for revenge. OOC: can you only have four guns like in the game
  17. My comments bar thingy is old and stale like the sweets at my aunties house The sell by date was 15 years ago
  18. Moriarty walked around his appartment he called in two people,"I hear some people don't know what the word repayment is?" The two people cowerded in front of him,"were sorry we'll get the money soon." "I believe you. But my Tommy Gun Don't. I'm going to give you until the count of ten to get your...loussy,good for nothing asses off my front door. One...Two...Ten..." Moriarty pulled the trigger while laughing riddling the two peoples boddies with lead,"...Keep the change you filthy animals."
  19. Moriarty sent all the infomation to Victirias computer. I came up showing clips of the undead rising and even a clip of her shooting Sarah and other images of her.
  20. Moriarty had patched up a live feed of the dragon infomation to Victorias computer for her to see what they were going to broadcast and spill on the internet.
  21. James moriarty turned off his phone and packed his stuff to travel to Mexico. He got on a private plan and flew to Mexico City. He arrived 8 hours later and located the Dragon main compurer.
  22. "I'll help but the price will be high. Oh and one thing to show what I can do." Moriarty said before using the nuke luanch codes to fire the missles in the silos without the doors opening they all exploded inside and suddenly the U.S.A had no nukes. Luckly none had been armed and no radiation had leaked.
  23. Meet me in the middle of nowhere," James said and hanging up and answering Victoria," So the Illuminati want we in their service."
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