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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Dirmire hated himself for what he had done he never meant it he just got angry. He walked through the chorrol keep until he reached the highest floor and found a balconey. He stepped onto the edge and closed his eyes a small tear fell down his face.
  2. Dirmire looked at Selene,"Why?" He said crushing Nawens neck harder than before.
  3. Dirmire stepped out the shadows behind Nawen and grabbed her throught and tried to slam he towards the ground. Elena walked up beside Selene and shethed her katanas,"When can my training start?"
  4. Elena walked up behind Selene,"Do you need help or should I go kill the last of the resistance?" Elena said blood dripping from her katanas.
  5. Dirmire and Elena appered in a puff of smoke. Dirmire looked to corpses of soldiers and raise them to be his slaves of death. Elena ran at the remaining enemys cutting through with her katanas body pieces falling to the ground. The finished of a group a resistance and moved onto the next.
  6. "We could ask your dragon friend," Dirmire said still walking Elena walked through anvil slicing up the rest of the survivors until she saw Selene and ran over.
  7. I've never got it to work but I think its, SLEN TIID VO," Dirmire said to coation as they walked towards choroll
  8. "I think I know the shout to ressurect dragons." Dirmire said walking with Coation.
  9. "So what do you think of the dragon idea I told you about? could you make it possible?" Dirmire asked Coation
  10. "I'll help provide a distraction for the guards." Dirmire said walking up next to her.
  11. "Then how come he obeys me?" Dirmire said looking strait into the dragons eyes.
  12. OOC: post ninja Dirmire walked around for a while before walking up to the dragon,"What do you say to a undead dragon?"
  13. "Well you know you can use dwaven contraptions to make anything... Well I thought if we combined you machinery with my undead dragon we could make an unstoppable creation like your Titan but with the ability to fly." DIrmire said showing sketches in his research and formulea.
  14. Dirmire closed his research and went to find Coation. He walked through the halls until he found him, he tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.
  15. Dirmire walked to private room were he looked at his research and started to write down in the book adding sketches and writing down possible theorys and different spells.
  16. "Well what I'm say is more of a theory," Dirmire said,"Well thats were my necromancy research has taken my to," Dirmire turned to Selene,"You know when I died and my will gave you my research, well can I have it back?"
  17. "The bond between dead and living weak, break bond and I have more hordes of undead which are easy to control," Dirmire said this slowly.
  18. "Also when I resurected myself from hell I kinda weakened the bond between life and death if that broke living could die but easily be resurected and controlled thus meaning it would be easier for me to control more hordes meaning more men," Dirmire said looking at Coation and Selene.
  19. Dirmire was walking when it struck him,"Would we be able to open a gate and release the hordes of oblivion?"
  20. Dirmire walked from the shadows and followeed next to Selene,"It's done, the animals are in frenzy," Dirmire walked next to Selene,"Gauldoth?"
  21. Dirmire stood next to coation and then disappated into smoke. He arrived outside the imperial city and found the area which they kept the animals once there he used telekenisis and levitated the bottle over the area he stop using his magic and the bottle dropped smashing next to the animals sending them into a frenzy.
  22. "We should strike soon," Dirmire said looking at a map on a table,"Mirabelle is planning something we should strike to distort those plans."
  23. "No problem, oh and Mirabelle has dawnbreaker." Dirmire said walking back into the castle.
  24. "THe animals wont pose a threat if you keep the gates shut but the soldiers will pose a problem." Dirmire said to coation OOC: Why do you have to put flawless and why would Mirabelle do it wouldn't a blacksmith?
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