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About kkkenny1577

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    Fallout 4

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  1. Lately I have had a problem with my saves getting corrupted - autosaves not quick saves - and if game tries to load one of these then Classic notes issue with script errors and corrupt saves. It then lists several .dll files such as x-cell-fo4.dll, robco_patcher.dll, papyruscommonlibrary.dll, glxrm_scourge.dll, easyammovendingmachine.dll and when I was using it lootman.dll. As I have been using Scourge, X-cell, robco patcher and papyrus for some time with no issue I don't see them as a problem but wonder if conflicts with .dll files loading in some unknown order can be the problem. There isn't any method I know of that allows you to sort these files or checks if they or their scripts conflict and only by starting a new game and waiting can you see if you have fixed the problem which seems to take several levels before the issue shows up. Any thoughts?
  2. Ran into this issue as well and was reading a reply regarding if drunken Gnomes was an issue and the mod author (I believe) noted he disables most of his mods before a new game except those required or wishes like SKK new game. His theory is that so many mods are trying to run scripts or maybe .dll files as game starts that it just freezes before you see the Bethesda logo or crashes after creating a character. A major pain in the ass but it works. You will have to play around to see what works, but I turned off pretty much 90% of my mods (388). The only problem is with replacement mods like modern weapons as you'll end up with several broken guns before the game catches up.
  3. I agree probably shouldn't work but my significant number of random crashes with no report dropped to zero and I'm back to occasional ctd's that Buffout4 will report on. I just file it under "cause it works"
  4. Potential fix found scrolling through Nexus' collections for Fallout 4 - the collection A StoryWealth organized by Exoclyps. Figured these must run without errors and went through his setup - the main point was he increased his pagefile sys to 20gb (i have 64gb ram) as he states: "Why Increase Pagefile Size? Stability: Large mod collections consume a lot of RAM. Increasing the pagefile size provides additional virtual memory, helping to prevent crashes. Performance: A larger pagefile can help with smoother transitions between loading different game assets, especially in memory-intensive scenarios." Seems to work plus I later loaded x-cell to see if it helps and had no issues. Still get odd freeze loading to new area but game is infinitely more playable
  5. Wish it was that simple but no I use AMD originally a RX580 and now a 7800XT. A similar post to Buffout4 noted from others that this has becoming more frequent with no obvious solution or reason. It basically means regular saves every 5 minutes and my own saves before doing anything. Massive pain in the ass
  6. Got pointed to this forum when I googled Fallout4!flexMakeShapeFlags Which is the final command before ntdll crashes with a heap error using windbg to decode the DMP file. Unfortunately I don't know enough computer programming to see if there are any leads to what fallout 4 was trying to do. From the information I read here it would appear fallout 4 was trying to deal with precombines while updating an area? The issue I have is crashes from walking around or load screens entering buildings or new areas. I use previs repair pack and a mod that revamps goodneigbor with its own updated precombines and a scrap mod that only deals with Bethesda approved items. Any thoughts? .
  7. try FO4 Crash Log Auto Scanner And Setup Integrity Checker (CLASSIC) - 56255 it may offer more details to your issue Good luck
  8. If you skip the normal start at vault 111 then many holotapes or settings will not follow you. I have at least 6 or more that I need to use the console commands to have in my inventory. Unfortunately the only method is to use the console to add them. Check the mods to see if they have a command ready to use ie hot keys or use the help command then player.additem (id). Fallout 4 wiki is a great source for console commands cause you will need them...
  9. I wish you luck. Trying to find an answer seems to take forever mostly in getting the question right so you get a response that may help.
  10. I had a similar problem late in the game and out of the blue of falling through the floors at several locations used by Thuggysmurf's excellent quest mods. He came up with two optimization tweak mods that I eventually found caused everyone to fall through the floors at the revised Hotel New Rexford, Fallons head office in Concord and a massive issue at vault 59 - out in the Glowing Sea. Ended up deleting both fixes and no more issues although never did figure out what caused the issues to start after months of no problems. You have used FO4edit and Wrye Bash so you are obviously happy with load order. I assume you checked for conflicts with FO4edit - all I can think of is LOOT to see if it sees an issue - don't use the sort option!!! You didn't note what F4SE plugins you are using and would recommend High FPS fix, Buffout4 (although there is no crash so it won't help) Baka scrapheap and address library if not in your load. Good luck - half the 'fun' is searching the internet for answers....
  11. Yaa welcome to Fallout 4 eh. Are you sure it is AWKCR? I use Unified Clothing Overhaul and found out it also screwed around with weapon load order for factions and dealers such that none of my mods would show up. Had to ensure it was way up load order and anything i couldn't move i patched or punched it into UCO. It also played hell with some clothing mods, but i liked the additional choices it offered Now use Equipment and Crafting Overhaul which hates both AWKCR and UCO. Luckily works so far.... Out of curiosity is this Raider Overhaul WIP along with the official update plus the two required mods/patches? Can understand why there might be issues :) Tried overhaul and for some reason dumped it but do hate mowing down everyone cause I'm level 60 and they seem to be using slingshots so I will add it as I do like Super Mutant redux even though some of the stats are screwed and you have to fix them after every crash
  12. That is weird - I have 8.6 and no issues mind you it has been a while since I used NMM so I have forgotten how it handles conflicts. With MO2 AWKCR of course sits up top as a ESM so anything below will overwrite it. But it may be worth a check as i sometimes wonder about the level of opponents I do use Encounter Zone Recalculation (45674) to help as I prefer to do things way out of whack with what Bethesda wants :) and like you I have several mods that need it
  13. Ahh that makes more sense. I stopped using NMM because it put all the files into the Data folder and any changes or deleted mods eventually made a hash of the game files. Tried Vortex but couldn't get my head around its system so have used MO2 for some time. I like that it keeps the mod files totally separate; so if there is a problem you know it isn't a conflict with original files and way easier to clean up. Unfortunately, the only method I know is a full uninstall/reinstall of FO4 ensuring you delete all the FO4 files. There are youtube videos that show some of the files you can keep but usually it is a full wipe. Give MO2 a try. It has a NMM conversion feature that does work well. I keep my MO2 folder and mods on same drive as FO4 and the downloads on a separate drive. Works well Again there are youtube videos on switching and installing on MO2 plus coordinating programs like LOOT, Bodyslide, FO4edit to work within MO2. Good luck
  14. That is odd usually bottom of order gets the win unless you have a mod with loose files that is overwriting the overhaul? I haven't used those mods myself so can't say for certain. Another thought is a mod update could be screwing things up where they didn't before (been there done that) One thing to try if you haven't is run your load order through FO4edit and look for conflicts or try Wrye Bash - it can show other issues that may help you.
  15. Found issue at last - seems to be related to carry weight. Got tired of having to dump stuff, recycle on the go and so on so I jumped my weight carry to 400lbs using GCM with 20lb increase at each level and use zero weight for most items except weapons and clothing. Apparently at some point FO4 doesn't recognize this(?) and you basically end up limping cause it thinks you are too heavy??? Dumped most of gear and started adding stuff and I think it reset itself - no more walk , combat or FPS issues Weird
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