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Everything posted by TheLoreSeeker

  1. I like that they tried to institute the radiant quest givers options in this game just in case something like that happened. (i.e. If the quest giver dies, the quest could still be given by his/her wife, etc.) There would be someone to take over a certain NPC's job if that NPC was killed. It didn't work out exactly the same way as I had hoped, so I'd like to see more of this in the future.
  2. You write a Skrim story?!!! :smile: I write a Skyrim story TOO!!! :smile: Cool.....
  3. I thought the SAME thing about his thoughts on the MQ. Starting it at level 50? Most casual players would be totally over the game by then. The MQ is the glue that should be holding all the other things together. I didn't think it was too short, Skyrim just seems to have problems with pacing. ( I.E. How you can be welcomed into the elite circle of the Companions after 2 missions.) The guild quest lines were the ones that needed proper pacing, IMO. The main quest seemed pretty step by step. If anything I'd like to see them make the MQ in the next game have level reliant quest pops. Like stages require you be strong enough to take them on....or certain events don't occur until you've trained enough, etc.
  4. Cliche or not....defeating the villain is what adventure is about. I think the idea of the villain reconciling, swearing to turn over a new leaf, and just being "forgiven" for all the bad things they did is becoming too popular now days. Fan girls LOVE the bad guy turned good guy character....but there is something to be said about the Hollywood "bad guy gets whats coming to him" idea. Also, I'm a big fan of the "puppet master" plot twist. So I may be with you on that one.
  5. I doubt there will be a lot of Dwemer ruins or Falmer...because...its the Summerset Isle. But there will always be Daedra and Aedra.
  6. Now we begin work on our own endings lol. Bring on the quest mods.
  7. Or....you could read/watch an online tutorial on how to mod....and no...I doubt everyone will just up and leave Skyrim. The modding community is known for its tenacity and ability to stick around for a LONG time.
  8. Since when are you meant to kill Parthurnaax? It always felt like sparing him was the better ending to me.
  9. Its a shame. They're shooting down Redguard as being "just us reaffirming our protection on an old property". I guess now its really up to the Nexus to keep it alive.
  10. Yeah......if not for any story points I really would have like to see some of the other Jam Week stuff come out. I mean...they did most of them....but still. I was really holding out for some kind of "survival hardcore" mode for consoles...like in New Vegas. I mean right now Frostfall and Realistic Needs are awesome. If something like that was implemented in the game for consoles...I'd be set.
  11. IF I do Boethiah's Quest (and that is a big "IF") I can only ever feel OK about sacrificing Eola...I mean shes a terrible person already. Unless I'm playing my evil guy....in which case anyone will do.
  12. TES Adventures: Redguard. And because those regions have not been visited in a "current" game. Daggerfall and Arena were both very.....old fashioned. A lot has changed since then.
  13. Still the Imperial City...I'm pretty sure.
  14. Yeah....it gets a bit... "heated"....and the guys posting now are relatively small fish (with perhaps the exception of Kayyyleb) in the long-standing feud pond compared to some of the other debate sharks who aren't here right now.
  15. Tullius's comments on Nord culture merely hint at his ignorance of his and his inability to understand why anyone would risk their lives and the lives of their innocents for "cultural practices".
  16. I'm sorry but that's just a tired strawman of anarchism. Most anarchists favor the nonaggression princaple and individual liberty Please do not conflate anarchy iwth chaos as they are not the same thing. Chill out dude. I'm not making any kind of serious comment on your life views.
  17. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
  18. The game of thrones is perilous...and often comes at the expense of the common man.
  19. Well its slightly different if Mede is dead before you join the Imperials. If you join the Legion before killing Mede, Tullius has you swear to honor Emperor Titus Mede II. If he's dead Tullius just says "The Emperor".
  20. Titus Mede dies....thats part of the canon.....right?
  21. I have always been in support of Lithium's documents....but no one can deny that the Imperial one is written a lot worse than the Stormcloak one.
  22. Oh sorry...I should have checked to see if you were referring to something else before I accused. Yeah I just went back and reread both "The Bear of Markarth" and "The Madmen of the Reach"......the author is definitely a Forsworn sympathizer.
  23. Secondary question? Why are we casting "The Bear of Markarth" and "The Madmen of the Reach" out anyway? They don't seem particularly outrageous....just sort of written from the view of a Reachmen sympathizer.
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