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Everything posted by qwormuli

  1. In response to post #64618421. I'm not a professional at this (not even close lol) but in my impression this site does nothing to slow down your download speeds. The only thing it does is gate the maximum speed allowed (below the maximum there is little to no impact, but it doesn't allow you to go past that). While i'm not discounting the possibility of Nexus having a slowing effect on your downloads, it sill just might be on your side. If there is someone with actual concrete information here, feel free to correct or add to my post, it'd be very appreciated.
  2. In response to post #64915481. Are you sure it's not on your side? I'm not saying it is, because i had a few such days, but this site has given me pretty well capped download speeds since i joined. I've also heard claims like that pretty rarely, of which at least two cases ended up being on user side.
  3. In response to post #64775336. #65075281 is also a reply to the same post. Can't you just whitelist this site? This way you can keep letting them ad incomes rolling for sites like this, without needing to constantly switch it on and off.
  4. In response to post #56208246. #56208656, #56210846, #56214516 are all replies on the same post. <Vanguarde2017> I build stuff for a hobby. If you thought, that i jump at the chance to build a deck for you out of my own pocket, because "i have a hobby and i should do it for free", you'd be stupid. If you said, that i should have no problem with you using my tools and not returning them to me, or breaking s#*&#33; and not giving a s#*&#33;, because it's just a hobby and not a job, you'd be stupid again. Now, if you said, that me liking a few beer and a pizza for coming and fixing s#*&#33; for you is ludicrous, you might also be saying something stupid. Good thing, that you have said nothing stupid at all. Edit: the recipient.
  5. In response to post #56204381. I'd actually want to purchace premium and retain the ads. I could then just disable the ones that distract me in any way with a software in clean conscience, while leaving the harmless ones to generate well deserved funds to this site(and now towards this pool). Call me crazy or a shill, but This button in your settings would be a nice addition. Optional, of course.
  6. In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241 are all replies on the same post. Delved a bit into it. It's a cesspool, plain and simple. it steals the original creations in unsupported and often shifty messes, which i wouldn't want to inflict on my computer. No credibility, no theft protection(the other way around, in fact), no real moderation, no virus protection or detection, no real community to detect and oust these to provide some herd immunity, not to mention some heavy and backed allegations of the creator being an extremely damaging serial thief and an impersonator. Wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.
  7. In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371 are all replies on the same post. Is there Anything unsavoury About this moddrop, that is not obviously apparent? My knowledge about it is limited to their advertisement video, which makes it look like another mod hosting site.
  8. In response to post #56103896. #56125031, #56127321, #56179026, #56183806, #56187301 are all replies on the same post. Well, i personally haze zero sympathies for people not reading the description, when they have something to ask. Sometimes even i can just gloss over a mod description before installing, but i wouldn't be caught dead asking for something stated in the modpage/readme. Re-reading them is the first step to troubleshooting, and it fixes a large part of all problems. With filling the bug report page(or comments with bug reports) you don't just inconveniece the author and other users, but even yourself. You can easily save time by reading it yourself, instead of asking about it and waiting for answers. And don't get me started on the "will you do this for Xbone?" - people...
  9. In response to post #56187486. Fair point, but sadly hard to implement. Worth discussing, though.
  10. In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316, #56178271, #56179031, #56184291, #56198556 are all replies on the same post. <SanguinBlack> Except he/she is speaking some sense. Could you outline The specific part you are forced to take part in and how it is stroking you the wrong way, so i/we can even understand, what your problem is with this? You don't have to pay for anything. You don't have to donate. You are not being flagged as supporter of anything, unlessyou do it yourself. You don't have to donate to anyone, even if you stil CAN do it the same way as before, if you want to. You don't have to accept the DP from your mods, if you don't want to. Your DP is not public. You can give them to whoever you want, in whatever way you want to(withing reason). you can set the terms for your content yourself(but i'd hope any clause for that should be public at upload/changes to avoid any whammies, which i believe it is going to be, so no worries there.). Where is the forcing part in the post above? And while feedback is appreciated and almost expected on these things, should Dark0ne mediate with every single active user personally?
  11. In response to post #56103896. #56125031, #56127321 are all replies on the same post. Firstly, love your retextures. Next, i believe, that for most not endorsing is just inattention and forgetfulness, instead of laziness or anything nefarious. I, too, often go "wait, i HAVEN'T endorsed that?"
  13. In response to post #56172621. The total amount of DP is entirely private, so anyone making some flashy graphs about their earnings becomes really apparent in both good and bad, and can be easily identified and dealt with appropriately. I really have a hard ime in believng, that this becomes some popularity contest(more than it already is.). That cap, on the other hand, is an interesting idea, but needs work. One file hogging it all might be a downer, but a cap would entice an author to split up a mod in ten parts, which would become really difficult for the site, i believe. Maybe some scale? I'd first wait and see whether that becomes a problen or not, before overengineering the system.
  14. In response to post #56085816. #56102921, #56170251 are all replies on the same post. Well, authors sometimes getting fed up with users is expected, not balked at. Check any mod with "can't/won't come to Xbox" in the description, and you find at least two ponces asking for it in the comment section(at that situation they should ask permission to port it on Xbone themselves, if anything). The same is with almost every clearly stated fact or policy. Then there are the ones, who even get upset at the mod author not jumping at every comment like that. And of course there is "bestest ever" comments in the section, different strokes for different folks and all that. With that, though, this is not some Deviantart, where every slightest criticism is met with ban, and i too have made less flattering comments with no repercussions(fancy that). I might just suspect, that you were a bit more of an ass, that you're letting in on. Also, mod authors should never fear user responce, and vice versa. We are all members of this site, other just upload their creations. Also, this is an opt-in system, you aren't forced to contribute anything.
  15. In response to post #56169581. #56170296, #56171586 are all replies on the same post. You call donations from advertisement funds the end of free and voluntary modding? Not going to happen. And i'm a bit sceptical about any modder feeling like a second class citizen for making the mods he/she wants, instead of the most popular types. I think that people like that tend to be even more beloved, but that's just my point of view. And the premium system isn't dividing users either, outside of the obvious differences. I have yet to see even one even remotely serious post whinging about free users, and i have ever seen only a single post made by some asshole calling supporters disingenuous fanboys/shills(not his words, and it happened 3+ years ago). I don't think that the current change is going to create any more divide between different users/authors.
  16. In response to post #56170756. IKR? If this isn't majorly f*#@ed up(and i don't really think it will be), i can't really see the site getting crammed full of scammy asset flips and begfiles. I'm a poor af student, but sponsoring a free beer or two for a favourite modder isn't grounds for walling even the smallest of patches with 9.99€ stickers and asset hogging. Might have to scrounge up for a year of premium or something, soon(Again, voluntarily).
  17. In response to post #56171031. #56171286 is also a reply to the same post. Too bad, that most people don't seem to hold that view. Think whatever you want, but personally i think that this is still(after this, possibly even more so) the best modsite i have ever used.
  18. In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608, #55282488, #55284263, #55304058 are all replies on the same post. YES.
  19. In response to post #54937318. #54940273 is also a reply to the same post. While i support the right for a mod author to choose his/her customers, Scrolltron1c is right on this one. If you nuke any interaction possibilities from the orbit, one can't even try to resolve anything anymore, and resolving things is how a community is supposed to work.
  20. After a while of fooling around the new site layout, i'm positively impressed. The better use of screenspace, cleaner look and faster load times of the inlaid material is a definite improvement on the old design(which i still hold close to my heart). But nothing is perfect and this new layout is not one to break that rule. First and foremost, i have always been a bit baffled at the ad space usage in here. The sides went mostly unused, not to mention of all the space under the old files of the month - tab. But the new, THICK, ad bar before the hot mods space is extremely disorienting. The thinner one of the old one didn't get in the way, and could have kept people from activating their adblocks to rid themselves of the obstinate ad masses(me included. I have had this site whitelisted for ages, but have been tempted to remove it from there to help me get rid of the large banners popping up at my face every time i come.). I'd revive the old model, or invent another way to keep the ads from coming in the way of the function of this site. As another idea, one could cut the large background banner from the bottom to save space for other ads. On the layout itself, both the main page and mod pages, have a few places to improve in my opinion. The top buttons next to your account could be made uniform with the rest of the site, either in the way the more mods - subcategories are filed, or in the 'track' and 'endorse' - buttons are used in the mod pages. Do as you will, but at least let the background be clickable, instead of the text only! The search bar is a treat and i'd give a pat on the implementer's back(and possibly a case of beer). The 'hot mods' -section is still a bit unfamiliar, but i believe one can get used to it. However, i did like the zoom and extra info feature of the old design a lot. If i were given free reign on it, i'd reserve the upper part of the section for THE hot mod(instead of the current two) and let the lower mods be zoomed in on that space, when hovered over. Just my ideal situation, with the best of both worlds. On the 'more mods' - section, there are a few (a bit idealistic) suggestions. The 'Most endorsed recently added files' - option in top lists would be a fine addition in the list(my favoured tool for browsing the new mods), or even to replace the lately popular tab. My next gripe is the placement and design of the 'view more'- button. It looks like it should extend the list down, rather than take you to a new page(i'm a sucker for consistency in design, plus, i had to learn the truth the hard way, like many others, i expect). Just moving it to the right would make it more telling. Then onto the mod pages. The Picture slideshow is better, faster and zoomier. Kudos! But There is still a few kinks. Firstly, the 'report bug' - button is in the perfect place to report the fact that it's in the way of the minimize button. Otherwise, it sucks. secondly, why doesn't it minimize the whole shebang? I'd also implement the method of scrolling found in many other viewers, where the right side of the picture scrolls right, the left one left and the middle closes it(ESPECIALLY the last one!). I'd also have the "not everything in my face" - setting as the main one, from which the rest could be maximized. When one clicks a pic, he/she wishes to see the pic and not the interface. Lastly, if you have only two options for the drop-down list, why do you have it? It only works to hide the possible user-submitted pictures. It also seems to have a visual glitch with the bad scaling with two+ digits. I also enjoyed the images in the description, images etc. menu(important, i tell you!). But as you see, mostly small stuff. All of this is just the opinions and findings of a single less than professional man, and is in no way intended to s#*&#33; on the hard work of the creators of this new design. Input or other opinions would be amazing. Also, damn, this ended up long.
  21. In response to post #50261022. #50718447, #50727542, #50742147 are all replies on the same post. <TheInquizitor> While i agree that MO is indeed better and more versatile, NMM has had the ability to do most of those thing for a good while, so it grinds my gears to have people use those as a reason for MO's (subjective) superiority. Less ancient code and more certain installation(that manual installation alone is a treat) are still some of the reasons to use MO over NMM.
  22. Install 64 bit windows. It save you from many troubles down the line.
  23. Whenever i open an inventory holdin a certain item, namely a bag of flour. I get instant ctd(found out by wieveing a ctd causing inventory and removing items to find the culript, the adding it in an empty container via console, the opening the said container). I currently have no knowledge if there are other ctd prone items, but haven't found another one yet. ps. sorry for my clumsy writing, english is my third language. (EDIT: if you require other information, just ask, as this is my first topic here) (EDIT2: While digging around in SkyEdit, i found out that i couldn't find any files regarding bag of flour(or i'm just an idiot )
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