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Everything posted by saintgrimm92

  1. It doesn't show the water until I'm inside of it. So in theory I could make a trigger box in the hallway that sticks out past the water just a little and call an ontriggerenter event, disable.(), and ontriggerleave event, enable.(). But it's rerouted now, I'll try to keep this option in mind if ever build a similar cell as well. The visual for the water itself didn't appear until the camera was actually in the water. If I just stood at the edge, but inside the water, it looked like my character was just floating/swimming in the air . But moving further down the hallway would cause the camera to take on the effect of being under water as well. So there wouldn't be anything to see being disabled, as long as the trigger box hung far enough out of the water to call the script.
  2. Thanks both! I've already got it re-routed now, but I'll try to remember that before building something else a unique in this way!
  3. I've built a waterway dungeon for a mod I'm working on that's very layered. In one area, I have a hallway underneath a room that's filled with water. When going under that room, the palyer swims instead of walks. Here's a screenshot of the problem area in the CK; the separate hall going down underneath the water on the top left: Is there anyway to stop the hallway from being under water in-game? Or is it just a set rule that you can't build dry areas anywhere underneath a water plane? EDIT: going to go ahead and re-route that path to go around the water, but would still like to know if it's possible to make dry areas under water planes for future reference.
  4. I've built a dungeon with a custom textured version of DweBREntrance01 activator. (It's the secret stairs into blackreach from the area where targe of blooded is obtained) I'm trying to navmesh now, but I can only see the stairs in their "closed" state. So I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to view the activator in it's "open" state so I can see where I need to put the navmesh?
  5. I'm trying to think of ways to instantly respawn an NPC as soon as it dies. Not resurrect the same NPC, create a duplicate. The only thing I can think of would be creating a unique cell just for the NPC, call the NPC out of the cell with a quest, "NPC.MoveTo(SpawnLoc)". And on the NPC, add a script with something like: Event OnDeath(Blah Blah) If GetStage < (stage) UniqueCell.Reset() NPC.MoveTo(SpawnLoc) EndIf EndEventOr is there a better way to do this? I couldn't find a "respawn" Function and came across reset while searching for one. If this won't work, is there any way to do it?
  6. That'll take some studying to understand, but thank you very much! I'll incorporate it into my script soon as I figure it out lol
  7. I did some reading on the CK wiki about arrays but I don't really understand them yet, and the final boss in a mod I'm working on needs to use them (I think?). I'm using a script on the boss that registers for a (single) update when the boss enters combat, and every 5 seconds it checks the boss's HP. When the boss is under a certain HP, I want the updates to start casting a spell and this is where the arrays come in and I can't figure out what I need to do. I need the boss to cast the spell at random X markers (the random part is what I can't figure out how to do). I need the script to randomly select 4/9 X markers to target the spell at. What would I add to the script to make it randomly choose 4 of possible X markers?
  8. I've never really worked with arrays so not sure how to do this... I've got an NPC that's scripted to cast a spell every so often. For simplicity sake, I'll say there's 4 possible targets for the spell and I want the spell to cast at one of them randomly. How would I set that up in the script?
  9. I've made new shouts out of duplicated vanilla words of power with the intention of having the player say the words. For example, one of my shouts is made up of words "tiid" "toor" and "nos". Tiid is the first word of the slow time shout. So, I looked at the slow time shout, looked at the spells it casts, and looked at their magic effect. The only sound the magic effect plays is a sound effect (equivalent of unrelenting force's thunder sound) but no where does it seem to link to a sound file for "tiid". So how are they linked together? Where can I find the sound files for the different words?
  10. How can I control where a Dragon flies for a scene? Do I just put patrol idle markers up in the air with a patrol ai package? I can't seem to find any dragon specific markers, just perch furniture.
  11. I need a quest to update when a specific item is created at a forge. What type of event do I need to call on for this? I googled but couldn't find anything similar to "On Creation" or anything like that.
  12. In the mod I'm working on, I'm executing an NPC in a scene, and after looking at the vanilla execution scenes, I'm realizing I do NOT want to recreate all of this... So instead, I've opted to hang the NPC with the vanilla noose and the gallows resource from here on the nexus. The activator, "hangedManRopeTRIG", has a script with an object reference "Corpse". Corpse should be set to the NPC that hangs, but I need to wait until a specific point in the scene for the NPC to fill the corpse property. Scene: NPCs walk onto gallows, scene opens trap door and kills the hanged NPC. So I need something to put onto the hanged NPC like... Event OnDeath(whatever) RopeScript.CorpseProperty(Self) EndEventBut obviously, that script isn't real and won't work... So any ideas on a script to do it properly?
  13. Thanks to both of you! I skipped it for now and am working on a different boss fight, but soon as I finish this one I'll round back aground and set it up :)
  14. I'm currently adding a script to a trigger box that's around some liquid poison for a boss fight with a poison dragon. When the dragon enters the poison, it should be healed. When the player enters the poison, they should take damage. Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if akactionref == dragon Heal.Cast(PoisonStream, Dragon) EndIf If akactionref == game.getplayer() poison.cast(poisonstream, Game.getplayer()) EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) EndEvent(Also, on trigger leave, unregisterforupdate) So then for the "on update" event, how do I check to see who this is effecting? I tried: Event OnUpdate() if akactionref == dragon Heal.Cast(PoisonStream, Dragon) EndIf If akactionref == game.getplayer() poison.cast(poisonstream, Game.getplayer()) EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(5) EndEventBut since onUpdate doesn't have the akactionref syntax, it's unable to compile. I'm not the best scripter by far, so I'm not really sure on any alternatives to check and see whose inside the poison. EDIT: I've seen multiple scripts on actors, but never on triggers... Can they use more than 1 script? I could simply make 1 script for if akactionref==dragon and a completely different script for if akactionref==player. Might test that out while I wait for a reply here.
  15. In a past mod, I used an AI Package to make an NPC follow the player for certain stages of a quest. I'm doing something similar now, but I'm wondering if that's the best way? I've considered adding them to the follower faction with correct ranks to follow, then remove them from faction at a later stage. Would that conflict with followers they've already got with them though?
  16. On the mod I'm working on, I've put a texture set on multiple sets of armor (same armor, different colors) It stays the entire time I have the mod open. But when I reload it, ONLY the female AND first person female model no longer has the texture set on it. I've checked in nifskope, it DOES have "Remappable_Textures". What else could cause this? When I set the texture in nifskope, it stays correctly... But I don't really wanna make 10 nifs of the exact same armor...
  17. Ah, it was stereo not mono. Will test that now. Thanks again :tongue: EDIT: That solved it! Appears to all be working correctly now! Can't thank you enough :) Only a minor piece of the mod, but does a LOT for feel of the area.
  18. Still crashing CK cut down to 3 mins even. 48k Hz, 16-bit PCM. Tried just making it and setting it up without testing the sound. Now game crashes when I enter the area the Bards in, so def something going on with the sound file.
  19. Hm... I've cut it down to 3 minutes as close to a loop as I can.... CK crashes every time I click "Play" in the Sound Descriptor. Using Yakitori Audio Converter to convert to .wav files. Not sure what the issue could be with that? This is like the 2nd time ever I've worked with sound, so I'm not too smart with it. EDIT: Straight export from Audacity as .wav also causes crash when hitting the "play" button on audio descriptor EDIT2: Found another post that says not to use anything over 3.09. So I'll cut it down more, although it won't loop correctly any less than I have it at 3.27, but I guess a cut-off in the music is better than no music? lol Will edit the audio file more and come back with update.
  20. Thank you! That's a lot easier than recreating all the bard crap for 1 song lol It's a pretty generic track, if I cut it down right, it can be maybe 3-5 mins long and still play the same general loop, maybe miss out on a few odd notes.
  21. I'm fastly approaching 24 hours on an all-nighter, so maybe this will be less confusing and easier when I get some sleep, but I'll be up until tonight so I thought I'd ask here and hopefully get some help and get this finished today. I've got a music track that's about an hour of free-use traditional music on a string instrument. If there's a limit on the length of tracks, I can break that down into multiple, but would prefer to avoid that if possible. I've made a custom bard, and attempted to look at the bard stuff in CK, but in my current state of mind, all the quests and factions are causing more confusion than giving answers on how to do this. I want this NPC to stand in 1 spot, 24/7, playing this long track on loop. No requests, no other songs. Just stand there, strum the lute and look pretty. Would someone be willing to run me through that, or post a tutorial or something?
  22. I actually had an idea right after sending this question over PM to a friend. Would this maybe be easier to do with an item? Off the top of my head, say a skull. All 15 of the NPCs would have a skull in their inventory and instead of death triggering the int+1, taking the item would trigger it so instead of "1/15 killed" it'd be "1/15 skulls gathered" or whatever; and taking the item should correctly remove the quest compass from pointing to the snake's corpse, allowing me to keep all 15 skulls alias' set as objectives for all 15 stages of #/15 gathered. Or am I off here? I'll be working on tht specific quest shortly, so I guess I'll find if I don't hear anything back here before then!
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