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Everything posted by saintgrimm92

  1. I've already reverted to an older save, but I WOULD like my settlements back that i'd built in my save that I abandoned due to my issue. I didn't even think about quest stages though... So I'm gonna try completing the first steps quest with console on the save i abandoned, and see if it'll get to where I'm able to move him like other settlers. I really hope you just saved me a TON of boring ass building lol thanks :tongue: What kind of mainstory breaking are we talking about? My plan was vault 111 > nuka world > build up all settlements > raid them - and THEN do the main story, but if that breaks the main questline to be overboss, 90% of my saves for this character is useless :sad: @Creationkid, theres multiple places that can NEVER be raided, the castle, the brotherhood airport place, bunker hill and I think there may have been 1 more. Essential npcs means ones that dont die when their hp hits 0, they just sit on the ground for awhile, then get back up. this includes most quest npcs, and i think all followers. Sturges and preston are both essential, but the other settlers that came with them, marcy and her brother or husband, w/e are NOT essential, and if you kill them, they're dead for good, so you could technically leave them in sanctuary and still raid it. @TheMightyArchaon, I HAVE tried using the setessential (ID) 0 command on them. I was able to successfully kill all of them, but could still not raid sanctuary.It's probably worth noting though, that turning essential flags off doesnt work with the ref ID. You need the BASE ID, clicking an NPC with the console open gives only the ref id in this game. You can type "help -npc name- 4" to get the base ID, or if you're lazy like me, just search the npc's name on the fallout wiki and they list base IDs. Thanks for the idea though :tongue: In theory it really should have worked... But it never listed quests failed when he died, so they were probably still active and running, which is what I'd assume still prevented me from raiding sanc Gives me an idea though... If I complete those quests with console, they shouldn't still be running, and if I THEN kill preston and sturges with console and move codsworth, it may actually work. :D
  2. EDIT: At once I've already wasted 2 days looking for a workaround, I probably would have been close to finishing what I would have lost by reloading an older save - so I'll just reload to back before I raided the commonwealth. For some reason, you guys aren't getting what I am asking. HOW can i do those things when his only dialogue is "kill all the raiders to redeem yourself"? After overtaking the very first outpost in the commonwealth, preston will not do anything else but tell you to kill the raiders. He is unmovable, will not give any other quests, etc etc. I had discovered sanctuary couldnt be raided by leaving him in concord before I asked this question. I discovered he would not continue past going to sanctuary when I've already raided a settlement before asking this question. The question is NOT "why can't I raid sanc" I know why, because he's there. The question is not "when can i move him", because I cannot continue his quests to do so. The question is this and only this: Is there a way around that, such as mods that'll force him to move, or a mod to just flat out kill him, a console command or mod to make his dialogue let me continue minutemen quests until I can move him etc etc. A work around for a horrible game mechanic is what I'm looking for. your guys' answers are just repeating info I've already given you... Well sort of.... it's not big guns, it's right after he makes you general of the minutement, which I told you in my original post. It's quite frusterating when the only answers is just repeating crap I said in my first post... It's even more frusterating when it's repeated incorrectly. Soon as you complete his first radiant quest after taking him to sanctuary, he makes you general and he can be moved. However, I was the raider overboss and already raiding the commonwealth while he was still in concord museum, meaning I CANNOT do quests for him. So, to avoid anyone else telling me why I can't raid sanc, and giving bad info on when he can be moved this is my one and only question, for the 3rd time now: Is there a workaround (or mod) that makes it so I can continue his quests, force move him or any other way to raid sanctuary with him there after already raiding a settlement?
  3. yes, that's true. But how can I move those NPCs when I've already raided a settlement? Preston doesn't have an option to be moved after doing so. I'm not sure if Sturges does or not, I haven't tried him at once I couldn't move preston.
  4. I decided to do a fallout 4 replay with the sole purpose of taking all possible raider outposts, including sanctuary. Reddit said to follow concord until the death claw fight, then instead of talking to preston, just go do my nuka world stuff. Now, after over 80 hours and 100 levels, I've found out that skipping the minutemen quests makes it impossible. Sacntuary is a choice for raiding, but it's greyed out and unselectable. Another thing I read said that I need to do the minutemen quests until I'm made the general, then move preston and other NPCs out. However, I'm already overboss and have the first settlement + supply for the raiders in the commonwealth. It seems even if I go get preston now, I won't be able to continue the minutement quests far enough without first killing the raiders... Is there any way I can fix this? or work around it without reloading and losing about 30 some hours of gameplay?
  5. I've never worked with skeletons and would like to know how this can be done. I'm mainly looking for a tutorial or a link to one. I'm trying to create a 4 armed humanoid that can use all 4 arms in combat (weilding weapons with each). But I'm not sure how to go about doing it... Can I just open the skeleton in blender/3ds and duplicate the bones I need and just move them to where I need them? Or is there a lot more to it?
  6. im attempting to convert some of the weapons I made for skyrim to Fallout 4 using this guide: However, when I add the new weapon in-game and go to my inventory, when I try to highlight the weapon it causes an instant CTD. Anyone know how to fix it? Followed the guide to the letter.
  7. EDIT: Fixed it... But for anyone else having a similar problem, make sure steam has no updates pending. I haven't played fallout 4 since right after far harbour came out. Today, I picked up a copy of the contraptions workshop, updated fallout 4, and got ready to play... But it won't launch!!! From steam, it simply does nothing when I click play, as if the application isn't processing that I'm clicking a button (but the issue isn't within steam) When I try to run the game, the launcher or F4SE from the games directory or from NMM, it seems to load for a second, then I get a pop up from windows: Any one have any clue what's causing this??? Was working perfectly last time I played, however, I didn't try to play it before updating/installing contraptions dlc.
  8. I'd like to make some new skyrim armor... But that's a hassle...
  9. Sorry for the late reply, I went a long time without a reply so assumed it was unfixable and have just been dealing with it. I meant revert to an older FO4. I'm running 1.5.157. I updated because I heard you could use mods in survival now (which I can, but it takes a lot of work every time I want to play) I'm also running 61.20 from NMM. The news page where the latest update is talking about the new nmm and CK beta is where I got 61.20, I don't see any news posts about anything later, so maybe I don't have the latest NMM. I'll look into that! The page I was reading about using mods in survival said to make it read only, however, it CAN'T be read only if NMM is changing (adding OR removing asterisks) so that part may be a system problem? But I'll try downloading a newer NMM and also changing it to NOT read only and see what happens. Thank you for the reply :smile: EDIT: After downloading new NMM, it shows changelog and 61.21 fixed the issue I with changing load order causing plugins to disable - So I'll assume that problem at least is fixed. I won't be testing this until later tonight as I have some errands to run very shortly, but I'll keep optimistic and just assume this fixed my problems. Thank you very much!
  10. I'm having a lot of modding problems with fallout 4 currently. I updated to the new version because its easily modable, just add an astrisk by the plugin name (I also saw that the newest NMM is SUPPOSED to do this for me) and it just doesn't work... Every time I launch NMM, it REMOVES the astrisks from the plugin names and I gotta go back and add one manually to 100 mods... Every time I activate a mod, deactivate a mod, change load order, the astrisks have to be manually re-added. The file is set as read-only. Is there any way to fix this? Because if not, it's really not even worth this crap... So is there a way to revert to an older version? It wouldn't be a big deal if it only happened occasionally... But I usually play at 2 different times during the day, meaning that I have to manually add all the asterisks back 2 times a day + every time i come across a new mod I like, or decide I don't want a mod, or even if I just need to change load order... EDIT: Oh... Also every time I load it says I'm missing a mod that's in the save, can't remember exact wording, but even if I go ahead and load, save, then load the save I JUST made, it still tells me I'm missing content, but it doesn't list any esp's like it does when the asterisks have been removed, and to my knowledge, I'm never missing anything.
  11. I'm looking for a settlement (or rather, save game) to download that's amazingly cool and either has an "arena" or room for me to build one with the workshop dlc. I've been through both the settlement and save game categories here on the nexus, but didn't come across anything that would work... Maybe I missed what I'm looking for or maybe it just doesn't exist... I downloaded a few different ones, Minuteman HQ castle, Sanctuary City and Massive Sanctuary, and while all 3 are amazingly cool, they're lacking in room for me to add a fighting arena with wasteland workshop. I'm no good at cluttering, and my creativty as of late isn't very good either... So I'd really prefer something pre-built that I can work on instead of creating my own. Thanks in advance to any suggestions!
  12. Thank you very much. was indeed the beta. removed it and now working :)
  13. Today, I installed the Wasteland Workshop DLC, the survival mode beta as well as the latest F4SE beta (because it told me mine was out of date when attempting to launch the game). NMM shows all my mods activated, all of my INI files are set up correctly, however when I go to load my game, it says: "This save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available. Conintue Loading?" And it lists mods that are active in NMM, such as armorkeywords.esm, settlementkeywords.esm, etc etc. Anyone know how to fix this? Is the beta just not playable with mods? Is there a way to remove the beta from my game? It appears that NO mods are working, only offial DLC.
  14. Dark Haven Update 04 is LIVE!
  15. I wasn't aware what type of code was used on the skyrim nexus, at first tried HTML with code like this: <a name="features" /> at the location of features and <a href="#features">Features</a> in the index. I read into it and found that the nexus uses BBCode, which I know nothing about, but I found a similar code on google. [anchor=features][/anchor] at the location of features and [iurl=#features]Features[/iurl] in the index. However, neither option worked... I THOUGHT I'd seen mods in the past with an index in their description, and at once my mod has a VERY long description, I'd like an index in mine Anyone able to tell me the code I need to use?
  16. Wow, that's way above my level haha but thank you very much :) I'll add it in :D
  17. I have no idea what you mean by store them in a variable... Also, taking the example.... would I put this in the effect start, Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000005) as Boots (or maybe as feet? lol no clue) Then in the effect end Game.GetPlayer().additem(0x00000004, true, true) Game.GetPlayer().additem(0x00000005, true, true) EDIT: And hello again! :P
  18. I'm tweaking my mod before it's final release and am looking for the transformations I've created to re-equip the items the player was wearing before they transformed... But I'm not good at scripting at all... Anyone wanna help me create the script? This is what I have so far for the transformations (they're all pretty much the same, just a few diff properties) Scriptname AAEmptyGodTransformScript extends activemagiceffect Armor Property boundArmor Auto Idle Property IdleAnimation Auto Explosion Property ExplosionEffect Auto Idle Property IdleAnimationEnd Auto WEAPON Property scythe Auto armor property shield auto spell property combat auto spell property phantasm auto spell property shieldspell auto spell property stagger auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimation) Utility.Wait(3) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) Game.ShakeCamera(afDuration = 5) caster.equipItem(boundArmor, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(Scythe, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(shield, TRUE, TRUE) caster.addspell(combat) caster.addspell(shieldspell) caster.equipspell(phantasm, 2) Utility.Wait(4) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimationEnd) endevent EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) caster.removeitem(boundArmor,caster.getItemCount(boundArmor),TRUE) caster.removeitem(scythe,caster.getItemCount(scythe),TRUE) caster.removeitem(shield,caster.getItemCount(shield),TRUE) caster.removespell(combat) caster.removespell(shieldspell) caster.removespell(phantasm) stagger.cast(caster) endEVENT
  19. Fixed the landscape by editing it in CK, still a small break, but just a visible seam between the 2 cells.
  20. I'm finally finished with the mod I've been working on for about a year now. And in the final quest, I have some scripts that just won't work, the landscape's broken and some other issues at the end. At once there's a good number of issues, I'll separate them with spoilers to keep the size of this post to a minimum and also make it a little easier to read the different issues. I'll start with the landscape. This happens in 2 spots, same 2 spots every time. To fix it, I have to reload. Then it's fixed, then I get further along and another piece is broken and have to reload again. I have 2 different scripts that aren't working properly. One is a papyrus in a stage of the quest, and the other is in a scene of the quest. Second script issue -
  21. Recently, I had to combine all of the ESPs/ESMs in my mod to fix a CTD. Ever since, 2 NPCs no longer have dialogue. I've created a SEQ file for the new ESM, and started from a clean save. The first quest is started by a trigger box, and all dialogue in the quest works correctly. About 1/2 way through the quest, 2 side-quests are required to be completed and the player is told to speak to the 2 NPCs that give the quests. However, since combining the mod into a single ESM, the 2 NPCs can't be spoken with in order to start the side-quests. They just give generic greetings when attempting to talk to them, such as "hello" or "what do you need?". However, I can view the dialogue just fine in CK. Both quests are start game enabled, start up stage is 0. Stage 0 is just an empty stage, and talking to the NPC sets the stage to 10, which actually starts the quest and adds it to the player's journal. The dialogue options require stage 30 in the main quest and less than stage 10 in the side quest. I've checked and the stage of the main quest is indeed stage 30 in the main quest, but I simply cannot get the dialogue options to appear in-game. Just to be clear, the quest was working before I merged the ESPs.
  22. I want to keep it as simple as possible... Might just skip the BSA version and urge users to use NMM instead of manual. I personally very rarely get mods that require any kind of ini editing unless it's something I "just have to have" lol. So I'll just kick that idea out the door :P As for the download issue, I think I'll make a main file download for the same things that I was going to put in separate BSAs... That way the scripts will download very quickly and have less of a chance to get messed up. As I and everyone who I personally sent the mod to for testing is 100% unable to replicate or figure out the cause of the scenes simply not starting for a few people, and thus requiring console commands to progress the quests, it's the only thing left I can think of that could have happened; considering it's only a handful of people.
  23. In my mod, Dark Haven, a few people were having issues with the scenes not firing as they should. I've discovered this was caused by corruption in the download. With larger files that take a lot of time to download, it is possible, whether due to the nexus hitting a hiccup, or the downloader's own internet dropping off or going too slow, a file can get corrupted. I've been led to believe that this is most likely what happened to a small number of people, and certain scripts were either not downloaded or not working correctly. I've finished making the final quest expansion, and am going to upload a complete main-file for the mod as well. I'm wanting to split it up to avoid such issues. I know Skyrim uses meshes, textures and misc BSA files, however, everything I've read says the BSA has to be the EXACT same name as my esp/esm. Dark Haven is HUGE at this point, with over a year of creating new armors, weapons and more, the total size of everything together is 7gb (that's loose, not in a zip file). And although 80% of the assets are inside of my own specific folder, I have asked for assets from other users, meaning that there ARE other folders. While I plan to release a loose file version, I'd also like to create a BSA version to make manual install/uninstall much easier. So, would it be possible to create 3 BSAs for a single ESM file? A meshes, textures and misc (which would hold LODsettings, Scripts, Sounds) If not, is there any other way for people to have a "simple" install of over 5gb JUST in textures? http://s20.postimg.org/uzwobl3kt/Capture.jpg
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