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Everything posted by xNxmod

  1. Im trying to figure out what its not working... For example if i take a simple vanilla blender cube (also without texture) export it as .obj and put it in outfit studio i can still use outfit studio to convert as .nif (and the model has no texture). I think that its not working for you probably because 1) You do not have third party programs like net framework 2)Your model is builded up as a plane and not as a cube or is corrupted 3)Or outfit studio or blender is corrupted. 4) You are using a blender 2.68b or 2.49b Try to export and convert a simple cube, and if it works the problem is your model and not a program.
  2. The script is Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(FormList01,true,akOtherContainer= ContRefrence) This is the base script, there is the way to make it works also for other container, i start to think that this thing needs a full tutorial
  3. Try this: 1) Open the ck and make a copy of the settlement workbench 2)Rename it and if you want change the model with a vanilla or a custom model 3)In the page of the new item there are also the script of that item, simple "put out" the settlement script This are the basics, if there is something that its not clear, simple ask
  4. Yes, on youtube there are a lot of tutorial about nifskope, outfit studio, 3ds, blender and also alchestbreach made a tutorial about retexture. Also Elianora and Gambsmoore made a lot of tutorial that can really help you.
  5. There is a tutorial on the fo4 nexus about power armor, simple write "tutorial" on the search bar.
  6. I use the 2.77a version of blender and export as obj and convert it in outfit studio (not bodyslide). I do not use 2.49b blender. One question, are you exporting a weapon or a armor? Because armor needs weight before you export them.
  7. Hello im searching this program for fallout to convert .nif but i don-t know where download it... i also search in tool folder of fallout 4, in the data folder, but nothing!
  8. In nifskope there is a sphere that need to cover the object that you are creating. Here a good tutorial, search also how to create an armor for fallout 4
  9. Also search on youtube, google, skyrim nexus, fallout nexus and, oblivion nexus all the tutorial about this programs.
  10. search for 3ds, blender for the model meshes Photoshop or gimp for the textures outfit studio, nifskope, fo4edit and the creation kit are also required to convert what you create from file in .3ds or .obj to .nif that is the file that the game need
  11. There is a video about texture on youtube for fallout 4, its made by alchestbreach, on the comment there is a lot of people that say dxt5 is the right format for fo4
  12. I don't know if you can (legally) take vanilla assets from a game and put in other... For example when tale of two wasteland was created they don't put assets of a game in another but they create a converter that transfer assets of fallout 3 to new vegas. So to make (legally) possible your mod the way is create a convertor for who has already buy new vegas and not make a downloader with the songs.
  13. go on directional ambient lighting and set the button for the same light
  14. Well there is a very good tutorial about sword for fallout 4. Search on youtube converting custom meshes to fallout 4 nif
  15. For the collision try to use the box from a vanilla weapon. About the crash are you sure its because the collision?
  16. To create a new weapon you need Blender (or 3ds) gimp (or photoshop) nifskope outfit studio creation kit Make the mesh and uv with blender and export as obj, do the texture with gimp, import the obj in outfit studio and export as .nif, "clean" the .nif in nifskope, import in creation kit. Search also fallout 4 modding tutorial on mod talk forum area, there you can found a lot of info.
  17. Hello everybody, the problem here is that there is no tutorial about LOD for Fallout 4. Nothing. I only found an old one of 2012 about skyrim but fallout 4 use different texture and meshes so i don't know how to start... anyone who can help me? How i create create my own lod models?
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