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Nexus Mods Profile

About HomicidalGrouse

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Clear Sky
  • Favourite Game
    Too many.

HomicidalGrouse's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. In response to post #71749438. #71760963 is also a reply to the same post. You got something against profit? People who provide a service (that you apparently find valuable in some way, evidenced by your presence here) getting paid?
  2. Immersive Armors is a must-have mod for me. It was on my shortlist of mods I was waiting to be ported to SSE before even bothering to start a playthrough.
  3. In response to post #64095256. " Members who are in the Supporter member group OR who consistently do not use Adblockers on Nexus Mods." Supporters don't see ads anyway. It's basically the whole point of being a supporter.
  4. In response to post #56262141. #56262426, #56262576, #56262581, #56262936, #56263031, #56263146, #56266491, #56267106, #56267256, #56274311, #56277726 are all replies on the same post. Nothing is preventing people from continuing to not do that after the implementation of this system.
  5. In response to post #55597599. #55598659 is also a reply to the same post. Comparing your personal distaste for a website's redesign to EA's MT implementation in a full-priced-with-DLC game is absolutely asinine...
  6. In response to post #55569459. #55569819, #55576134, #55577769, #55583519 are all replies on the same post. Forums weren't killed by Facebook and Instagram, they were killed by Reddit. People started hating forums because they didn't want to sign up for a completely different forum every time they wanted to discuss something else. Reddit provides a forum-like platform where anyone can make a forum about pretty much anything, and nobody has to sign up for it again. They already have a reddit account, so they can join as many different forums discussing as many different topics as they wish with no extra sign-ups. No weird quirks to figure out from one forum to the next. Everything is largely consistent and you can browse around to as many different things as you want. These things aren't popular because all the normie CEOs want your info or whatever. They're popular because they're useful and convenient. People dislike them because they put on the rose-tinted glasses and let their nostalgia get the better of them.
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