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Everything posted by cossayos

  1. So, this may seem like a minor issue, but I actually like the snarky companion comments when my character is barely dressed. It's also that Cait and Hancock actually like it and it adds to their disposition. I had this since day one, that I'm obviously losing the flags, since nobody comments anymore. Now it seems tied to visiting Far Harbor for the first time, since it stops right there. Anyone know about this issue and knows how to fix it?
  2. OK, I get them in workshop, in pip boy and now when I try to collect gear from a fallen enemy. I get them at randon points in game and at certain clearly defined regions/cells, which aren't modded at all. Such as the robo junk yard, near Synctuary. This is my load order, according to LOOT. Does anyone see some possible conflicts or incorrect order? Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm Homemaker.esm Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp ScrapScrap.esp DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp Simple Intersection.esp DD_All_the_COncrete.esp LongerPowerLines3x.esp Sanctuary Clean Roads.esp UniquePlayer.esp UniqueFollowers.esp CBBE.esp Dirty Raiders Standalone for CBBE.esp SettlersRename.esp BetterSettlers.esp BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp RezSettlerMakeover.esp SpringCleaning.esp SC_ExpandedAnimation.esp SC_ExpandedConcrete.esp SC_ExpandedDirtGrass.esp SC_ExpandedHedges.esp SC_ExpandedLanterns.esp SettlementAttacksBeyondFH.esp SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp ImmersiveVendors.esp HidePipboy.esp ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp ScrapDeadThings.esp VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp Mauser.esp P99.esp M1911.esp AkaSinger.esp Colored Workshop Lights.esp CleanPoweredDoors.esp Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
  3. Yeah, they can. I was called to synth infiltrator incidence (using better alerts) and there was a Brahmin. I was reluctant to believe it to be the infiltrator and had to chase it for quite some time when it finally registered that it was indeed the cause of trouble.
  4. i have CTDs in certain regions too. Not the same regions, mind you. And the particular regions are entirely vanilla. Not even a modded settlement in the vicinity. Since I don't use any environmental mods, there should be nothing interfering with the cells. For me, the robot scrap yard is a sure CTD point when entering the cell.
  5. Tastes differ. If it was only about go anywhere, do anything, I wouldn't touch Bethesda games. They mostly lack soul in their vanilla state, since I hardly feel to be part of the world. But as a matter of fact, I like different games for different reasons. I never played the Witcher, but I played the Dragon Age series. Game companies usually don't copy each others style because they all have their audience to cater to. If everyone made open ended open world games, noone would buy them anymore.
  6. Not really a headscratcher, since the game is designed to raise happiness when you pay them a visit.
  7. greygarden shouldn't need food or water in the first place, if there are only robots. But I noticed the same, happiness keeps decreasing without any obvious reason.
  8. I'm one of these people. I couldn't imagine playing a sandbox, which these games ultimately are, without some additional flavors. The story never was Bethesda's strong suit. And other than that, they offer little besides fight, fetch, repeat. That's different with other game genres and companies. There are quite a lot of games where I don't even go looking for mods.
  9. 1) I certainly hope so. Would be fun to rule over your own peasants in the next Elder Scroll game. 2) They've got a long way ahead of them if they want to beat Bioware in this game. Bioware has flaws of it's own, but their strengths are companions and romances. I hope, at some point, if even possible, modders take up on the companion aspect. Such as not being able to create a mixed harem, dating nearly all of the possible companions. Some of the FO4 companions are really interesting, as far as writing is concerned, but the romance feature is rather meh.
  10. I moved all the files, except plugins.txt to my desktop. DLClist.txt recreated itself containing my active plugins. It doesn't seem to have any ill effects that the other files are no longer present. It didn't resolve the CTD issue either. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it seems the crashes happen less frequently now.
  11. Yeah, you know. In an ideal game world with unlimited resources, this would be a challenge and fun. Give that this is not the case, games end at some point. Either because the developers reached the end of their intended story arc or because the player simply gets bored by the game not offering anything new after the main quest. That's why I agreed to you saying that FNV handled it best in my opinion. And I reallly would be interested what percentage of players keeps on grinding after finishing the main in Bethesda games. I always tend to start over with some new player, trying out different tactics.
  12. Yes, but these game don't really offer that option. After the main quest they just offer more of the same radiants, some fetch and carry and some go there, kill that quests. If one story DLC offered that kind of option, it would be nice, but I have yet to see it. Broken Steel certainly doesn't fall into that category, since it's all about fighting. It would be interesting how many people actually go on playing the games after the main quest. FO4 might be the first one offering at least some kind of incentive, given that there's no level cap and given the settlement building.
  13. Yeah, I think FNV handled it best. Do what you want with this world, but if you embark on the last journey, it's game over. Even with Morrowind, which offered a novel concept at the time, I felt no incentive to continue after having beaten the game.
  14. I looked into my AppData folder and noticed that only plugins.txt is up to scratch. All the other files are from December/January. My loadorder.txt as well as the DLCList.txt, as well as the loadorder.nmm.bak. Could this be the reason for carshing?
  15. The premise is bad. I tend to ignore it too, but it paints your character into a pretty tight corner, since you get reminded of your child ever so often. Even if you try to evade the particular dialogue options. At some point you have no chance to evade it, since the dialogue wheel doesn't let you out before you have clicked the child option. See Piper's interview for reference as well as the Lungs, whom I didn't even tell the reason for my being here, by the way. They're just telepaths, obviously. And then my character gets all teary and sentimental although I don't give a damn.
  16. I finished FONV twice, but it's an Obsidian game. FO3 maybe once or twice and Sykrim once. I didn't finish FO4, so far. Probably because I never found a real incentive to keep playing after the mainquest. The older titles don't look any better, as far as crossing the finish line is concerned. Morrowind, I believe once and Oblivion once or twice.
  17. I don't know what it is with any Bethesda game in it's vanilla state. I never think they're bad games and I keep coming back to them, over and over. But I hardly ever finish them. At some point I always get bored. That's no better or worse with FO4 than with every other Beth game. I think, they did a lot right with this one, but what frustrates me to no end is that they still haven't managed a NPC population reacting to your achievements. Unmodded, of course, since I've got remove stupid lines installed, which takes care of the worst immersion breakers.
  18. It reintroduced the blue screen of death to me quite frequently. And no, I'm not a big fan either. At least without some serious mod barrage to make it interesting and playable. Not because I don't like fantasy, but because of nobody even remotely recognizing your achievements, thereby ruining immersion entirely. If you make head of some guild and still are treated like the new stablehand, it's not exactly interesting. I tolerated that with Morrowind and Oblivion to a certain degree, but not after FO3 where they did better in that department. It has been modded, but to me, the vanilla game was extremely meh.
  19. I guess, once the patching and the DLCs are over, modders will really make a bigger difference than they already do. No constant changes anymore. Well, provided there are enough interested people to keep this going.
  20. Ich glaub mich zu erinnern, dass NPCs gewisse begehbare Pfade haben, die du natürlich nicht siehst. Irgendwas habe ich aber darüber gelesen, dass das in der Engine so festgelegt ist. Wenn du also versuchst, irgendwelche Leute reinzumodden und die dann gegen Wände laufen, scheints mir logisch, dass ihnen alle anderen Pfade abgeschnitten wurden und die nur mehr gegen die Wand laufen können. Aber wie gesagt, ich bin kein Experte. Einige von den Moddern hier würden sicher mehr zu dem Thema wissen. Nur halt nicht auf deutsch.
  21. Solltest die Frage auf englisch und etwas detaillierter stellen. Ich glaub kaum, dass da viele deutsch sprechende Leute, die auch noch Ahnung vom Problem haben, rumlaufen. Ich kann mir jedenfalls nicht wirklich was drunter vorstellen.
  22. So, my question is simple, but beyond me in this game. Are there any suggestions for a correct load order and how to manage it? I'm not sitting before my home rig right now, and so I can't list all the mods I've installed, but I can give an overview to illustrate what I'm aiming at. I've got CBBE, Unique player, Unique followers and body slide. And a few hairstyle mods In the settlements department I got various Sanctuary mods, especially repaired roof, bridge, clean streets, colored workshop lights, spring cleaning, and of course homemaker. Don't call me Settler, Beter settlers and Singing setller I also have the unofficial FO4 patch installed. The reason why I'm asking is, because for one, I get frequent CTDs in workshop/pip boy. Also because Settlement keywords, the newest version, for some reason messes royally with Unique player Bodies. i assume, this has to do with load order, since it should do nothing to the PC or NPCs. Up to now, I let LOOT handle matters. But it doesn't seem to work out just right.
  23. I had the more or less the same - out of the blue. Suddenly my game just stopped working. CTD at various stages of startup. At the latest at the load screen. Which was extremely frustrating, since I didn't change anything about my configuration between the game working fine and not working at all. Without any guarantees - what I did was to deactivate all mods in NMM. Then I verified game cache in steam. The game started again. I did a clean save and reinstalled the mods one by one, always looking if any of them had been updated since the version I already had downloaded.
  24. The inside workshop/pip boy CTDs are a pest since 1.5. And I have to join the OP in saying my (modded) game was rock stable between release and patch 1.5. Now I always have to save before entering workshop mode or open up the pip boy. In order to not lose all my progress. CTDs while playing happen, but not often. And no, I've got no UI mod installed. Unless Homemaker counts as UI mod.
  25. Once again, Obsidian, not Bethesda. Bethesda was only the publisher, if I'm not mistaken. So taking FNV as an example kind of misses the mark. This can only be compared to FO3 or Skyrim. And in both cases the DLCs weren't top of the pops. FO3 had 3 story DLCs. I'm not counting Anchorage, since it was purely shoot, shoot, repeat and I'm not even sure, if I should count Broken Steel, since it also didn't do much in terms of story. Skyrim had two, and that's being generous.
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