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Everything posted by antstubell

  1. Yep. ((Self as ObjectReference) as Actor).EquipItem(MyLight, true) This does it. Thanks.
  2. It compiles and kind of works. The NPC - Falmer - has nothing to do, is friendly, cell has no navmesh, he is just for testing purposes. Only thing he has in inventory is torch01 so he just stands/crouches where I placed him. On coc into cell he equips torch for a second then unequips it. Moderate success I'd say.
  3. Tried that, my OP shows the script. Never mind, I'll go with the triggerbox. Thanks.
  4. Very helpful, thank you. Oops. Won't compile on actor. I think it is because the script is an object reference, I could be wrong. cannot cast a smtoncellattachactorequipitem to a actor, types are incompatible
  5. So as title says I want a NPC to equip an item when player enters cell, in this case it is a torch. I'm in two minds whether to use OnCellAttach or OnCellLoad - not sure what it better or proper. I placed this script on the actor then realised I couldn't select the sctor as a property if the script is running on that actor. As a shot in the dark I tried... Didn't work as expected. So help with this please.
  6. Like I said I'm an ass. Thank you.
  7. I need somebody to make me look stupid by showing me what's wrong with this script. (20,6): no viable alternative at input '\\r\\n'
  8. Ok, I'll detail what I want. When player picks up a light source, in my case either a torch, a lantern or a candle I want a message to appear that says "It is always advisable to keep a source of with you." Appear once only. I thought that having a quest run as start game enabled and adding a script to the quest would manage this. The bare bones of the script... I put this script in the scripts of the quest. My original question was how do I make the quest address this script? Is the script already running because the quest is running? I don't see the message. Do I need a papyrus fragment to run the script?
  9. Spell it out because obviously I don't get it.
  10. So I have a quest and I've made a script in that quest called SMTaddLightSource âWhat is the papyrus fragment I have to use in a quest stage in order for the script to run? Do I need a property? Thanks.
  11. Tried this... Got these... variable mySconceObjRef is undefined cannot cast a none to a removabletorchsconce01script, types are incompatiblevariable mySconceObjRef is undefined none is not a known user-defined type
  12. Having problems with the script. This line which I placed before the event.. ObjectReference myTorchObjRef = (mySconceObjRef as RemovableTorchSconce01Script).PlacedTorch gives these errors... no viable alternative at input '(' required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'as'Unknown user flag mySconceObjRef
  13. Scriptname RemovableTorchSconce01SCRIPT extends ObjectReference Hidden Properties properties.jpg - OneDrive (live.com)
  14. I made a video showing what I mean. The lantern acts the same as a torch. At the beginning you can see the few objects inside the ship cabin. When the ship begins to tilt these objects are disabled including the sconce but as you see at the end the lantern that was in the sconce is still there. I can't click on it in CK because it isn't shown. The default sconce script which is what it uses requires a property to be filled that says 'put a torch in the sconce'. When the game loads the torch appears. Torch.mp4 - OneDrive (live.com)
  15. I made a lantern that effectively is a torch so I'll refer to my lantern as a torch because the idea is the same. The sconce is 'loaded' has a torch already in it. It is enabled/disabled by a xmarker. When my scene begins this sconce, along with other items has to 'go away' be disabled. The sconce itself does disable but the torch remains floating there. If player has taken the torch from the sconce all is good. How can I disable the torch that is in the sconce? Thanks for the help.
  16. I tried... ... didn't work. Anyway I'd like to avoid a quest just for this so I placed this script on a xmarker to test and got no nofification.
  17. Checked Wiki for info on this but no results. I want player to stagger when my explosion explodes. Currently trying PlayerRef.KnockAreaEffect(1, 3000) but getting no player stagger. I don't know the parameters for this formula either. Help please.
  18. Very simple script that I simply cannot parse correctly. Just want to move all player items to a chest including quest items.
  19. "Thankfully, the OnItemAdded event does not require that it be the player which adds the items. Thus you could add your gear to the mannequin via script on another object. They should then wear the gear per normal." So I could for example use an OnTriggerEnter event where the player enters the cell that adds the outfit to the mannequins inventory and the makes them equip it? Am I on the right lines here?
  20. I never use saves to test mods. I coc into the cell from the title menu so player is always the starting default character.
  21. I removed the manually installed USSEP files and my mannequins work fine - they wear the armour. I downloaded from Bethesda Mods USSEP and the mannequins that have the custom armour are fine, the mannequins with the default ebony armour are... naked. So it is USSEP. What else can explain that installing something causes a problem and uninstalling it fixes the problem?
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