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Everything posted by antstubell

  1. Ah! I see it now. Yes it would work when changing to < 512. I will use this script in the future as it's a really useful one. Thanks.
  2. Ok, t moved the activate event and now the script does work. Unfortunately it doesn't do what I want. I set up the objects in an open world space and when activated, even though player was a very, very long way from the fire, player was burnt to death. Thanks for helping but I've since used a different approach.
  3. I had a CC mod installed some time ago but since then I've changed drives, reinstalled etc. It's obvious then if I add this asset to my mod it will not appear in my mod when somebody downloads it.
  4. Thanks for all your help. maxarturo script doesn't produce anything but thanks. I'll figure out a different approach.
  5. There are 3 entries for poison bloom. 1 is an ingredient, I doubt maxarturo means this, other 2 are activators. DLC1TrapPoisonBloom01 and DLC1TrapPoisonBloomGas. Which one are you referring to? EDIT: The objects have to be copied from the poison bloom to the fire volume because the fire volume is a moveable static, the poison bloom is an activator. I doubt i can translate an activator. I could be wrong but doubtful,
  6. Can't just copy the bhkSPCollisionObject have to copy the NiNode that contains it or Nifskope errors. With that said even after copying the NiNode with collision successfully when attempting to add it to CK as an activator or moveable static it causes fatal error and crashes to desktop.
  7. It's no good, tried every search, everywhere. Just doesn't exist on my PC. Now here's a question. I can get the object into CK that I like but because it's not archived anywhere I'm sure if I use it, it will just show up as the big red exclamation mark. Is it possible - Looooooooooooooooooong shot - that somehow I can get this object from within CK and copy it to a place where I can actually deal with it?
  8. Mmm. Still can see the 'jerky-ness' happening. The fire volume translates very smoothly. Maybe I'll make some invisible collision (no object collision) and force player back. Shame this can't be done without a great deal of effort.
  9. I'm using BFXFireVol01 which is large volume of moveable static fire but doesn't actually do any fire damage. It's advantage is that I can translate it. In this scenario moving ever closer to the player. I'm using the trigger box DB10FireTrigger to cause damage to the player. Disadvantage of this is that trigger boxes can't be translated so I set up about 5, when each one is enabled it reduces the space in which player is safe from burning making player back themselves eventually into a wall. Then stuff happens and all is good, just a little singed. Problem with enabling these fire damage triggers is that it 'jerks' the player back. Sometimes the fire volume is ahead of the fire damage box and vice-versa. So player can notice "Hey, I'm standing in fire and nothing happens." Other times "WTF, I'm burning and the fire isn't near me... yet." I don't think this can be scripted but I am frequently wrong. You see the dilemma. A translatable fire damage 'thing' would be super useful but alas I know not of one. That sounded Shakespearian that last bit. Ideas, help please.
  10. But I've searched my drives. No such file/folder exists.
  11. I think I'm getting it. A state prevents other stuff from happening while a script is processing code. If I changed the last state GoToState ("Done") in the above script to GoToState ("Waiting") would this then set up the trigger box to be fired again? BTW the script that was posted by dylbill repeatedly fires. The debug message reappears on screen all the time. Could I just Self.Disable() or Self.Delete() the script/trigger box to stop this? EDIT: And the oil trap doesn't self activate.
  12. Just found some nice objects in a folder that seems not to exist anywhere on my computer but CK sees it. How can I access these objects, I want to mesh-mash them? https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=B60C11D037429D8E&id=B60C11D037429D8E%2153144&parId=B60C11D037429D8E%21191&o=OneUp
  13. What's the difference when a state ("IsInBrackets") like that and not. What are the states doing in this short script and why do they have different names - busy, done, waiting?
  14. Can one of you guys define a STATE and it's purposes/usage in papyrus scripting? @dylbill Script compiles and works but repeatedly fires.
  15. Ishara - Yes compiles but unfortunately nothing happens. I've tried every type of Collision Layer for the primitive but no success.
  16. @cumbrianlad Back up and running I see. Welcome back.
  17. So you stole my idea? Kidding. I have a Tarot card reading in my mod. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=B60C11D037429D8E&id=B60C11D037429D8E%2153143&parId=B60C11D037429D8E%21191&o=OneUp My tarot reading 'results' are based on what player has done or not done, who player has met or not, what perks and levels the player is at, factions joined and some random variables because that's how life is.
  18. As said, script still won't compile. cannot compare a objectreference to a light (cast missing or types unrelated)
  19. The final line EndEvent should be EndState or script errors. When changing final line to EndState get error - cannot compare a objectreference to a light (cast missing or types unrelated)
  20. In a previous thread I asked how to get a NPC to drop a torch - got that sorted out. Now I need the dropped torch to ignite the oil pools he is standing in. I've considered traps but don't want the visual of a trap being set off. Player has no access to magic, neither do NPCs in my mod, so no spells allowed. Ideally the dropped torch would be the ignition source. Help and advice appreciated.
  21. To add to this scene I am doing, NPC drops torch into oil traps spread out around him, yep fire-starter and I want him to go up in flames. In the past to ignite oil traps I used a hidden falling oil lamp. Is there a way I could get the fire to start when the torch hits the ground? EDIT: I'll start a new thread on this topic.
  22. Just thinking about this and it could be useful. I'd like a NPC to drop an object, whatever event I decide to call - yet undetermined - and the object appear on the ground. I'm guessing PlaceAtMe would be involved. Other trickery could be removing the item from NPC's inventory and enabling same item on the ground and is maybe the easiest way. I guess I'm looking for the action of 'the drop' for immersion but I suppose that doesn't exist. Just a thought, feel free to leave comments but not an essentially needed thing.
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