I downloaded this mod on steam workshop that allowed me to wield lanterns. After i tried it i decided i didn't like it so i tried to remove it from my data folder and unsubscribed it on steam workshop. problem is that now my torch animation is gone. The stance where the character/npc is standing holding a torch in front of him is no longer there. it just looks like I'm standing normally, but when i equip a torch, the torch stays in my hand but I'm not holding it in front of me. its the same if i make an npc hold a torch as well. I tried reinstalling the lantern wielding mod, but now the lanterns aren't holding correctly as well. i think i lost the torch stance. i don't know how to get it back. This is how my character looks when I'm trying to hold a torch http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052359223/screenshot/524906243892774433 This is how my character looks when I'm trying to hold a lantern with the lantern mod. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052359223/screenshot/524906243892822613 Any help would be appreciated