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Everything posted by DavinaJo

  1. I'm neither a admin or a moderator but i've noticed that when and if i get a file not exist it's usually because one of 3 things 1. the mod owner has pulled current version for update 2. mod owner has been banned (temp or perm. ) so the files are suspended until moderator and administrator decide on the fate of the mod owner or 3 the Mod Owner has decided they're fed up with modding for Skyrim and or the modding scene in General and closed shop not much can be done about any of these states, further if you read the notice on a pulled mod page it says not to bother the moderator or admin about this (they're aware of the fact the mod you want is pulled.) on the consolation side you might try to google the mod to see if it being hosted elsewhere or you can look for another mod that does the same thing. one other thing to remember the Mod Owner(s) has been considerate enough to share their work if and when it time to go and the mods get pulled for whatever reason we have to respect the owners/Moderators /admins decision.
  2. I also have a simular question except basically mine is weather to SLI or Not my System is fairly decent with the exception of my video card (GeForce 460 GTX 1Gib Video Memory Main Board ASUS (don't ask model) SLI Capable with I7 Intel Chip 3.4/3.4 4cores 8Gib DDR3 Main memory standard Sata Harddrive 1TB partitioned windows 7 64bit Home Premium haven't touch hd textures and/or the DLC pack simply because i read a 1 gig card can't handle them also haven't touched STEP for simular reasons though i've used some of the suggestions in the mod. At any road i'd like to purchase a 600 series card is it worth bothering with SLI if i go with a 2gig GeForce 610 or better. I'm not really into the newer games outside of TES Elder Scrolls most of my games run fine with current card (exception is MineCraft with high def texture packs.) The other consideration is that I use a Dual Monitor setup and in the pass when i used a SLI config i had to disable the dual monitor settings. I'm not into the real tech end of Graphics card/monitors just want to know if there is advantage in SLI or should i just get a single Card so i can experience Skyrim with the better Graphics. I'm aware that SLI doesn't double the vram capacity it Just allows a faster video processing by sharing VPU's Thanks in Advance and for your time.
  3. How about this > http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22843 please read Discription Carefully.
  4. You might want to look at this. Link>http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14322
  5. Actually there is a pregnacy mod : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12419
  6. @ ShinogiMa, do you use the nexus Mod Manager if you do (and depending if you used the download with manager option on site) you should have a backup copy of the mod in a sub folder under my documents (that is if you didn't delete that also. i believe the path is C:\users\(your name here)\My Documents\My Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods. This may/may not be correct or be different depending on your setup. to quote the immortal modder /gamer "backup once backup often!" most likely the mod owner has decided to pull the mod for whatever reason, also may or may not have been banned or just doesn't want to continue modding for skyrim.
  7. I remember that there was a mod that altered the word wall location so Player's character didn't need to join the following factions DB, Theives Guild and Mages (Winterhold) to get access to them problem is i can't get the search engine to return anything like that when i use keys wordwall alter or moved. problem is I really don't want to spend hours going through all the catagories in the nexus to just to find one mod. Problem is of late that a lot of mods are being pulled. TIA for any help.
  8. I know this may sound obvious but have you / are you using BOSS to help with your load order? before i started using it I had problems with in game play (particularly if i try to get beyond 30 or more mods ) one thing to note if you use boss you may have a lot of changes to do at first (moving the list order about) I hope this helps.
  9. I have a question how many have recently added Hearthfire then try to enter Breezehome in Whiterun from either the default door or through a mod like Dovakiin's Hideout. I'm using Boss to order my mods and before i bought the DLC everything worked fine including the mods that BOSS doesn't have in it's catalog. however since i've added Hearthfire Breezehome interiors fail to load (won't get pass the door ), game goes into load sequence then CTD if I disable the DLC, Breezehome is fine... note this doesn't happen with any of the other homes in Skyrim just Breezehome I'm wondering if this is due to the fact Hearthfire content uses the provinces closest to Whiterun and therefore affects Breezehome. P.S. not sure which logs i need to access/copy so someone might be able to figure this out.
  10. I've had a problem with the Quest Diplomatic Immunity the problem starts when i enter the Thalmor Embassy instead of being greeted properly by Elewynn she makes some pompass statement about what she does, instead of greeting me and then Malborn distracts her this happens if i manage to enter before the drunk does sometimes if i enter exactly the same time but couple with this is that none of the other guests are there. I'm using the PC version of Skyrim and know how to use the console key aka tilte key i just don't know the command that will forward the quest so i can get malborn to unlock the door behind the bar, what i usually have to do is enter in the console is unlock after clicking on door(s) what is also strange that i cannot give the drink to the drunk also the wait command doesn't work it just says cannot wait in this area (any area for that matter) and i've had to kill my temp. saves and restart the quest i just don't know what causing this to happen. any suggestion would be nice. Thanks in Advance. P.S. this error isn't covered in the Wiki or game sites as part of the walkthroughs
  11. I too like the others have used third party body mod, however my choice was CBBE (btw CBBE has from almost the first had a slim option and still does it also allows for smaller top and bottoms (if that is your thing ) this along with XCE, IMHO does help (i found that the body mod by itself didn't correct the short comings. in the long run i guess if your trying to slim line your game to enable least amount of problems due to mods i guess you could go with default and XCE and leave it at that the only gripe that i have is that vanilla hairstyles leave a lot to be desired.
  12. To whom it may concern i have run across a problem with running skyrim on my Acer Laptop the game itself doesn't have a problem with installation or even running but the mouse pointer fails to track properly @ decent resolution in game (mouse icon floats all over the place ) (this problem doesn't happen in windows (version 7 64bit). however this problem seems to disappear when i lower the resolution however playing the game in this lower resolution is terrible and using mods just doesn't help. my laptops specs are as follows: AMD Athlon II X2 Processor P340 @ 2.2ghz ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 17.3 HD LED LCD 4GIG DDR3 RAM Sound Realtek High Def Audio Windows 7 Home Preium 64bit with SP1 Steam version Built March 19 2012 API v0.12 Skyrim versions 1.3.x.x to present p.s. i've notice this problem practically from when i first perchased this game however i figured it was due to the fact i had a mobile video card and chalked it up to that, however the games does run it just one small problem that could be fixed but i have no clue as to how to do this with out lowering the resolution and really as well all know skyrim for that matter Oblivion just doesn't look or play very well when the resolution is lowered too far. n.b. i've used a driver update program to get the most recent drivers for both mouse and the video card (not to mention the rest of the system) but there is very little change in the problem. TIA, if anyone has a solution to this or knows how to work around this as i like to play this game a lot and not being able to do so on my laptop is pain.
  13. I think what your asking for can not be done as a mod as what is need relies on (and i might be getting techinical here ) calling to windows or the subroutines in windows that have to do with cursors. this would be something only Bethesda and or someone with years of knowledge of Windows might tackle.
  14. To Whom it may concern, I too notice problems last night as well ( North American -5 Greenwhich Mean Time ( Eastern Standard) however this morning i could log in but i notice that none of the pictures and none of files are accessable links do not work. ( that is to say pictures relating to files and file links ). say that this is due to the upgrade you mentioned. any info would be appreciated. thanks.
  15. @ Agent Claymore, Very nice setup. one question now (I'm not sure of the exact date the bethesda released the patch) but my and quite a few others now have the 4gig patch so is the 4gb mod necessary if so will it cause problems with (read conflict) with Bethesda's current code. P.S. one kind note overwirte is spelt with w no gh and e in write not right and it's also one word hyphenated. may kind thanks.
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