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Everything posted by Brandonwigwam

  1. So i'm in the middle of a playthrough and I've noticed a weird ctd issue crop up. Whenever I enter the Moorside Inn (the one in Morthal) or the Nightgate Inn (the one in between Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Whiterun) the game CTD's after a certain amount of time. The biggest issue is that the timing is never consistent and there's about a dozen or so npc's (not including myself and my companions(3 so far)) that it's difficult to tell what causes it. At first I thought it was NPC's using the door to exit because there was a conflict in the navemesh door triangle caused between Distinct Interiors and Immersive NPC AI Overhaul. But fixing that conflict with a merged patch still didn't stop the CTD's. So far it's only affected those two inns (I haven't gotten to the ones in Old Hroldan, Dragon Bridge, Dawnstar, Solsthiem, and Rorikstead), and I can't figure out what's causing it. If anyone can offer assistance that would be great. - Update: It now occurs in Candlehearth Hall (Windhelm), even though it never occured before).
  2. So it tried out one of my solutions (removing the added references to the navmesh map info and it seems to have solved the problem. I went and loaded all the saves that had these characters acting wierd, and all of them Sunny Smiles, Vulpes Inculta, Orris, and the drunks who bother you during the birds of a feather quest, all worked as they normally did. It's amazing how much one simple change that two new references that shouldn't be there can change the whole game like that. I have no idea why adding two new references to the navigational mesh map info can cause the bugs I saw, but appearently they do, so new lesson to add to the pile. Don't add new stuff to that section.
  3. So starting from the top; I have removed most of my unused plugins before posting this (the ones you see here were just the ones I have yet to get rid out of shear forgetfulness(I have removed them by now)) as a means of solving this problem. Granted I did do this far into the game so that may have something to do with it, but still it didn't fix the problem. I also haven't uninstalled any mods throughout this entire play through except for one. That one being Navmesh Fixes and Improvements which I thought was that cause for my issues. But I only uninstalled it late into my game and the reason it did was because I was reading through the comments section of that mod and one of the first comments was a bug report about someone having issues with Orris(one of the npc's I was having issues with) not being able to go through the gate. They found that after uninstalling the mod the issue was resolved for them so I tried it as well, with no luck with my issue. Now granted I didn't do the clean save method to uninstall it, but that is because I rarely uninstall mods in my playthroughs knowing the risks that causes to my save files (I lost a skyrim SE save file last year do to uninstalling a script heavy mod and trying to solve the problem by simply removing the scripts with a save cleaner. Short version; it only caused my save to be unload-able). Also when I was looking through the mod in fnvedit, trying to undo any edits I may have made to my merge patch to insure I could remove it with all of it's changes removed, I found that it only changed navmeshes and never added any of its own. Granted I could be wrong about this seeing as how I had to look through several navmesh entries, but I'm farely certain it only changes stuff and doesn't add new stuff. So I'm not sure if doing the clean save method would help solve the problem, but I will git it a shot given that It was only a little while ago when I uninstalled it. Onto the compatibility patch topic, I do in fact ensure I grab all the necessary compatibility patches for all the mods I use, including unofficial ones(provided there as up to date with one or both of the mods their trying to solve conflicts for). And while you mentioned the issue of merging compatibility patches not being able to make the necessary changes to their mods, and I was aware of this possibility before even starting my playthrough. So before starting the whole thing I checked each of the merges to see if everything was correctly handled, and found that everything did transfer over correctly, minus the navmeshes info map because they all used the same name. Now granted I did try to resolve the issue by trying to add new entries that had the similar data, which might have not been the best method of getting around that so I may trying removing those new referrences and seeing if that fixes the problem (obviously making a backup esp just incase it either doesn't or makes the problem worse). And for your last point, while you may be right point thinking that 3DNPC_FNV and CSR could be causes as they effect npc's, these mods only add new stuff to the game and effect none of the npc's I listed above. Plus I've used both the 3DNPC mod and the CSR plugin (which came included with Rob-co certified) most recent version in past playthroughs and didn't have these issues so it doesn't really add up why they would all of a sudden start causing problems (in fact very few of the mods listed are new mods to me). Even the conflict issue between "RobCo Certified" and/or "JIP CC&C" doens't add up as logically that would only affect my companions, which all of the npc's listed above are not. I hope that none of this comes across as me being rude or something like that (as I feel like I come across very annoyed while writing this). I just really want to get this issue resolved, because there are only so much that console commands and the groovatron's move npc's function can possibly fix. I myself have been modding my games since I bought Fallout 3 GOTY in 2013 and have learned a lot since then so I'm glad to be speaking to someone who seems to know a lot about modding and can possibly help me with my issues.
  4. Sorry for not including my load order (I thought Nexus had the file saved but apparently not(my luck)) so here is my load order if that helps. FalloutNV.esm=1DeadMoney.esm=1HonestHearts.esm=1OldWorldBlues.esm=1LonesomeRoad.esm=1GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1ClassicPack.esm=1MercenaryPack.esm=1TribalPack.esm=1CaravanPack.esm=1YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1oHUD.esm=1Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm=1Factions Reloaded - Merge.esm=1ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1NVInteriors_Core.esm=1NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm=1SaxxonsQuestPack.esm=1CoitoErgoSum.esm=1ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm=1domecity.esm=1MoonQuest.esm=1Niner.esm=1The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm=1AWOPDeadMoney.esm=1NVWillow.esp=1NevadaSkies.esm=1SomeguySeries.esm=1Th3OverseerCore.esm=13DNPC_FNV.esm=13DNPC_FNVGeneric.esm=1More Challenges.esm=1New Vegas Stories.esm=1KhanInitiation.esp=1Companion Core.esm=1RobCo Certified.esm=1Project Nevada - Core.esm=1Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm=1D.E.I.M.O.S..esm=1fwv.esm=1fwvXoanon.esm=1SpeedyResources.esm=1YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1N.C.A.esp=1fwv.esp=1fwvXoanon.esp=1Loot Vehicles.esp=1Pack2.esp=1Vendors Containers Respawn Fix.esp=1Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1RetrievableThrowables.esp=0Wastelanders.esp=1Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp=1New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp=1BLEEDNV.esp=1outsidebets.esp=1RememberAmmo.esp=1Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style).esp=0Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp=1TLD_Travelers.esp=1Eliza.esp=1vault22FloralOverhaul.esp=1WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1WMX-DLCMerged.esp=1WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp=1Lucky38Reloadedv5.esp=1Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp=1G.R.A.esp=1AG Supplementary Uniques-AllInOne.esp=1CaveHome.esp=0Mojave Rooftops.esp=1Unofficial Patch Plus.esp=1Weapon Retexture Project.esp=1NewVegasBounties.esp=1Economy Overhaul.esp=0Y.M.C.esp=1NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1TheInheritance.esp=1CIB Supermutants - Overlords.esp=11nivVSLArmors.esp=1Russell.esp=1CourierCacheWSE.esp=1Headhunting.esp=1C.L.A.esp=1NorthRoad.esp=1BLMedical.esp=1More Perks Merged.esp=1Identity Crisis Part 2 - Long Night.esp=1ADAM Complete.esp=1ADAM - MERGE.esp=1OldWorldBlues - Keep Big MT Active.esp=0Mojave Rooftops Clutter and Enemies.esp=1Mojave Rooftops - Old World Blues.esp=1fwvXoanon_PersPref.esp=1Cazador Companion.esp=1Lucky Shades use Authority Glasses Model.esp=0WorkingCapPress.esp=0Unofficial Patch Plus - Addendum.esp=1MoreNiner.esp=13DNPC_HopeLies.esp=1Honest Hearts Workbench Crate Luck.esp=0Limitless Stats.esp=1AutumnLeaves.esp=1Alternative Repairing.esp=1FNV NPCs Travel.esp=1AG Supplementary Uniques-GRA.esp=1KingOfTheRing.esp=1NewVegasBountiesIII.esp=1B.P.J.esp=1AWOP-WMX-EVE AllDLCMerged.esp=1Mojave Arsenal.esp=1Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp=1Crashed Vertibird Interior.esp=1WMX-POPMerged.esp=1RestoredCaravanPlayers.esp=1NVBabyDeathclawCommander.esp=1Project Nevada - Better Sprinting.esp=1CheckpointGary.esp=1Ragdolls.esp=1The Groovatron NV.esp=1Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1FNV Merged.esp=1
  5. So I've been replaying New Vegas for a while now and I keep having a recurring issue in which npc's seemingly refuse to move. It started out with Sunny Smiles during the tutorial quest, but then it kept happening with other examples including Manny Vargas and the doc/her mercenaries in Novac, the drug addled people in the high times quest in Freeside, Orris and Pacer during the G.I Blues quest (the Latter after the shootout thank god, and what's caused me to finally report this issue, the people who come up to you during the birds of feather quest during the guard portion which is causing a problem with the quest. This has also with the legion in Nipton, but in that instance several of them were bunched up together near one of the crucifixes close the general store (along with Vulpes Inculta) and again refused to move except Vulpes (who is most likely scripted to leave). I'm not sure if it's a navmesh issue given that it doesn't effect all the NPC's in a given cell, but for all I know it could be. I'll have load order linked below for reference. Also in the load order I have about 6 merged plugins mod I'll have the plugins inside those linked below as well. Pack2.esp (F.T.R was added after the goodsprings incident) = Tales from the Burning Sands.esm, NewVegasRailroads.esm, TheREPCONNBlues.esp, TripToTheBank.esp, AlienExterminator.esp, FiveAcesGunShop.esp, NewVegasRailroads-PNPatch.esp, NewVegasRailroads-AWOPPatch.esp,YUP-TBS.esp, YUP-Railroads.esp, TheCollector.esp, TankHome.esp, MM Headhunter.esp, Aliens&MiniBlasters.esp, housepresence.esp G.R.A.esp = M1905.esp BT87.esp BHPM1935.esp MSR556.esp M16A2.esp CZ805.esp SVU.esp FAMAS.esp Galil.esp Pernach.esp PKM.esp Serbu.esp Scout.esp KP31.esp TOZ66.esp WA2000.esp M1897.esp PN_DEagle_Replacer.esp ilbuonorevolver.esp clintsfistfulrevolver.esp DLC Weapon Integration - WMX.esp Camon & Scottmack Weapons.esp Crossbow.esp Walther SMG.esp GyrojetCarbine.esp M1903A3Springfield.esp R700.esp Campo_Giro.esp SPARMAMENTARIUM.esp SPRearmed.esp CloudGrenades.esp FO4_PipeRifle.esp TLOUHomemadeFlamethrower.esp Classic10mmSMG.esp weapon patch.esp (merged patch to deal with conflicts)N.C.A.esp = A Difference of Opinion.esm Transcendence.esm Abandoned Complex.esm Finality.esm Sweet Home.esm Folly of the Old World.esm rotfacetoriches.esp avangraffscorned.esp athornysituation.esp awilderwasteland.esp Pacersgambit.esp TMCOTT - Restored.esp Beyond The Beef Tweaks.esp OldWorldBlues - Keep Big MT Active.esp OWB-Path Lights.esp Cut Sewers Restored.esp Pickable Cave Fungus with OWB.esp Uncut Wasteland.esp NVR3_UncutWastelandPlusNPCs Patch.esp Rewarding Exploring.esp OWB_CazaclawFacility.esp Courier's Stash Scattered.esp The Law Won.esp CaveHome.esp VertibirdCrashSites.esp AutoFac.esp A Guide To Revenge.esp NationalGuardCheckpoint.esp BibleHuntingQuest.esp RagsToRiches.esp ChemControl.esp quest patch.esp (merged patch to deal with conflicts)B.P.J.esp = Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp ILO - A World of Pain.esp ILO - D.E.I.M.O.S.esp ILO - NVWillow.esp ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp ILO - YUP Patch.esp WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp Project Nevada - WMX.esp AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp AWOP WRP Patch.esp ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp NVR3_AWOP Patch.esp NVR3_ElectroCity Patch.esp NVR3_ProjectNevadaEquipment Patch.esp NVR3_YUP Patch.esp Willow by Dracomies v2.esp Alternative Repairing - Honest Hearts.esp Alternative Repairing - Lonesome Road.esp NVR3_OutsideBets Patch.esp AWOP - Russell.esp outsidebets_meyersfix.esp Someguy Series Tweaks.esp NVR3_UnofficialPatchPlus Patch.esp Unofficial Patch Plus - PN Cyberware Patch.esp Unofficial Patch Plus - Project Nevada Patch.esp Unofficial Patch Plus - PN Rebalance Patch.esp NVR3_VendorContainersElaborate Patch.esp NVR3_TLDTravelers Patch.esp YUP - AutumnLeaves Patch.esp RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp CraftableWeaponMods-WeaponsOfTheNewMillenia.esp fwvXoanon_QuestSounds.esp fwvXoanonOutfitBonuses.esp fwvXoanonGamepadWeaponMenu.esp fwvXoanonGamepadProtocols.esp fwvXoanonRevisedCompanions.esp YUP-Khan.esp YUP-OutsideBets.espY.M.C.esp = SafeAutoSave.esp NukaCola-Ojo.esp Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties.esp Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp CraftedMantisGauntlet.esp Burning Campfire.esp Burning Campfire - HH Patch.esp Glasses Fix.esp Rebreather Tweaked.esp Asterra's Many Fixes.esp Bathroom Doors Fix.esp Caleb McCaffery NPC and Hat Bug Fixes.esp Female White Glove Society Mask.esp FIXforLegionArmors.esp MeleeReachFixed.esp Nightkin Scripts Corrected.esp Perks Day Tripper and Chemist Survivalist Style Fix.esp CassFix.esp NV_IFR.esp Lucky Shades use Authority Glasses Model.esp Camp Grills.esp Camp Grills - Honest Hearts.esp CounterfeitCaps.esp Honest Hearts Workbench Crate Luck.esp Snowglobes Redone.esp migWellRested.esp WorkingCapPress.esp WorkingCrimsonCaravanTraders.esp Motion Sickness Reduction Mod.esp Better Hollowed-Out Rock Loot.esp BetterNCRSupplyCache.esp Dead Money Surprise Items.esp Eddie Hears An Explosion.esp Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp Lonesome Road Roughin It Bedroll Kit Fix.esp RadscorpionEggRestoration.esp Strip Wall Billboards.esp MojaveSandyDesert.esp Mother Lupa.esp Vicious Violetta.esp STDG.esp Boones Machete is a Broad Machete.esp ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp Combat Music.esp RetrievableThrowables.esp ThrowableFixes.esp Rain Fix.esp WeightlessAmmo.esp Unlimited Traits.esp Economy Overhaul.esp Gifted.esp Near Death.esp NPCs Can Miss.esp Stealing -1 Karma.esp Casino Exchange All.esp Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp JokerineKarmaGraves.esp No more giant manhole covers.esp lexx_brahmin-variant.esp Laurens_Bathroom_poetry.esp Lucky 38 intro poster.esp SpoonRedone.esp Tutorial Killer.esp GasPumpsOfNV.esp Teas.esp SimpleRoastedFood.esp NVAnimatedTerninalScreenSaver.esp misc patch.esp (merged patch to deal with conflicts)C.L.A.esp = Armored Duster.esp Dark Justice Duster.esp JRougeRangerCoats4Loot.esp manwithnoname.esp I Got Spurs.esp courierpowerarmor.esp Fiendish Power Armor.esp Book of Steel.esp ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp ArmoredVault21JumpsuitRestoration.esp Combat Leather Jacket.esp LonesomeRoadScorchedSierraPowerHelmet.esp DeadMoneyMoreCraftedKnifeVariants.esp CasinoHeistPack.esp CasinoBankMoney.esp FO2CombatArmor.esp DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp DragonskinNCRPersonnelWearingOutfits.esp TheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.esp Tribal Power Helmet.esp JustAnArmorPack_NV.esp Classic Leather Armor MkI MkII.esp ClassicMetalArmorMkI.espWastelanders.esp = kochandbohr.esp Sentry Bot Toy Attacks.esp CIB Bighorners Var.esp CIB Bighorners - HH.esp NVGustsyHandyAnimatedEyes.esp Mojave Raiders.esp NVR3_MojaveRaiders Patch.esp Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style).esp BartonThornTrigger.esp Sheriff Meyers.esp VincentVincent.esp 3DNPC_Velius.esp Alien Merchant.esp Irradiared Radroaches.esp NVFeralGhoulChildren.esp khanpresence.esp ncrandlegionpatrols.esp
  6. So I just completed the College of Winterhold Quest "Good Intentions", but after Savos Aren finishes dialogue with me, tells me to talk to Mirabelle about the staff of Magnus, The quest that's supposed to follow up afterward "Revealing The Unseen", but for some reason or another it won't for the life of me start. I've tried reloading (Several Times), Going through console commands to get it working(From trying to force Mirabelle to start the dialogue with the "Say" Command To trying to reset both quests with the "reset" command, to the set stage command to try and the quest, but nothing seemed to work). Now I have the Unofficial Patch installed, which is supposed to fix this issue, but from what I found it seems to only fix one thing that causes the bug (that being the death of Sergius Turrianus, prior to the quest), and that apparently this bug can also be caused by accidentally clearing Mzulft prior to doing quest, which I, unfortunately, have done. Problem is, the save file prior to entering Mzulft is A; Long before I even got to this point in the questline (essentially before I completed both the Dragonborn and dawnguard DLC's, the main quest, civil war quest, Companions quest, etc.), and B; I have long since deleted the save file, to begin with(All my save files are stored on an SSD, and they take up far too much space), and I've been spending hours online trying to find a solution to my issue and found nothing. So I'm hoping someone here will something that could help me, cause right now I'm totally stumped.
  7. I have the same issue, only this time it's weirder. I encountered it after I just retook The Castle, and like you, I tried fast traveling to and walking to it and the same issue occurs. I tried to disable all my mods, but the issue still persisted. However, during one of my attempts to fix the issue, I completed a settlement quest given t me by radio freedom (I was trying to see if resetting the cell would fix the issue), when I discovered a different stranger problem when I turned the quest into Preston (who was my companion at the time). Instead of giving me another random radiant quest or no quest at all, he instead gave me the quest to retake the castle, after I just retook the thing. I don't know what's causing that issue, but I think it might have something to do with this whole CTD at the castle both you and I are experiencing.
  8. So my map marker locations are messed up. Almost all of them are centering around where Diamond City would normally be. Now at first I thought it was my map mods (which are Immersive Maps 2k, 4k, 6k, & 8k [Terrain 4k no blocks option], zoomed out extended unofficial, & cartographer's map markers), but even after I uninstalled all of them, my map was stilled messed up. I've been at this for like 4 hours now, and I haven't found anything, so can someone please help me?
  9. I'm Having The Same Problem Don't Know Why, It Seems to be(for Me at least) Non ESP based mods(texture mods, possible ui mods, ect.), and when I checked the NMM Folder all the mods that I activated were stored in(The Virtual Install folder) I Saw That That mods were installed, but instead of seeing the title or the download title nmm chooses for it(for example main file 65743298), it was a bunch of random numbers that had all the same files that were included in the mod, but for some reason they still show as deactivated in My Nexus Mod Manager, and when I Load my game the mods aren't activated either, so even if I don't restart NMM, all my mods still don't work. Does Anyone Have A solution, because this is very irritating.
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