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Everything posted by Timmiii

  1. Gen 3's are practically human though. (Almost) completely biological with some enhanced synth tech. yea, that practically almost part is my out :0 besides, she should have told me before we..... you know....
  2. I wish I had known that before.... oh, well... But really she's a synth, not human, right? Yea, that's what I'm going with....
  3. http://venturebeat.com/2015/10/16/six-deals-on-laptops-that-can-run-fallout-4-from-700-to-1200/
  4. Mods like that infiltrate every game. FO4 is averaging 1,000 mods per week on Nexus. Just don't d/l or endorse them. Don't even look at them if they offend you. My block list is long, my d/l list is short. My mod list that I play the game with is even shorter because some mods I d/l just to see what is in them and what they do. I bought FO4 the day it was released. Now, one month later, I play with 5-6 mods added to my game. Not all of them from Nexus. Try to not be upset by others who have an opposing view. Tolerate, avoid, whatever works. I tell myself this every day! :)
  5. thank you heloooo, I will try that edit: when I start the game, steam adds all the saves back to the folder
  6. I am interested in a fix for the long load screen times as well.
  7. I modified the values in the prefs ini file, that resolved it.
  8. For some reason my in game audio settings reset every time I play. This just began happening recently. Even if I save after setting the audio preferences, the next time I play they reset. Does anyone know how to correct this?
  9. Two weeks since the release and 2,000 "mods" on nexus. The majority of them are useless.
  10. I love Newegg. It seems no matter what you buy, it will be out classed in six months. That's how electronics are marketed. I haven't owned a desktop in years. Black Friday in the states does offer great prices, also after Christmas sales. I picked up my rig plus a cooling pad (I always run one when gaming on a laptop) for $700 a year ago, now it's no longer manufactured. Bethesda over states the requirements needed to run their games in ultra settings in my opinion.
  11. There is a mod for this on nexus mods. It does not use fusion cores but has unlimited power.
  12. I have windowed mode checked but the game runs full screen the only lag I have is load screens
  13. Thank you for working on this! I have looked for an option to disable the cinematic kill cam.
  14. I ain't into the settlement thing. Just like homesteading in Skyrim. That's not why I play combat games.
  15. Thank you for the reply. I don't understand how they got it so wrong when they had so much to work with
  16. everything runs fine except load screens. they rev the processor quite a bit and take up to one minute to load
  17. local map is on the pipboy I found it just looking through the pipboy selections
  18. I will try that, charwo. I apologize for jacking your thread.
  19. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Dogmeat_(Fallout_4) use the console to place him with you
  20. lovely..... thank you so much for your time :)
  21. yes, about 4-5 times now :) odd it runs fine in window mode but not full screen... argh........
  22. no, just the one I am updating my nvidia drivers now.... p.s. that didn't help
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