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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. Thanks for the pics Art the sketch and the far right armour are my favourites, something to keep in mind.. Oh and when I tackle the Akaviri armour I certainly will not be using Samurai armour as the basis.. as cool as Samurai are..


    UPDATE: Managed to get another one done tonight, been a good day all'n'all..




    I have to agree with you on both points, the sketch is my favorite(mostly because it reminds me morrowind), the far right is my second, and the samuria armor COULD be maid into akaviri armor, but so much more could be done with the akaviri then that...

  2. Is there any sort of mod that gives my character quitter female squicky-er 'shouting' voice? One of my current characters is an off species of Khajiit that's like, 3 foot tall, and her current shouting voice just doesn't fit her.


    I doubt it, but it can't hurt to ask.

  3. Yes, I had the falling Mammoths since day one of Skyrim well before I added mods, the falling Mammoths seem to be a common feature for many people in their games.....The chickens though are something new for me....all the chickens in Riverwood and the three farms near Whiterun are dead....I did come across one live one but then it had disappeared when I went back to re-check it's status....only one chicken fell from the sky that I noticed anyway, the rest are just dead.... I have two animal mods....'Friendly Creatures'....and ....'Birds of Skyrim'.....Friendly Creatures shrinks the attack radius of aggressive animals (wolves, bears) and makes skeevers unaggressive. Birds of Skyrim adds wild birds....I don't have 'War Zones' and have had the usual expected weird occurrences before Bethesda fixed a number of glitches such as the spinning Dragons, etc (once again before I modded)....But never had such an odd occurrence in my game such as the dead chickens before.....I guess I will be searching for chickens in my Skyrim in the next number of plays and see how their faring.....will try that spawning chickens in doors too, see what happens to them....though rather than waiting for respawns this is the start of a new game (thus my small area of note) and will just try beginning a new game if every chicken appears to be dead in Skyrim and maybe that may clear the dead chicken issues up.


    Edit: Just checked out the Giant and Dragon pic....I haven't seen anything like that before....LOL.... :biggrin:

    That is really really odd, none of those mods sound like they would effect it. Maybe one of the NPCs gained true artificial intelligence and became a mass chicken murderer? It's the only logical solution.


    I think everyone has those kinds of glitches in vanilla skyrim. XD I once had a dragon that got stuck in a mid flight animation, and just floated there not moving. When I killed him, I absorbed his soul normally, and his bones stayed in that position, in the air, until the game eventually despawned them. It was very amusing.


    And for the pic, the giant just stayed there until the dragon landed, (he circled me for a good 2 minutes) the giant occasionally waved his hammer at the dragon, acting like he was still standing on the ground. When the dragon landed the giant went hyper spastic and shot off into the sky team rocket style, I never saw him come down. :tongue: It was rather odd. I wanted that toe too dammit.

  4. A have a few ideas. I believe most of these are about 13th-15th century style.


    Something like this, kind of like the Iron Armor in Morrowind.



    A few other interesting armors, the far left could be Akaviri armor, the middle could make a could morrowind style ebony, and the face plat used in the far right is one of my favorites styles, I think it would look really cool for Silver Armor, something not in vanilla skyrim, but was in past elder scrolls games.



    Also this is some interesting Jousting Armor I found.

  5. Welcome to Skyrim Hallucinogenic Overhaul of Madness, or as I like to call it SHROOM!


    Have you ever wondered why the plants in Skyrim don't really do much when you eat them? You would think with beings like Sheogorath prancing about in this world, at least SOME of the plants would create crazy, trippy visual effects when ingested, I mean our simple mundane earthly plants do it, why can't the plants of Mundus do it? And it's not just as simple as trippy visuals, some plants like nightshade will have powerful negative effects on the ingester, making it hard to see and damaging your health.


    Hello, I'm a long time TES fan, (over 10 years) I've fumbled around in the construction kit on past TES games, but never released anything, but this time, I believe I can actually do it! This thread will be a log and report of my progress on my new mod SHROOM, it will be somewhat inspired by the Shivering Isles of oblivion, a wonderful fantasy escape from the bleak grim world that is Skyrim. I intend to make most of this mod myself, but the creator of the mod Skyhighrim has given me permission to mess with his mod, and possibly include parts of it in mine. Though this mod is not a 'drugs' mod, and will not touch skooma, or alcohol(though I might mess with moon sugar) this mod also does not ADD anything to Skyrim, I will simply replace the first alchemical effect of many alchemy ingredients with a 'drugged' effect. (I would like to see if it's possible to simply have the effect applied on the item, without taking up any of the alchemy slots like the mod Psilocybin Mushrooms but so far, this seems to be the most immersion friendly way of doing this.) I have NOT gotten permission to use parts of that mod yet, though I only left a comment a day or two ago. I only want to know how they added the effect to the ingredients though, not actually use any part of the mod.




    Plans for this mod:


    Give different visual effects(some including a poison effect) to EVERY mushroom in skyrim.


    Give appropriate effects to other plants in Skyrim, like Night Shade and Nirnroot.


    Introduce 'drugged' potions, that will create much more intense versions of the effect when you combine multiple items with the 'drugged' effect.


    Stacking. Every additional item you take will double the effect, and the duration.


    DON'T EAT THAT. Some items will create very, very bad effects, either damaging your stats, health/magicka/stamina, applying an intense visual effect that makes the makes combat impossible until it fades away, or a combination of all of the above. Eating random unknown plants should be risky, now it will be.


    Adding some of the more 'delightful' mushrooms to the 'drug dealers' sell list, and addition to increasing the value of some of the 'choice trip' items.


    Combat helpful trips. I intend to make some of these trips in this game be helpful during combat.For example, Moonsugar might make you move twice as fast, give you more stamina, and swing your weapons twice as fast, but it might also apply a bad screen blur effect, while reducing your health and magicka regeneration to nothing.


    Garlic and Vampires. Just for fun, I'd like to throw in Garlic disabling all vampiric abilities for a short time. if you can reverse pickpocket garlic into a vampire, he will be badly weakened. This is just an idea, and may not be possible.


    Trip Monsters. I'll need help with this one. I'd like some drugs, once consumed, to 'summon' a monster to attack the player, this may sound random, but for drugs with highly intense trips that the person may react badly to, it s a good representation of what it would be like to fight off a bad trip.


    And lastly, if I can find a way to make some vanilla voices work, find some good resources, or get a friendly voice actor, I'd like to introduce 'Lunatics' tot he game, these are people who will be in the most random of places, completely out of their mind. They will generally ignore your existence, or attack everything on site. They will always have at least one drug on them.


    Antidotes. Having a bad trip? drink an antidote. I'd like to see if it's possible to add the script to charcoal, so I don't even have to add these.




    What this mod will NEVER include:


    REPLACERS. I will only edit vanilla alchemy ingredients, I will replace nothing.


    ADDITIONS. I will not add any new meshes, or items to the game, again, only editing existing items, so as to keep lore/immersion to a maximum.


    QUESTS. This is going to be a 'plug and forget' mod, nothing but the raw edits will be included. You have to find them, and find which ones you like, all by yourself. If it is HIGHLY requested, I will put a SINGLE book somewhere in the game describing the effects of some of the more 'delightful' and 'devastating' trips. I will hide it well, yet not stupidly, and it won't be obviously named (Don't look for 'Guide to SHROOMS in Skyrim' ). I think most of the fun in this mod will be in the experimenting, and the book should be a wonderfully useful guide to help keep you alive in the wilds of Skyrim, not a given-on-startup-insta-know-everything-guide.


    ALCOHOL. This exists. I just don't care to included it. This should be compatible with any alcohol mods that way too.


    EARTH DRUGS. I may base some of the effects of earth drugs, but I will never outright include an earth drugs. It's lore, and immersion breaking.


    ADDICTION. I simply don't see how it's fun to simulate addiction. If you become addicted to a drug in this mod, it's purely based on how much you enjoy it's effects, not some stat drainer forcing you to find more. If anything, I think will teach people something. If you look back on your game, and realize you spent over half of it tripping on one particular mushroom, and diving in dungeons all the time to find more of them, maybe you will decide your character needs an intervention. or maybe it'll just give you a reason to dive in dungeons more, and make everything prettier in the process.






    None yet, I am currently getting a grasp of how screen effects are applied ins Skyrim. I just got Skyim for PC this month, so I am still spending most of my time actually PLAYING Skyrim right now.




    Final Notes:


    This mod is not for the faint of heart. Some of the effects may be very scary, or just flat out annoying. Always bring an antidote if you are going to eat random plants you know very little about.


    I MYSELF DO NOT USE DRUGS. I have in the past, but I don't know. Please do not assume I am a simple druggy wanting to drug-up Skyrim. I simply want to create a more interesting, realistic experience in Skyrim. I like the screen effects Skyrim is capable of, and the vanilla game just doesn't do any of them justice, and no mod created today works the way I want it to.


    This mod is still in the very early experimental stages. I can use any help I can get, and am not above begging! if you think you can help on this mod AT ALL, please don't hesitate to post! I am not very skilled at the CK, and I want this mod to be very professional, so if I have to I'm willing to just be a director of sorts on this mod. I will also do every little detail of it myself if I have to, I just known the end result won't be as good.


    This is the one, and only mod I will work on on Skyrim. Maybe once I finish this I'll work on something else, but for now, this is going to be my baby.


    If I placed this in the wrong forum, I apologize, I looked all over, and this seemed to be the most appropriate forum.

  6. Things falling out of the sky seems pretty normal in Skyrim honestly.....

    I have to agree with this. Skyrims havok is wonky at best. Here's a pick I took just today, a giant that got 'stuck' to a dragon.


    As for the dead chickens, have you tried looking in several other areas with chickens, or are all the chickens in one area dead? it's every single chicken in your entire game, my only suggest would be wait 3-30 days, and see if they respawn, if they don't, or they respawn dead, it's possible a mod you installed recently accidentally tags all chickens as 'dead on load' or whatever. Also, try and find some chickens in doors if possible, if they are alive and the rest aren;t, it's possible a mod edited the chickens to be spawned way up in the air, or the game is just decided to spawn them way up in the air for some reason.


    The mod 'warzones' makes things teleport way up in the air a LOT for me, part of why I disabled it. That and I would get very annoying CTDs, when the game would all at once spawn dozens of enemies all around in the middle of nowhere unexpectedly. My computer can run crysis on the high settings with graphics improvement mods installed, so I know that mod particular does some weird stuff to skyrim. Which is sad, because it's awesome...

  7. Alright, all I did was install the unofficial dawnguard patch, disable the dawnguard patch for DB, and deactivate warzones (which somehow turned back on) and my game appears to be working again.


    I think the issue was probably in warzones, since I have no idea when it turned itself back on. Seriously, how does that even happen?

  8. If you are using any mods that require Dawnguard or Hearthfires, make sure that you always have DG and HF active otherwise you'll get instant CTD at the main menu.


    Make sure Skyrim is up to date with the latest patch, and that ALL your mods support the latest patch, otherwise you may get CTD at main menu.


    Since it is probably one or more of the new mods that you installed that is the culprit, uninstall all of those new mods including any loose files they had. If any of these newer mods overwrote files that were added by your older mods, you must identify and reinstall the older mods that were affected. Otherwise the missing files could cause CTDs.


    If you still get CTD, try loading your last savegame made before those new mods were installed. I don't mean the savegame that you made with the new esp's installed but not activated, I mean the one you made before that.

    I have dawnguard and heartfire, and I never deactive them


    and skyrim is patched at 1.7.7 I believe that is the most update to date version, none of the mods I downlaoded required a newer version.


    It CTDs on the load of ANY save, even ones made days ago. It always CTDs at the end of the load screen (It usually takes about 3 seconds to load, and it usually takes about 3 seconds for it to CTD) it doesn't lag or drop FPS or anything, it just flickers and skyim goes away entirely.

  9. "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard."


    ...probably a good idea to add the UDP.


    dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

    dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

    Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp


    ...you should not run both.


    "Sneak Tools.esp

    Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp."




    You know, you should not just run BOSS, you should act on the messages.



    I have no idea if all of these mods will play nice with Hearthfire, being that it's pretty new and all.


    I never had much luck running warzones + tons of other mods, myself. Lots of CTDs for me. For that matter, open cities usually ended in tears for me.


    I have no idea if your SkyRe load order is correct.

    I actually just notice the first problem as I was copying the list here, Which of the the second two should I remove?


    Also, that mod has been disabled since I first saw that, it still shows up because boss still registers disabled ESPs.


    Also, I disabled warzones some time ago, it is very glitchy and makes me CTD about half the time I enter one of the warzones. (which is odd, because there is no FPS drop, it stays at 60-90, then just sudden CTD)

  10. You could start with posting your BOSS log.


    ...you are running BOSS with that many mods installed, aren't you?

    Yes, I am running BOSS.


    I didn't think about posting the BOSS list though for some reason.




    Skyrim.esm Active

    Update.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 50 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Dawnguard.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 591 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

    HearthFires.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 163 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

    SkyMoMod.esm Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm Active

    moonpath.esm Active

    Nchuzzrezar.esm Active

    ApachiiHair.esm Active

    RaceCompatibility.esm Active

    HighResTexturePack01.esp Active

    HighResTexturePack02.esp Active

    Vampire Eyes Fix.esp Active

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard.

    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active

    Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active

    Rainbows.esp Active

    StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

    83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Arachne.esp Active

    BabettesFeastOverpowered.esp Active

    BonesTheDracolich.esp Active

    Cannabis.esp Active

    Chau.esp Active

    Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active

    CookingExpanded.esp Active

    DragonChristine.esp Active

    Dwemer Certified.esp Active

    humans drop human parts.esp Active

    Icy.esp Active

    Legs.esp Active

    Mononoke.esp Active

    Moose&Carrie.esp Active

    sextoys-calyps-2.esp Active

    SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Obsolete only if using the original mod. Update to latest version.

    SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp Active

    The Bears.esp Active

    Tiny.esp Active

    iHUD.esp Active

    Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp Active

    battleflute.esp Active

    1nivWICCloaks.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Dwarven Condenser.esp Active

    DwarvenMech.esp Active

    DwarvenRifle_Guilmonex.esp Active

    DwemerAutoBlade.esp Active

    DwarvenPowerArmor.esp Active

    FlameAtronachArmor.esp Active


    Futanarium.esp Active

    hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    LB_EnemiesEssplode!.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - Revolver.esp Active

    Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - LawnMover.esp Active

    Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp Active

    SuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.esp Active

    DeadlyDragons.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active

    Aethernautics.esp Active

    DwemerTower.esp Active

    moonpath_questdata.esp Active

    Nchuzzrezar.esp Active

    Dwarvenhaven.esp Active

    Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

    Skooma Incorporated.esp Active

    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6+

    dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

    dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

    Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp

    Vile Art of Necromancy.esp Active

    Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

    Open Cities Skyrim -- No Gates.esp Active

    TRO_BasicNeeds.esp Active

    CookingExpanded - TRO_BN.esp Active

    Better Vampires.esp Active

    AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active

    ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Active

    ToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.esp Active

    Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+


    midasskyrim.esp Active

    Improved Dragon Shouts.esp Active

    BFSEffects.esp Active

    FNISspells.esp Active

    Sneak Tools.esp

    Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp.

    Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp

    Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp

    The Dance of Death.esp Active

    Locational Damage.esp Active

    SkyRe_Main.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}

    Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

    Warning: The SkyRe has many conflicts with other mods. Please read the readme before playing with mod. This will prevent many problems. Read it here.

    Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functional

    Note: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'

    Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.

    Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:

    Note: [Actor]

    Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000

    Note: [Combat]

    Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

    Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

    Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0

    Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0

    SkyRe_Combat.esp Active

    SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Active

    SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active

    SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    SkyRe_StandingStones.esp Active

    dagi_raht_race.esp Active

    OhmesRaht.esp Active

    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.5.24+

    Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page.

    UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp Active

    SphereBox.esp Active

    moveitLWT.esp Active

    Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

    PrettyKhajiit.esp Active

    GlowingEyeFix.esp Active

    SkyRe_Races.esp Active

    rcrnShaders.esp Active

    Note: Make sure you have bEnableFileSelection=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher].

    Purewaters.esp Active

    PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active

    PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp Active



    Burning Sky.esp Active

    Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp Active

    JokeMOD-UFO2-TSS.esp Active

    Spriggan Armor 2.esp Active

    treehouse2.0BETA.esp Active

    KMM_2-1a.esp Active

    Skyhighrim.esp Active

    LZA Khajiit Campsite.esp Active

    DwarvenArmy.esp Active

    Portal.esp Active

    DBset.esp Active

    PurewatersDG.esp Active

    PocketProtectors.esp Active

    PsilocybinMushrooms.esp Active



  11. Alright, I downloaded a few mods today and installed, I started up my character with out activating them(I forgot to), and it worked fine, I saved, exited skyrim out, activated the mods, now I get CTD on load. I tried disabling all those same mods, and I still get CTD on load, I tried reinstalling all those same mods, still get a CTD on load, tried uninstalling all those same mods, still getting a CTD on load. It's for every character as well, no matter what I do, CTD on load.


    The mods "Vampiric eyes fix" "female vampires have fangs" "dawnguard vampire armors cbbev3" "vanilla vampire and dirty face fix" and "burning skies"


    I'm not sure how to copy my L/O with NMM, I have 116 mods, so I'm not about to type out every single one of them. The only other vampire based mod I use is "better vampires", I am assuming one of the vampire mods is doing it, since simply unticking the 'burning skies' mod should do the trick if it was the problem causer.



    You have way too many mods active. There's a limit to how many ESP's Skyrim can handle at one time.


    My advice would be to do a reinstall and limit the amount of mods you use to 60.


    Otherwise, you're probably going to spend the next few days playing Mod detective To try and get your game working again.But you've pretty much screwed the pooch on this one.

    Well, considering my game worked flawlessly yesterday with 2 less ESPs installed, I'm going to wait for some more useful and relevant advice. I've seen people with over 200 mods installed that work just fine. 60 is an almost insanely low number, 2 of my mods alone add over 20 ESPs to my L/O.


    Also, only 2 of the mods I installed had ESPs, and I tried deactivating 5-6 ESPs and same CTD, it is in no way relevant to the number of mods, and I've put a lot of effort into picking the mods I like to just spend days of effort to undo half of the past week or so effort I have put into my mods for a 'fix'. That would be like, if my car was out of gas, for me to scrap it build a more fuel efficient car from the ground up. The much more reasonable and realistic response would be to refuel the car.


    Anyways, my point being I am more then fairly certain the addition of two ESPs wouldn't cause my entire game to refuse to load even when more the triple that amount of ESPs is removed from my L/O, and since my game worked perfectly fine before the instillation of these mods, my common sense tells me THE MODS I JUST INSTALLED are the problem, and not some imaginary mod cap I hit that continues to disable my game even after I drop the mod total lower then it was to begin with. And I don't have to play 'mod detective' since I know exactly which mods caused the problem, manymanymanymanymany mods don't uninstall correctly and leave baggage in the data folder when uninstalled (since I don't use NMM, since over half the time it refuses to continue downloading mods after 99% ) all I need is someone with a little experience in these mods to direct me towards what I'm sure is a simple fix, rather then spending hours upon hours undoing my hard work for basically no reason.

  12. EDIT: Really, I can't change my thread title? Thread is recycle, since I'm really just having the same issue. Please ignore all posts in this thread on the firs two pages


    Alright, My game keeps CTDing on load, I've tried everything, and occasionally randomly stops and lets me play the game normally, but I can exit the game and launch it again and it will CTD on load every single time. This happens with every save file, and if I try and start a new game, I am just left staring at the skyrim logo forever.


    I took this screenshot of an error message I SOMETIMES get. click here


    I honestly have NO IDEA what is going on. BOSS says everything is in order, I removed around 20 mods from my load order. It was working just fine with about 3 less mods then I had when it started messing up, so number of mods isn't the problem... I run SKSE, and Steam, so I have to use the 'work around' where I rename "SKSE LAUNCHER" to "TESV" and "TESV" to "TES_" I've tried replacing the SKSE launcher in case it was the problem. It wasn't.


    EDIT: Running TES5EDIT says that 'open cities - no gates' needs to be loaded after 'open cities', then crashes, yet both NMM and BOSS say that it is in fact load after the main file... very confusing.


    The only thing I can figure out is, the issue seems to happen when I activate new ESPs. I can deactivate the same ESP and it persists, and even if I have had the ESP activate before and turned it off it still does it. This may not be the case, but that is the ONLY link I can make, since most of the time this happens when I exit the game, activate an ESP, and try to reload the game. I thought maybe the file 'ASX_Spells' was doing it, since every time I try and activate it I have issues, but deactivating the ESP has zero effect whatsoever. I did have 'AP' installed, but I decided to replace it with this mod and attempted a manual uninstall, but I am not 100% sure I did it correctly.


    This is my list of pluggins, as ordered by BOSS.



    Skyrim.esm Active

    Update.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 50 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Dawnguard.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 591 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

    HearthFires.esm Active

    Contains dirty edits: 163 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

    SkyMoMod.esm Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

    Nchuzzrezar.esm Active

    ApachiiHair.esm Active

    RaceCompatibility.esm Active

    HighResTexturePack01.esp Active

    HighResTexturePack02.esp Active

    Vampire Eyes Fix.esp Active

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Active

    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active

    Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active

    Rainbows.esp Active

    StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

    83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    BabettesFeastOverpowered.esp Active

    Cannabis.esp Active

    Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active

    CookingExpanded.esp Active

    humans drop human parts.esp Active

    Legs.esp Active

    sextoys-calyps-2.esp Active

    SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Obsolete only if using the original mod. Update to latest version.

    SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp Active

    Tiny.esp Active

    iHUD.esp Active

    Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp Active

    battleflute.esp Active

    1nivWICCloaks.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    DwarvenMech.esp Active

    DwarvenRifle_Guilmonex.esp Active

    DwemerAutoBlade.esp Active

    DwarvenPowerArmor.esp Active

    FlameAtronachArmor.esp Active

    Futanarium.esp Active

    hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    LB_EnemiesEssplode!.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - Revolver.esp Active

    Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - LawnMover.esp Active

    Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp Active

    SuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.esp Active

    DeadlyDragons.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active

    Aethernautics.esp Active

    Nchuzzrezar.esp Active

    Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6+

    dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

    Vile Art of Necromancy.esp Active

    Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

    Open Cities Skyrim -- No Gates.esp Active

    TRO_BasicNeeds.esp Active

    CookingExpanded - TRO_BN.esp Active

    Better Vampires.esp Active

    AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active

    ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Active

    ToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.esp Active

    Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

    ASX_Spells.esp Active

    midasskyrim.esp Active

    Improved Dragon Shouts.esp Active

    BFSEffects.esp Active


    The Dance of Death.esp Active

    Locational Damage.esp Active

    SkyRe_Main.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}

    Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

    Warning: The SkyRe has many conflicts with other mods. Please read the readme before playing with mod. This will prevent many problems. Read it here.

    Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functional

    Note: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'

    Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.

    Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:

    Note: [Actor]

    Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000

    Note: [Combat]

    Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

    Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

    Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0

    Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0

    SkyRe_Combat.esp Active

    SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Active

    SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active

    SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    SkyRe_StandingStones.esp Active

    dagi_raht_race.esp Active

    OhmesRaht.esp Active

    SphereBox.esp Active

    moveitLWT.esp Active

    throwingweapons.esp Active

    Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Active

    Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+


    SkyRe_Races.esp Active

    rcrnShaders.esp Active

    Note: Make sure you have bEnableFileSelection=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher].

    Purewaters.esp Active

    PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active

    PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp Active

    Lady of Death.esp Active

    Burning Sky.esp Active

    Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp Active

    treehouse2.0BETA.esp Active

    KMM_2-1a.esp Active

    Skyhighrim.esp Active

    DwarvenArmy.esp Active

    DBset.esp Active

    PurewatersDG.esp Active

    PocketProtectors.esp Active

    PsilocybinMushrooms.esp Active



  13. CBBE, Skinniest settings possible. UNP just looks droopy to me. :armscrossed: Though I will gladly admit on the normal/large settings CBBE is just stupid. Also, there is like ZERO good Khajiit textures for UNP, so there's that.


    Large B to Small C is the perfect breast size for me, and I tend to like a decent sized ass more then boobs anyways


    (I'm a gay guy who always plays as a girl on my games by the way, haha :thumbsup: So it's not about 'getting off' for me. )

  14. Alright, I'm playing a dwemer construct thanks to a lovely combination of mods I've found, and I have added the vanilla spell 'steam emitter' (or something to that general effect to my character. This is a powerful spell, it only equips into my left hand, it does a ton of damage (100/s I believe, but I believe it stops after about 2-3 seconds) yet it uses ZERO magicka. One thing I noticed, is that when I run, steam blasts from construct, so it got me thinking, why not make the steam blast use stamina instead of magicka? Also, on that note, is there any way to simply change the name of stamina to 'steam'? And if so, can I have it done for just one character? I doubt I can have it specific to one character, but you never know.


    Oh, and with the mod Enhanced Blood, is there a way I can change my character to bleed oil like the other dwemer constructs do? I somehow doubt it...


    I have a good amount of experience with morrowind and oblivion's Construction Kit, so I am sure I can figure it out of I need to use skyrims for this!


    Anyways, while I've already gone and made the thread, I might as well ask if anyone know of any great mods for those playing as a dwemer construct? I already have the following...

    Dwemer Autoblade

    Dwemer Skyship (doesn't seem to work... just a regular run down boat that locks up if I do anything with it, and forces me to restart the game.)

    Dwemer Exoskeleton

    Dwemer Steampunk Revolver + lawnmower

    Dwarven Power Armor (though I only use the head)

    Dwarven Rifle

    Dwarven Condensor(render useless when I found the spell in question, it doesn't look 'fitting' either)


    Dweme tower (I use the above homw, and haven't even looked at this one yet)

    Pocket Protectors -Tiny Dwemer Sphere

    Spherebox - Dwemer sphere follower with huge storage

    Dwemer Certified - I believe this is incompatible Skyrim Redone

  15. If by the end of the first paragraph if you haven't gotten into the features of the mod, regardless how good it seems, I usually just go on to the next mod. If your mod is that great, you shouldn't have to convince me to download it, or tell me why I shouldn't download another mod, or give a 3 paragraph rant on how people need to stop asking you questions (just talking from general experience, not really YOUR mods)


    Also, if you over hype a mod, and it doesn't live up to the expectations, it's a great way to NOT get an endorsement for it. I usually endorse a mod when it's better then I think it will be. If you make it seem AMAZING and then it's just 'good', it can make an otherwise good mod kind of a let down. Over-selling is bad, but making sure people realize how cool your mod is is very important. Learn how to convince people your mod is awesome, without 'selling' it to them. Nobody likes a salesmen, but everybody loves a good modder!

  16. Alright, today I got my new computer up and running, the only game I bought for it, what else but skyrim. I stick it in, and on the highest graphic settings with all the distance renders scaled all the way up, it still doesn't so much as slow down. I'm in the process of downloading the free 'high res textures pack' DLC, sadly, my crazy computer doesn't magicaly make my internet faster, so it'll be a while before that's done.


    Anyways, I have been playing TES since Morrowind, and I have logged over 500 hours into skyrim on my PS3 (As in, NO DAWNGUARD - which is going to be my next download) so, I have and idea of wear to begin, but I still have NO IDEA what sort of mods are out for skyrim, besides the remakes of mods that were out for oblivion and morrowind, and I really don't want to play the same ol same ol again. So my question is really, what cool new mods are there for skyrim, what are some of the best 'high-res' mods that aren't just stupid, and, what new race mods are there? I have yet to see a single new race mod for skyrim, am I just missing something, or are they just that rare?


    Basically, despite being a TES fan for almost 10 years, I'm a newb to modding skyrim, and I want some pointers, I only want STABLE none glitchy mods, I have dealt with enough glitches and silliness getting this computer working the past 3 days, I just want to enjoy casual gaming. Oh, and I like realism mods, and I almost always play as a Khajiit.



    Click the spoiler for my computer build.



    ASUS Xonar DS 7.1 Channels PCI Interface Audio Card


    AZIO Levetron Mech5 KB577U Black USB Wired Gaming Mechanical Keyboard w/ Cherry Black MX Switches


    APEVIA X-PLORER2 Series X-PLORER2-RD Black / Red Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case


    Rosewill CAPSTONE Series CAPSTONE-650-M 650W ATX12V v2.31 & EPS12V v2.92 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS GOLD Certified


    Intel Core i5-3450 Ivy Bridge 3.1GHz (3.5GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 77W Quad-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 2500 BX80637I53450


    EVGA SuperClocked 02G-P4-2662-KR GeForce GTX 660 2GB 192-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card


    ASRock B75M-GL LGA 1155 Intel B75 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard


    G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model F3-10666CL9D-16GBXL


    ASUS DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS Black SATA 24X DVD Burner - Bulk - OEM


    ARCTIC COOLING ACFZ11-LP 92mm Fluid Dynamic Freezer 11 LP Intel CPU Cooler for Power


    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit - OEM


    Western Digital WD Blue WD10EZEX 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive


    SAMSUNG B300 Series S23B300B Black 23" 5ms GTG Widescreen LED Monitor


    RAZER Naga Hex Wraith Red Edition RZ01-00750200-R3U1 11 Buttons 1 x Wheel USB Wired Laser Gaming Mouse



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