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Everything posted by hereami

  1. Maybe OnHit , then check if dismemberment occured after a short timer (if neccessary to have a pause) ?
  2. Probably, should use Spell.Cast(self, self). Or make it Ability, unevitable death anyways. Interesting, is OnCripple event somehow related to dismemberment (before, after?) ?
  3. Nice! i missed 6 then somehow. And wait, this is exactly, how PowerArmor omods specify BodyPart, weird, i got 0 and 1 from there, but also got assured that rest must be 2-5, without actually looking... pretty dumb... Somebody definitely has to add it to wiki.
  4. Hm, perhaps, that perk uses Mod outgoing limb damage, at least affects limb hits only. Use it then as a base and boost up to 9999. This perk must be on weapon's owner and can be applied by Mgef - PerkToApply field, Ench and Mgef should be ConstantEffect-Self (no conditions), Ench should be in weapon's OMOD.
  5. It works good to filter out limbs and head. Head hits detection seems to be missed sometimes. I tried up to 6, but nope. Possibly, some greater (lower??) values can work still for particular limbs, needs trying. Emm..., what about weapon Ench, they really work that way ?
  6. Use GetInFaction(MinutemenFaction) - preferably, or rank 0. Seems that ranks above 0 aren't used in f4 originally. PS. Min02_ - is only a quest-specific faction.
  7. Wait, when an Enchantment is attached to a weapon, it's applied to Actor, who equips it, this is how it works for me. Or does the game recognize OMOD's Ench by casting type automatically and ConstantEffect-Self goes to Actor, but FireForget-Touch goes to weapon's ObjectEffect? Never tried actually, interesting, i had to do optional knockback via ApplyCombatHit perk, but if the above is true, have to rebuild my mod perhaps - equipment Ench are not reliable for NPC, they dispel themselves, and that's a huge problem. @kriegerseel , add Condition GetRandomPercent to knocback Mgef (which has Script). In general, have luck, Shotgun knockback is nearly the first thing i made for meself. Great shame it wasn't present in game, and PushActorAway is the most epic effect, just set force higher - such an enjoyment : ) GetHitLocation condition is valid for 0 - body, head - 1, but values >1 do not work. Could be used that way, although arms will count as well. I don't know if Papyrus has a function to determine exact hit loc.
  8. Must declare header and Property (at top): Scriptname MyScripName extends ObjectReference MiscObject Property caps001 Auto Mandatory Const https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Papyrus_Introduction https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Variables_and_Properties
  9. It does, used in game twice: CompCodsworthPerk and better look at MQ00TheSightPerk "Foreknowledge" [PERK:0018358D] - interesting now, i was sure that any Typed damage is covered by generic Incoming damage (like it does include Explosion damage), but for some reason they had to differentiate them in the perk. And i've used it successfully to nullify dtRadiationExposure for my custom actor. Also for Typed Spell, have noticed finally, that entry point has actual DamageType tab, but have no idea, how to specify DamageType for a Spell or Mgef - there's no such field. Becomes interesting, possibly a spell does actually inherit Dt from weapon's Dt ? Existing perks use EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword in this entry point, and i used the same entry because they did, although for same result Mod Incoming Spell could be used, i guess.
  10. I suppose Actors unevitably means Player as well... Thanks, worst suspicions confirmed, don't have to waste time for finding a magic flag then : )
  11. Hopefully, a simple question. I need player to drop down from arrival point, when teleported by MoveTo, so i placed an Xmarker at height 200 above floor, but still pc materializes ON the floor. Then i recalled there was IsPerch flag somewhere (and smth related to dragons positioned in the air), seemed promising, but now i see it's only present on Furniture, which is not suitable, don't need to "sit" there. Such a simple thing, but why it happens wrong and what must be done? "Used as platform" flag? I'm suspecting, the issue is related to navmesh mechanics, don't know. Thanks. PS. Could be done like MoveTo a solid object, then disable/enable it, but it's the worst case.
  12. As you could see, originally, dtFire, dtCryo, dtElectrical are not used, only makes sense to handle, if want compatibility with a hypothetical mod, which introduces them into game. Everything is just dtEnergy. DamageType may include a spell, so if want to modify its effect, use Incoming Typed Spell Mag/Dur, but detection relies on mgef keywords (EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword), not dt. Look at dtRadiationIngestion - only this one has spell, although not relevant to weapons. Here i don't know, if the spell is canceled automatically, when corresponding dt is nullified. There is no ballistic damage as a class, i suppose (?). I checked for weapon keyword WeaponTypeBallistic etc. to determine the source, but maybe can be done differently ? Explosion is also "weapon damage", if comes from a weapon, not sure how classified when PlaceAtMe, pure "explosion" perhaps - has own perk modifier.
  13. UCO ? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18489
  14. Thanks, i focused on Conditions, so missed it. Hm, rather limited practical usage. Now i'm wondering, if Ammo must be Equipped, when active gun uses it, or not - what is normal? Currently have a glitch, when two ammo types are displayed in Pip-Boy as equipped (Ammo page), this state doesn't change after switching weapons (other ammo isn't equipped as well) and persists untill i drop them. GetEquipped returns True - (for glitched ammos) that's very good, but if game can stop to equip Ammo eventually - that's bad, still not reliable way.
  15. Well, is there? My primary need is ps4, but if there is an advanced method, would be interesting to know anyway. To give Player specific ammo for an equipped weapon i've distributed all existing guns into FormLists and used Condition IsWeaponInList to check, if weapon belongs to a group, which shares ammo types. Still, have to spawn several ammo types to support existing conversion opportunities. And even if so, this can't work for custom/unknown weapons, even if they use vanilla's ammo. Also may be useful to give NPC suitable ammo, if have none - unlike when a gun is spawned, npc don't get ammo automatically, if acquire a gun by themselves (still, had to give'em every bit of ammo, for simplicity in this case). In combat they seem to search for ammo, but do not outside. Thanks. PS. Would be great to have uniformed keywords like "ammo_type_10mm" etc,, but nope...
  16. DFOB description: "Keyword to indicate a reference is a featured item, triggering the inspect menu the first time the player activates it."
  17. Biped slots for Armor - Beard, Mouth must be unchecked.
  18. Possibly, there should be InstanceData.GetKeywords(furnitureInstance.Owner), as GetKeywords expects "owner" as a param? (PS. Hm, "owner" as a member of "Owner"..., bit confusing naming), but i'm only looking into all that for the first time. Actually, i'd like to ask another question, since Keywords array is concerned here. I've encountered, that keywords applied by QuestAlias are not recognized (found) by certain ground processes, have two examples: ModdedItemHasKeyword condition doesn't see them (not so, item can be scrapped, while having alias Unscrappable kw), and playerCanStimpak keyword has no effect, unless attached directly to an Actor instance by AddKeyword(). I only can see a single func for getting ref's keywords, there is no distinct "get hard-attached" and "get soft-attached" variations (i suppose GetKeywords(Form) extracts those from base form, not a Ref? not the case then). Doubt if smth can be done to fix (?), just curious then, if that's normal.
  19. Yeah, i thought Outfit was broken as well : ) That's quite unobvious.
  20. Leveled Item is quite powerful built-in mechanics. Each of them can be assigned a Global var to control the chance at run-time (usually 0/100 to have enable/disable switch), and lists can be nested. To make the final output appear, place a top-level list as an object by regular means (reference, quest alias, script etc.), when come to conclusion "where" : ) For very basic example may look at VL_Vendor_Doctor. Chances (GlobalVars) should be handled by quests, or whatever neccessary way. PS. Hm, or above, i didn't see it... I mostly thought about random.
  21. It was, there is just no message, check out Constructible Object list for new item co_MyOMODName. Also a miscmod can be created the same way and assigned to an OMOD automatically. My ck is 1.10.15, doubt it was cut in later version. PS. Also works for multiple selection.
  22. Wait.. That's just interface whims. To create a recipe for OMOD - use context menu (RMB, Create Recipe) in Object Window list. To add items to Outfit - drag'n'drop Armor into.
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