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Everything posted by hereami

  1. Just place the leveled list into an Outfit and assign said outfit as Default. To equip exact randomly spawned items from inventory may be complicated.
  2. It looks fine on adults actually, ps4 at least. Just grab XEdit or CK and make the dress playable: remove Non-Playable flag from ARMOr (ClothesNat id), then add HumanRace to Armor Add-On (AAClothesNat id) as additional race. Probably, it is needed to add Pipboy slot to ARMA (or maybe not critical, i don't know, but i've added). I suppose it'll be safe to override, instead of creating a duplicate - then you can easily wear, if spawned by console. PS. To make it shown on PipBoy inventory char as underwear - add U-Torso slot to Armor.
  3. Hi! If anybody experienced with graph variables and subsys, please advise, how to detect exact animation state for AnimFlavors - i.e. exact time period, when the game renders flavor animation, not just AnimFlavorKw being applied to an actor. I've tried IsInFlavorState condition - no result. Checking Graph Var bIsInFlavor in a condition provides some result, but works unexplainably - not applicable for use. It's neccessary to synchronise BabyHolding flavor state with baby model visibility, to avoid babies attached to a lowered arm while walking or else (in some itermediate state). Using indirect methods, like IsWeaponOut, IsSitting etc. can't provide 100% sync. PS. Required for ps4. Animation edit not possible, though it would be the best solution.
  4. Oh, afraid i made it good old dumb way with timestamps :) My bad, there's so much, i don't know about, never needed to run scripts. Thank you for explanation!!
  5. Hi. That was a good hint about timestamp, thanks. I tried to restore vanilla precombines that were never used and a DLC touched few records of them, so nothing worked untill i restored the timestamps in my overriding REFRs to original vanilla values (don't know, if Cell timestamp was important in this case, i simply restored it as well). Interesting, Precomb timestamp in Cell record is important too, game doesn't seem to load Precomb untill it's set, there's no "default" logic, even if files exist. What was "Oblivion days issue"? Main question, if there can be any fatal consequences after duplicating the timestamp in overriding records? I don't get any crashes because of that. Maybe those days are long gone then? (Was always a mistery for me, why XEdit zeroes/locks those fields, while it's such a wonderful low-level editor) Also, how to obtain two-byte timestamp FROM a PreComb/PreVis file? Thanks.
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