It's the default woodelf warpaint. If you don't use SKSE HD makeup,you can just use the paints found in the .bsa archive,but you have to open it with FOMM,or thers tool. Ipmmed you a copy of the replacer :wink: Or: -Download XCE warpaints,and extract manually to desktop. Go in *C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks -and keep the "" and rename it like one of the default female warpaints,like "" that i don't like it.... -Then, install it in your skyrim\datatextures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks.And now you can have that paint... the replacer will only affect the PLAYERCHARACTER,so you won't have to worry about npcs,unless you make some follower... *C:\Users\Utente\ this path may change in your pc,but doesn't matter Thanks very much! :) I'll give it a try :P