In response to post #55978456. #55978716, #55979306, #55979686 are all replies on the same post. What annoys me most, is the tone people use to express their dislike. Honestly, what's with all the hate? Is it really necessary to use that kind of language? I mean, there are a lot of things on the web, I don't like, but insulting the developers, is definitely NOT the way, you get anything you want. I tried to jot down a few things that I personally like better. I know, that it's a tough topic, because - of course - everyone likes different things, but there we go. 1) It looks a lot better on a bigger screen The old layout had a width of 960px and (as a frontend-developer) I think that it's ... old? out-of-style? maybe both, to have a web-layout that narrow, when the average screen width is at about 1300px. You waste a lot of space that way and now, that it's responsive, it actually scales with the screen and you don't have to scroll yourself silly. 2) It looks a lot better on a smaller screen Like I wrote in my original post, if a website doesn't have a mobile version or isn't responsive, it's a huge pain in the backside to surf on your phone - not anymore. 3) I visit the site almost daily, if not several times a day, and I didn't miss a single feature up until now. True, maybe I'm not doing it right ;) but I don't feel lost on the site ad everything I need, I found. 4) What I really like is the new gallery widget, but that, too, is a matter of personal taste. It all comes down to personal taste, if we're honest. And spamming the comments with "I hate this" and "I hate that" and "Change it back immediately" will help NO ONE. And it most certainly won't make Dark0ne overthrow the entire layout, because people (who HAD THE CHANCE to speak their mind) whine about it. (Phew, that was a long one^^)