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  1. Yeah, but the there would be a need for supermutant compatible purple shorts. Lol
  2. Ultimately, I wouldn't care if things were altered to be easier to do. Just think a scientific lycanthropy would be cool, add a fast travel alternative, and could be pretty fun for most types of players.
  3. Most likely there should be no sleep bonus, but an increase in lovers embrace. Also, I think it might be interesting if only the were-rat could pick up items in beast form, like a pack rat. The were-mire may have the highest defense or a better version of the ricochet perk due to chitin shell. Were-claw would have high attack I guess. Maybe highest, but a shorter range than the were-rat. Were-guai could have high damage on downed enemies with the powertrain tackle move having a decent chance to knock down. Were-wolf could have a version of moving target that happens a bit more oten. Sorry, posting as things come to mind.
  4. The player should get abducted while sleeping after mod install. Then be bound and gagged until transformation. This would help with not having to do the voice for player. The beast should be chosen through the overseer, and actual conversation minimal. The story should be for immersion at best, with terminals giving the back story. NPCs should also go aggro in your beast forms presence. Bites from player should not cause thropy, but maybe the left over mutation serum could be used on companions. Like the other four can be taken after you tear through the vault in an uncontrollable rage after your dose of the serum. Companions should only turn when you do. Not sure if transformation should be once a day or fully controllable.
  5. This is a request. Sorry it was not specified.
  6. I think we should implement some type of lycanthropy into Fallout 4. Not the mythical type, but more like a scientificly created chimera of sorts. Not too many variations I guess, but at least a few choices. Vault _ _ _, a vault used as a Noah's Ark of sorts, was designed to open after the air was deemed suitable to breathe, and would become the birth place of modern day lycanthropy. Vault _ _ _'s overseers had supervised the performing of many experiments regarding the splicing of human and animal DNA, with no success over the course of two hundred years. It was around this time that the overseer would send out a team of vault dwellers to search the wastes for more test subjects. The dwellers returned with a few specimen, and a subject, the survivor. The beasts the dwellers brought had received much radiation; the scientests and overseer, had no idea that the radiation was the key to making the mutations successful. From here you get taken in and became a mutate werebeast. I figure we could choose through the overseer. The werebeast choices would be: Were-guai- Should look similar Fo3 Yao-Guai with longer hind legs. Were-claw- Should look about the same, but a little smaller to fit in doorways well. Were-mire- Should look similar to the mirelurk king. Were-rat- Not sure if it should even be a choice to be honest. Maybe were-wolf cause of Far Harbor dlc- Kind of like skyrims, but more post-apocalyptic. They should all get in werebeast: Increased healing regen with no rad damage when being irradiated, but a weak regen when not rad.(Humans only minor health regen) A boost in unarmed damage. Possibly cause bleeding. (Also human) No fall damage. (Decreased fall damage in human) Jump height increase. (Both) Increased move speed. (Both) Slower ap drain. (Both) Eat bodies for health. (Were-beast) Ability to apply rad, poison, or electricity to claws through different chems. Maybe even tranq., berserk, health drain, etc. Specials: Were-guai- Yao Guai Strength-Powertrain type tackle and increased stagger. Were-claw- Reawakening- Invisibility and critical x10 when invisible. Were-mire- Sonic Blast- A long distance, aimable blast. Only long range werebeast attack. Were-rat- Mole Claws- Larger claws than other werebeast. Higher unarmed damage and better range. Were-wolf- Alpha Roar- Subdues up to three weaker enemies in the area. (Either intimidates and makes friendly or causes paralysis or fear, not sure which) I believe this to be a lore friendly type of lycanthropy. I hope someone picks it up. Can't afford a good enough computer at the moment, but I think someone can mod this in.
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