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Everything posted by makara5656

  1. Because those meshes aren't assigned as mesh. If you have more than 1 piece of meshes, you'll need to manually assign all of them as mesh. Like this: 1 - select all your meshes and attach it to GOB 2 - select all your meshes --> go to eshme menu --> ModelManager --> a small window will appear. 3 - then manually assign those meshes as mesh like this: Also if your mesh have skin texture, like the hands, attach it to the GOB before other meshes so it will appear on the top. That way, the skin texture will match to whatever skin color the character wearing it.
  2. So, one last question. Is there anyway to mark this forum as [sOLVED] ???
  3. I updated to 1.07 atm. Was hesitated to update to 1.08 because of a few complaints I came across the internet. The mods folder thing still not working with 1.07. Now you guys have no problem with 1.08? Because I'm going to update tonight.
  4. So, vintage. I don't quite understand how to install your mod. My game is version 1.06 btw. Have just returned into the world as we speak. :D Don't know what I do to get mods folder into my game folder besides manually create one. Is there any requirement?
  5. http://i.imgur.com/407CSP6.jpg Best I can get at the moment. Don't know what you're talking about with the lv1 scabbard, that's not the name of the model. No, its not the name of the model. I mean the starting scabbard.
  6. Nice to see you guys get this mod up and running. I think I need to return into the world of the witcher soon. Now my cousin is going to ask me where I got those swords. Because *cough* PS4 *cough*. :laugh: The only thing left is to change their scabbard to match the one from the trailer as well. The steel sword scabbard is lv1 scabbard. The brown one to be precise. The silver sword scabbard is the same one that was used with Ziereal sword. The sword that Geralt gave Ciri at the end of the game. (Not the one Ciri used through out the story)
  7. Hmm, I've tried renaming models myself but always get the error of size is larger and reimport failed. Even if reimport is successful the game will still crash when equip the renamed weapon or Geralt is simply holding nothing. Is it just renaming or you have to swap name between two models? Because all I did was renaming e3_silver_sword into one of the relic models. No swapping. You mentioned the silver sword won't glow once enchanted. What if you don't enchant it? Is the rune glow? I haven't had any luck find the steel sword model. But you can use this tool to speed things up. Because now I'm out of the witcher's world for a while. :D http://jlouisb.users.sourceforge.net/
  8. Actually, the collar of Wolf armor isn't properly rigged. As you may see most armor that has similar collar has collision. Meaning when Geralt's move his head, the collar will react accordingly. And the hair will collide with it, thus the hear tucked behind it. Wolf armor on the other hand, when Geralt move his head left or right, the collar will not react accordingly. You'll see his chin and hair clip with the collar and so on. So, I don't think its because of the xml file. Its the 3d model itself. Unless we can import and export them in 3d program, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it. Or unless developers fix it in another update.
  9. The mod above doesn't replace Cat school gear. It just edit your starting gear to Cat's mastercrafted stats. Nothing else. Mod doesn't touch cat's gear. It's the safest in my opinion. I don't think anyone have replaced cat's gear with starting armor yet. But if you really want it, I'd recommend follow this tutorial. It has the simplest explanation than any other tutorial I found throughout the net.
  10. I think you're mistaken. Like I mentioned, I tested all weapons available. Only got similar ones. But Recently, I extracted files from the game. Found a model file called, "e3_silver_sword". This model isn't being used an available weapon. Its just there. As I have suspected. And replacing the model proves quite a challenge since quickbms tool is very limited for now. Maybe once its updated.
  11. It's funny and annoying how a witcher lose health so badly because he fell down from a half meter wall. :tongue:
  12. So, I've been through the game several times already. I completed everything. Including hidden treasure, guarded treasure, smuggler's cache, etc... through out the maps. And I was hoping to find the swords which Geralt used in most of the trailers and other videos. Recognize these two? Of course you do. They showed up every time you launch the game. :tongue: I've done everything I can to find them. But with no success. I even see the full list of weapons available, and obtain them through debug console command. That is when I concluded these two were not included as a usable equipment. But I know the models exist in the game as objects or something, used in some cutscenes. Here's an example. You can see the steel sword in this cutscene: And the silver sword: (Sorry for the poor quality) You can also find the silver sword laying about... on a bedroll in Letho's temporary hideout in Reardon Manor. But I can't bloody pick it up!!! It's just part of the world's object. When Wolf DLC first announced, I was hoping they would include them as part of the Wolf school weapons. But still no. I've seen many mods that swap models from Griffin school into Bear school, Cat school to starting gear, etc, etc. Maybe someone can swap these with Wolf school mastercraft steel and silver sword... So, what is our opinion in this? I think these two have the best appearance of all swords.
  13. Helloo? *knock*
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. makara5656


      Entry 55:

      Months 2, the 3rd day. Leliana sent word from the Inquisiton order (her new job btw) that the champion of Kirkwall has arrived at Skyhold. As soon as I can find the elf lass the better, for the Inquisition needs all the help they can get.

    3. makara5656


      Later clues have led me to an abandoned camp. I believed she's been here. I found a letter says: "Hey, wow, sorry, I haven't been here like forever!". Weird....
    4. vanilka


      'Twas odd, indeed. Nobody sane writes in such a manner or leaves such an obscure message. Perhaps 'tis better for the lass to be lost.
  14. *knock knock*
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vanilka


      Slooow. I get sidetracked all the time when I have some time to play. But I'm having fun. It's much easier for making artwork than DAO, too. Hnng, I want to return to DAO soon again though, now that I have a bit more time after all the exams.


      What are you playing currently?

    3. makara5656


      I've just finished Skyrim with my vampire mistress. Hmmm... she's the only character that I played with all quests completed. There's nothing left to do. :-X


      I'm starting a new game again. With a male character.

    4. vanilka


      Ohh, I see. :) Have fun!


      Have you really completed all the quests? Wow, I thought there were so many it would be too difficult. I keep finding new things all the time. Heheh, I need to work harder. But I think that I like messing around too much.

  15. *creeps behind van*
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. vanilka


      Shhh, she's embarrassed about it.

      But, yes. She was still considered da'len. Fittingly so, since she messed up so royally.

      She's one of the youngest characters I have ever made. And has a lot of growing to do throughout the whole game. :P

    3. makara5656


      But didn't the game's character creator automatically give you a tattoo once you've chose Dalish origin? Because I didn't give Narah a tattoo in the toolset. But when I chose the Dalish origins, the CC automatically gave her a tattoo.
    4. vanilka


      Yes, but you can turn it off right there and then. :)
  16. Yo Stig! *put on the sunglasses* 8-)
  17. Holy crap! Spammers! :O
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. makara5656


      Not just here. There's more on my youtube as well. And I think it was the same person. O_o
    3. Risibisi


      Oh, on your youutibe tooß That's annoying. Can you block him?
    4. makara5656
  18. Hey hey, van! Just drop by while stalking Risi's profile... :D *back to stalking Risi*
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanilka


      There is an ENB for Dragon Age, but sadly, it's very buggy. The original author of ENBs stopped working on it because of engine limitations or something. Sad stuff, but you can still use SweetFX and force stuff like anti-aliasing externally.
    3. makara5656


      Yes. I was just testing.

      And hey! You missed Aedan's 3rd anniversary party!

    4. vanilka


      Oh, I've missed pretty much everything that has been going on lately. I'm too lazy to come here regularly and browse the image sections.
  19. **get a peek through van's window**
    1. vanilka


      *opens the window* Hello~

      Hey, what if I was just undressing or something?


      Nice to see you here. :)

    2. makara5656


      Just checking how's you doing... :D

      Haven't seen you in a while.


    3. vanilka


      I know. :)

      I've been extremely bad with writing emails and comments and visiting Nexus in general lately.


      Oh my goodness, Makara! That's amazing! :D I love that. *applauds standing* That's really wonderfully done. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanilka


      Aah, the fire looks cosy. The atmosphere is nice. Makes me want to sit there, too. :3
    3. makara5656


      And DA3 is going to be like that or even better. Oh, I can't wait for that! :O
    4. Naktis


      How cozy. :)
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