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Posts posted by Ragicka

  1. Those periodic spikes of CPU activity suggests a process of some kind. Whether it's skyrim or something else, I suspect the latter but I can only guess at this point. Does Task Manager show those same spikes when you're not playing?


    What I usually do in a case like this is to look at the Task Manager/ Process tab. If you click on CPU, it will arrange the list so that the most active process jumps to the top. Whatever is causing those 100% CPU spikes will be jumping to the top of the list every few seconds or so. Hopefully, this way we can identify the culprit.


    Another thing to try is a clean startup. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135

    The idea here is to uncheck all non MS 3rd party services and startup programs. If skyrim runs smooth in this environment, then the problem is caused by one of your installed programs. If there's no change, then at least we've eliminated that possibility.

  2. Whoa. Sorry about that Devin820, I'm derping like mad lately. I meant to quote:




    but seriously it would not surprise me, perhaps the persons name makes the coincidences that much more... eerie o_O


    But after looking into it a little more, I found no reports on this site. It's either a false positive or malwarebytes is just getting hung up on network administrivia. My apologies to adogkronik and everyone.

  3. Do you mean a CRT monitor? I had a samsung CRT a few years ago that did something like that. It had flickering horizontal lines that cleared up after 10-20 minutes but got progressively worse. Had it replaced under warranty, it eventually did the same thing.


    To me, it sounds like a failing monitor. A couple additional things to check: Does the static show up on a screen cap? If you gently wiggle the cable, does that have an effect at all?

  4. I put aside my first Breton mage because once the mobs got past Lydia it was game over. I kept the first save and may go back and redo it.


    My second is/was a Breton spellsword who left the followers at home. She's the arch-typical heroine, awesome and fearless. Finished the MQ and got to lvl 51 but currently stuck in Riften due to CTDs. The save file is just shy of 20 MB.


    Recently started my third and current character, a Nord warrior priestess type. Stronger and more "street savvy" about who she gets mixed up with.

  5. I was in Dawnstar to meet someone at the inn. As I enter, the first thing I see across the room are four large, burly men sitting side by side facing the wall.


    Then, as if on cue, they all get up and spin around to face me. It all just seemed so perfectly synchronized, I was half expecting them to do a motown hit, or something.


    Also. Ran into a thief the other day. We're in a pitched dual to the death, as usual. Out of the blue, an Imperial patrol comes along and takes over. Well, the thief is beat and begs for mercy and the Imperial spares his life.


    So away we all go, running along like the best of chums. Me, the Imperial soldiers, and the thief who turns to me and says as nice as you please, "How can I help you, friend?"

  6. Thank you for your post! I agree, TES V is an amazing game. Despite whatever flaws it may have, I see a lot of potential and that's what makes it exciting.


    Just turned 50. Been playing video games for the past 30 years. No reason to stop now especially since they keep getting better.

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