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Everything posted by m0ckin9bird

  1. and I´m glad to see your real face away *thumbsup*
  2. I love you too sweetie!! *hugs*
  3. Hello sweettie! thanks a lot for your comment on my profile, i just read it ^^ You made some of the best images on nexus hun, hope to see more from you *hugs*
  4. That one is always welcome!

    And yeah lot of fun and ...some drinks...just a few :P

  5. yeah someone was late parting last night ahem, birthday party :P

    gimme that Lana hun I´m ready :D

  6. and I like a lot both of your profile pics <<3
  7. psschh you can spam my profile as much as you want but now I´m gonna take a long nap :P
  8. Hi Zazemel!

    I´ve been using drow specular on my ashen char for ages, now i´m gonna release her as a companion and I wonder if you will let me use the specular body file, of course credit is granted and is not the original pink-blue, is black and white with lower contrast.

    Please let me know if it ´s ok with you :happy:

    1. Zazemel


      Yes please feel free to use it. :D
  9. hun i miss you! but part is my fault cause im playing now, making companion and turning Silke into a vamp too ^^ tomorrow i´ll be connected again! here, trust publish a song from them but this is my fav from the album:

    nighty night!

  10. Hola Carlos! siempre es agradable recibir comentarios en español :) La canción no es de mi estilo :P pero gracias ^^ y *blush*
  11. argh! how u dare to tell me you´re still in bed hun! :D at last i have my coffee now :)
  12. Bad, i didn´t have my first coffee yet, i´m waiting for my friend to finish something >.<

    but! today is like friday cause tomorrow is festive yay!

  13. Good morning sweets! Here 5 coffees *coffee*coffee*coffee*coffee*coffee* :)
  14. ooh! willow! welcome back! i saw your comment on schmoopsie wall ^^
  15. I have to agree with you on that :D
  16. huuuuge links cause i cannot load youtube here quickly to copy the share link ...sorry :P they have it kinda banned and the conection is extra slow...and vimeo is totally banned...
  17. Sheryl Crow? i used to be fan ^^ http://tinyurl.com/8wao2ds

    if it makes you happy song

  18. I knoow :) wrote her yesterday ^^
  19. ooh!! i know this song! it´s awesome! <<<3
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