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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. "No lag" is variable. Even if you have no lag, if you're running at just 20FPS, that puts off other people. You won't notice how slow the game is and you'll feel it's smooth until you experience playing the game at better FPS. Try this: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554/‎
  2. Ah. Now it's reverse pickpocketing actual poisons. No I don't know any poisoned food, but I know of a mod that can reverse pickpocket explosives if you want to blow up Nazeem...
  3. Which launcher are you using? The default one or SKSE launcher?
  4. A few every now and then, but not so often. My ini and settings are quite optmized that I can reach up to 45FPS indoors (i cap my game to 35FPS though) on my laptop (i5-4200U, 4GB RAM, GT 720M). Problems only occur if I add better textures or increase spawns from SoT, as my rig is at it's RAM limit, and I'm going to buy more RAM as this rig is less than a month old with me. I usually play in bursts of 2-3hrs, so I really can't tell how long it would take before I CTD from continuous playing and RAM-filling. The last CTD problems I got was when I bugged out with SoT. I was so happy with a stable game that I became mod happy again and added several scripted and heavy ones (I decided to try Real Shelter, CoT Weather Patches, etc) and it bugged out Sands of Time which hated changing it's place in the load order (it was at 239... I think the new load order and merging I had bumped it to 245), and it bugged out on me with super-spawning. Usually this wouldn't cause me to CTD. A few superspawn bugs happened to me from that normally (instead of the 8-16 bandits it's supposed to dynamically spawn in my settings, it spawns 20 or so), not enough to CTD, but this time it was dropping hundreds of skeletons and draugr in Winterhold that it's become impossible to exit or enter the college. I've had this before with bandits around Whiterun, and woe is me. I should never have tinkered again with my load order. From that Whiterun experience I know this is a borked save and even the save game cleaner can't help me with this, and I need a new game. I managed to take a few screenshots though before CTD, while the spawns were still too few to cause anything more than a 15FPS drop: Whiterun bandit superspawn bug Winterhold skeleton and draugr superspawn bug Although seriously, the only way you won't CTD with those is with probably a dual 4GB VCARD. LOL.
  5. Before you mod, you should first learn about CPUs, RAM, GPUs. Anyway, no, the 512MB you mentioned referred to the memory of your graphics card, not the memory cards on your PC, the RAM (volatile memory). If you say you have 4GB RAM, it's enough, barely (I do it), but for a massively optimized modded game. Meaning you can't do it without basic knowledge of skyrim.ini editing, how mods work, and how they complement each other in order to minimize RAM consumption. This also means some mods would be "off-limits" to you. For basic modding, it's recommended to have AT LEAST 6GB RAM and a video card with AT LEAST 1GB VRAM (video RAM). In other words, Skyrim looks terrible on your computer because your computer is well, terrible. It's not advisable to play on that. I'm surprised you actually tried running that. I've played on a laptop with an intel i5 2.6Ghz, 6GB RAM and an ATi Radeon HD 5470 1GB and I won't even try to play Ultra on that thing because the FPS would be horrible, what more if I add an ENB. Heck I am currently playing on an Intel i5 4200U and a GT720M 2GB, and I know putting an ENB on this would not be a good idea for playing.
  6. ^Well put. It does seem though your brother and me have similar tastes. :D On your issues with immersion mods: with Frostfall, you can set it so that if you are blinded in a snow storm/rain storm, the bandits/enemies are as well. You can also set them to react correctly to dark (won't see you in a completely unlighted place or shadowed spot with Immersive NPC in the Dark. Some mods are meant to complement other mods. On the issue on WIPs, I won't mind if it's a WIP as long as it's working and the mod author is working on it with the help of the community. Sometimes you have to do an alpha or beta release for further testing.
  7. to the OP, I just found out that ripple is currently in the process of updating his mod Inconsequential NPCs (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36334). He's going to add more NPCs, you may want to request from him to add amputated war veterans. AFAIK he's writing scripts and looking for voice talent at the moment.
  8. to the OP, I just found out that ripple is currently in the process of updating his mod Inconsequential NPCs (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36334). He's going to add more NPCs, you may want to request from him to add amputated war veterans. AFAIK he's writing scripts and looking for voice talent at the moment.
  9. Ah. I see. I don't use the compass (I turn it off) so I didn't understood at first.
  10. In Skyrim, giving the beggar a coin is a good idea. You get the Gift of Charity Blessing, upping persuasion which affects barter. You'll get more than a septim back for that. :D
  11. How feasible is this really? People have been asking for mod packs for sometime now that modding has become popular (as PCs and games became cheaper), but from my experience this isn't a very good idea unless the mod packs are made of small, no performance hit mods. Unlike Minecraft where it's AFAIK not difficult to find a PC or laptop that can run it modded, a modded Skyrim game can pretty much get eff'd up if not carefully built to your PC's specifications. I'd think unless your PC components are exactly the same, there is no way to tell how some other guy's setup will run on your PC, even if your rig is better, that's no real guarantee AFAIK. Plus what's the difference from just getting recommendations from people, downloading them and then launching the game?
  12. That would be difficult considering there are already existing animations and stuff for them. Plus the need to create custom clothes, or have them all be beggars and use ragged clothes. it would probably be better to add NPCs who have been amputated rather than edit existing ones.
  13. I'm not saying that Daedra can fully materialize on Nirn. That's what Dagon did and it's not that easy I'd think. But Sam is an avatar, a projection of Sanguine, and so are the other manifestations. Nocturnal is possibly the only one who can do so fully right now since there's an actual doorway between her realm and Nirn. And I'm just basing my assumptions on how big an influence they have on Nirn at the moment of the game. Heck, Sam and Sheo can freely yank you off into their own realm. That reminds me. Since Sheo was originally part of Nirn because he is the Hero of Kvatch, does that mean he can get around the daedric block because he is actually of Nirn, and thus fully materializing in any period of time and psyche in Nirn???? :D
  14. Clavicus Vile's own fault for giving dividing his power/himself into separate sentient beings IMO. However as you stated, the powers of daedra are in flux, which means they can be stronger or not. Also, if daedra can't freely manifest on earth, how do you explain Sam? :D, considering at the time of Skyrim, with several daedra actually manifesting on Nirn, I'll just assume that whatever happened in Oblivion wasn't as foolproof as the older version of having the Septim Kings.
  15. Same thing. Click on the drop down menu on the upper right, select edit then put it in. There's instructions in the step forum.
  16. I'm pretty sure that Peyrite is weaker than either Sanguine, Hircine or Clavicus Vile, he can't even manifest in Nirn without a ritual, unlike those three who just walks around the plane with no issues. We could possibly gauge their power by looking at how much they influence Skyrim. IMO it's more: Nocturnal - Daughter of Sithis FTW. There's a freaking door to her realm in Skyrim, plus her influence affects every little thing done in the world, even if it is subte. Sheogorath - He defeated Jyggalag, who was touted as one of the most powerful daedra. Unless any evidence to say otherwise, we'll put him here. Plus the fact he can manifest himself and the DB in the mind of a man dead thousands of years ago in Skyrim.... A mad god with powers over time and space. Sanguine - Can manifest in Skyrim himself, albeit disguised as a mortal. Has power to take multiple humans in his realm too. I think he's quite a powerful daedra, just party crazy though. Clavicus Vile - With just half his power he can manifest in Skyrim fully as an immortal annoying noisy dog Not even other Daedra can do that at full power. Hircine - Lord of the Hunt. The fact that werewolves supposedly abound in Skyrim, there's also a lot of hunters, plus the fact that the Companions and Silver Hand exist hunting each other, quite possible empowers his realm. Heck he runs around the forests of Falkreath himself every now and then. Hermaeus Mora - So many stuff about him in game and manifests at will, but seems to have few followers. Boethiah - We know she's more powerful than Malacath, and her supporters abound in Skyrim for some reason, empowering her realm. However weaker than the ones above her because while she can influence Nirn, she needs a Nirn body to possess in order to manifest. Mehrunes Dagon - Has no power to manifest in the world even after his artifact is restored. Even then can only send dremora through, and not manifest a physical presence even through possession. Malacath - Cursed an ENTIRE Orc tribe to misery, with his shrine desecrated and no active worshippers at that place too. Can't manifest physically though. Vaermina - The mere presence of her artifact affects an entire freaking town a mile away speaks of how much her presence in Skyrim is felt. Azura - her artifact is desecrated, so her influence which flows through that should be weakened (her power should be returned after her quest though, but doesn't do much to influence Nirn so her level is suspect). However despite that, she was still able to curse Malyn Varen and make life miserable for him and supporters, and guided you to her shrine. Meridia - she can talk to you through her beacon anywhere in Skyrim, thereby able to manifest a physical form in Nirn albeit very limited. However has no power to influence events to punish her temple's desecration. Same level possibly as Azura. Mephala - Her influence is limited by a freaking door. But considering that the room is magically sealed, we can say that perhaps her influence level is somewhere near Meridia's. Molag Bal - His influence is confined to locking doors in a house above his shrine. :) Namira - this one is suspect. It's like she can't do much stuff to influence Skyrim other than watch her worshippers eat Peryite - You can't even talk to him unless you perform a smoke signal thiny, thus very limited influence. Jygallag - unsure how much he has recovered
  17. You could, you know, ask only once but set it to "not ask again for this session"
  18. 512mb? Doubt it. You can try the Bethesda Hi-Res Optimized pack, then use the full 1k version.
  19. You mean me or the OP? If me yes, they're all active, (the ones with =1). The ones with =0 are inactive plugins, but I have them there because their inside the bashed patch or in the merged patches, so you'll know the contents. Basically they're active mods anyway. Now that you mention it, made a mistake: These are active (and inside bashed patch) Scarcity - Less Loot Mod.esp=1Scarcity - 2x Merchant Item Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 4x Loot Rarity.esp=0 These arent: Scarcity - 2x Loot Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 10x Merchant Item Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 10x Loot Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 8x Loot Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 8x Merchant Item Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 4x Merchant Item Rarity.esp=0Scarcity - 6x Loot Rarity.esp=0 That mod doesn't have a proper NMM installer, so you deactivate the plugins you don't want to use.
  20. SPM can tell you the cause of CTDs. If your game is running at near max CPU, RAM (maxes out at 3.1GB for Skyrim, doesn't matter if you have 16GB available) or VRAM, that's a cause of stutters or even CTD. So basically if your crash happened at any instance those values are maxed out, they are probably causes. Regarding BOSS, read post before mine. Also, we'd need specs and mod list. It may be nothing more than you trying to run more than your system can handle. For example, last year I was playing on a laptop that could run vanilla Skyrim on high at a constant 35FPS (I cap all my games to that anyway). I install mods and I had to turn the settings to low just so I can reach 22-25FPS.
  21. Have you tried reinstalling SkyUI? Also are you launching from the SKSE launcher?
  22. I sort of doubt that Beth will release an unmoddable game. That's where they get their money in the long run. They may not earn from modders per se, and bulk of their initial sales do come from console games, but as time passes, console gamers move on to the PC versions for modding capability when PC components get cheaper. For example, people are still buying Morrowind and Oblivion today and playing it, and Morrowind is over 10 years old! Modding gives their games extended selling value. This actually makes me question those who make unmoddable games in some ways, but then modding capability sacrifices increased game stability. Not that EA makes stable games anyway. At least Ubisoft games are a better example.
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