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Everything posted by nolgroth

  1. The archery is a little tricky to get used to at first and, as I understand it, there is a distance where the arrow simply ceases to exist. That said, draugr tend to have lots of arrows as do bandits. They are not Daedric Arrows of Ultimate Destruction or anything, but I have rarely run dry on arrows. The one character I thought might run out was down to two arrows. Two shots later she had over twenty arrows. Then they just rolled in from there. You can also try pick pocketing guards with bows. :whistling:
  2. I have the exact same border. It just sort of appeared one day before I installed any mods. No ideas on how to get rid of it.
  3. VLC can do it by default. The problem is that the music is separated into chunks. It would take more time and effort than I am willing to spend in order to combine the tracks. I'll just buy the soundtrack. Well, even if I did rip the tracks out, I was planning on the soundtrack anyway.
  4. Hey, I like to run multiple characters too. I am trying like hell to avoid the main quest for now. I want to savor it. I try to build characters around a concept. For Oblivion, my first successful character was a Bosmer assassin. I was able to get into a very creepy mindset for her. My children were my audience in those days and they still remember her as the blissfully happy psychopath. I had other characters from back then, but none were quite as fun. Right now I have somewhere around 60 hours of playtime. In that time, I've made 6 characters. Character #1: Argonian. Why an Argonian? Because they are like a million times more cool than the Oblivion ones. Anyway, he is a warrior that uses conjured blades for combat. Sort of jack 'o' all trades, but specialized enough that his one-handed is nearly as high as his conjuration. Fun character to play. Nearly level 30 by now, though I have been playing other characters as well. Weapon and shield/spell. No vested interest in the developing civil war. Character #2: Dunmer sneaker. Playing her evil. About level 13 or so. While I like the alien look of the elves, it somewhat makes her look like a man. Having a hard time staying in the mindset I want for this character. May ditch her entirely. Archery or single weapon. Thinking the overall Dunmer aesthetic is suitable to a PnP roleplaying character I used to play. No vested interest in the civil war. Character #3: Nord female. Haven't gone anywhere beyond the tutorial. In a way, she was conceptually replaced by character 5. May just delete her. Character #4: Imperial female. Sneaky, but probably more in the scout/woodsman/ranger sort of way. Level 9. Dual wielder (sword and dagger). Restoration spells only. Slightly vested towards the Imperials, but I am having a hard time justifying any allegiance to a group that was planning on hacking my character's head off. Character #5: Nord male. Made him like a grizzled veteran type. Probably to appeal to the fact that I am getting past my prime too. :) Have yet to explore this character's path. So far been using light armor and two handed weapons. Outright planning on supporting and joining the Stormcloaks. Character #6: Orc male. Another race that I hated from Oblivion but was all giddy to play in Skyrim. Again, not much done with him. Thinking of trying out dual war axes for him.
  5. I must not be very good at it then, but I do not think them too easy. I think they are just about right.
  6. I had one get so lost that I though she had died. About five game days later, I found her in my house. Go figure.
  7. Give me the higher encumbrance mods! Justification? Sure, because I want one. As long as I or somebody else, is willing to mod the game then that is all the justification I need. I am with the whole "it's tedious to go back and forth, lugging a bunch of loot" crowd. There is already a mechanism in place (limited merchant gold) to prevent outright "abuse" ( a funny word considering the single player aspect) of having so much loot. For those that don't like it, don't use a mod.
  8. All good ideas Ghogiel. Thinking either Breton or High Elf to kick things off. Will try that tomorrow after work and a little nap.
  9. My complaint is that the mouse clicks in the menus seems off. I cannot click toward the top or left side of the menu item. I have to click low and to the right. Also the same in dialog and trade windows. Also, sometimes the game does not register when I point at an item. I have to use the scroll wheel on the mouse in order to get the proper item (dialog, inventory or store) into the position where it highlights. Only then can I click it. I am adapting to these conditions, but like many others, I feel that I shouldn't have to. As to the rest, I have gotten semi-used to it. I even remapped/exchanged the favorites and shout keys so that all I have to do is hit Q for shout. Since favorites pauses the game anyway, I just mapped it to Z. For combat/roaming, the mouse and keyboard work pretty much as I would expect.
  10. Typically I run around with a sword in one hand and either a heal spell or shield in the other. On occasion, I whip out the ol' bow and do some damage with that. I also throw in the odd Firebolt spell to keep things interesting. Recently got the Bound Blade spell and it has taken over for my regular steel sword. In other words, I mix it up constantly. Same character has gone dual wielding and two-handed just for kicks. Also dual spells (Flames) against a troll. Bar-B-Q. The only consistent aspect of the character is heavy armor. Of course, this could be because the game is new and other than "argonian," I had little in the way of concept.
  11. Like them for the most part. A couple of times, I thought the bad guy got me and it turned out the other way. And then there was the one or two times a bad guy actually got a finishing maneuver on me. The T-Rex grab 'n' thrash finisher. Today, I was traveling with Lydia when we were attacked by one of those stupid spiders. We both executed the same maneuver at the same time on the thing. It was very funny.
  12. Not a bug. You just need to talk to the woman who is making the "Butcher" posters. After you talk to her, then you can talk to Jorleif. Took me forever to figure it out, but once I did, a new conversation item appeared when I spoke to Jorleif.
  13. My first impressions are mostly favorable. I had watched the opening scene to just where the character enters the keep but before his bindings are cut. Seeing all PC-ified was amazing. Getting out to the other side of the intro dungeon was pretty epic. And then things went from great to better. Yes, there is a huge UI problem. I also have the problem of disappearing textures and objects. I hope those are fixed in the next patch or maybe by mods. Other than that, I felt like I was dropped into a vast cinematic world with my Argonian Centurian. Just the fact that I am having a blast with an Argonian is something to be amazed by. High Points: The environments. I simply fell right into this world. Looking back, I daresay it was even easier than Oblivion. Combat and spellcasting. It took a couple of tries, but the two mouse button combo works pretty well. The actual "feel" of combat is just incredible. Crafting. I had a lot of fun building up my heavy Imperial armor at first and then my Steel armor. Working upwards from there. Music. I am going to get the soundtrack (4 discs) and consider the $30 a bargain. I cannot even describe how the music makes this game come to life. Low Points: Weird UI. The mouse seems to be slightly off when clicking options in the dialog and inventory menus. Have to get used to the tab key being the "open and close" menu key. Graphical glitches. I am pretty well immersed in the game to the point were a few glitches are that big of a deal. On the other hand, I would love to not have semi-transparent doors. Nitpicks: Underwater Adventures. I realize that there is a whole bunch of stuff on the dirt side, but I created an Argonian for the purpose of checking around the ocean for underwater sites to explore. I did get to see a couple of pretty icebergs though. Early Dragon Appearances. Look, I realize the creators are all excited about this game, but I would really have like to not have dragons flapping around while I am still trying to figure out the Favorites menu. :) Crafting Dragon Armor requires a Smithing skill of 100. Yeah, so we can somewhat use this skill roughly about the time our characters retire. Well anyway, while I had some low points, so far the game has been amazing. I will post further impressions later.
  14. Been playing since it unlocked. It will take time to wrap my head around the control scheme. I am used to Oblivion [space] to Enter and Exit inventory. The tab button is going to take a tad bit of adjustment. Aside from that, my only complaint is that the mouse point tends to not focus correctly and I either click another menu item than the one that I want or I just seem to click empty space. I am quite sure that a patch or mods will take care of that.
  15. Fun to play a mage in. Second-most depressing game ever. The first being Far Cry 2. I am looking forward to seeing the game and I have proven to be highly adaptable to control schemes. I am not expecting miracles in regards to the graphics. I have seen plenty of videos and screenshots and I am honestly quite excited about it. If it is something so horrible that I cannot play, I am going to be very disappointed.
  16. Still waiting here. Unlocks in about 2 hours and 22 minutes. Give or take a few seconds.
  17. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/456253-graphics-tweaks/ Try that thread.
  18. I have several NVIDIA cards. 8600 GTS, 8800 GTX, and 260 GTX. All work like champs. In fact, the only NVIDIA card I did have go down was a 9600 GSO. The 8600 is almost useless these days, but would technically still work in a non-gaming environment just fine. I happen to be an ATI fan, so all my newer cards fall under that banner, but I think NVIDIA makes a good product.
  19. I'm going to step out on a limb and base my opinion on what little game play video I've seen and the words from various interviewed Bethesda staff members. I think this will truly be the best Elder Scrolls game to date. Oblivion was fun for a long time and (for me) needed a lot of mods to run well. I noticed Fallout 3 and New Vegas (though developed by Obsidian) required fewer "fix" mods. I think Bethesda nailed this one. As for Morrowind, I enjoyed the story but I have zero fond memories of the clunky animations and obfuscated side missions. The only thing that I will miss from Morrowind are spears and thrown weapons. I think Bethesda failed its fan base by deliberately excluding those in Skyrim. No spears in a Nordic based region? Have they gone daft?
  20. Mass Effect 3, but I've heard something disturbing about requiring multiplayer to get all the story content. Eventually Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls VI. All those are likely, but probably the thing that truly pulls me out is going to be a resurgence in my interest in PnP RPGs.
  21. Not interested in this feature, but don't mind that it is there.
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