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Nexus Mods Profile

About CluckenDip

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    Mass Effect babyyy

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  1. In response to post #103692543. that's a good point lol
  2. In response to post #67475806. #67518391, #67535151, #67661101 are all replies on the same post. They don't like people making a better game than them.
  3. aaawwwww lit cheers team, may the luckiest modder win <3
  4. In response to post #57507456. Most likely
  5. In response to post #56923706. I can't wait to even know wtf Vortex is XD
  6. I don't see many problems with the new site since I only go on the Nexus to occasionally check mods sometimes and daily glance at any notifications. I've been doing a little bit of modding on Fallout and Skyrim SE, a bit of tweaking on games here and there like the Arkham series and some LEGO games, and a crap ton of modding on the Mass Effect series (maybe eventually I'll make my own :D). My only gripe with the site is that you guys are too awesome at everything, seriously. :P Keep up the amazing work, can't wait to see what Vortex even is!
  7. In response to post #56713576. Haha, you're not the only one.
  8. In response to post #56262141. #56262426, #56262576, #56262581, #56262936, #56263031, #56263146, #56266491, #56267106, #56267256 are all replies on the same post. Strayaaa!!!
  9. In response to post #54854513. #55456493 is also a reply to the same post. Femshep. That's all I'm gonna say :P
  10. In response to post #55401758. #55402508 is also a reply to the same post. Sweet, thanks for the reply bro :)
  11. Will you add wallpapers in the background of each specific game like the old layout? Little sick of seeing Skyrim all over the joint
  12. In response to post #54898918. #54900158 is also a reply to the same post. Awesome, thanks for the reply! :D
  13. I love the aesthetic. It will take some time to get used to, but you folks will make it better I'm sure. :) Just one small gripe, I hate how the sample background image on the site is constantly Skyrim and not whatever game you're viewing. Is this because since it is replaced by Ads, you guys don't bother changing the background image or something? Anyways, thanks!
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