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  1. I just successfully fixed a Skyrim LE save file by resetting the pointer for a script instance that had lost it's pointer, I believe because of a script name change. The pointer had a value of 00000000. I did this with Save Cleaner. I'm sure this is only one of many instances of scripts with 'null' pointers my old game save files have accumulated over time. My question is, is there a way, maybe with one of the save file utilities, to list all scripts in a save file that have 'null' pointers so I can investigate? Many thanks if you can share some knowledge.
  2. Thank you for keeping the game color schemes. So much better.
  3. I am considering using OR with ENBoost (not a full ENB) but it seems that may be redundant. Here is a link to guide I found for setting up Oblivion Reloaded. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/articles/44296/ There is an ENB section titled 'Using Oblivion Reloaded with ENB'. I have not used this guide. I have read it only, yet it seems to be fairly informative and fairly up-to-date. Of course I am always cautious with guides. The thing that catches my eye in that section is this: "Also, OR and ENB share many effects like Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion, so consider disabling such effects in either one or the other. OR's MemoryManagement makes ENBoost redundant, and running both at the same time may cause problems. Disable MemoryManagement if you'd rather use ENBoost for whatever reason.". Edit. Another suggestion I saw in a reddit post suggested this "I recommend starting with a minimal setup, everything disabled in the ini, then add what you need/want.". Edit2. the author of the linked guide also has a Oblivion.ini guide which contains a section specifically for Oblivion Reloaded. It's linked below. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/articles/44297 Hope this helps.
  4. We are all forever grateful to you ElminsterAU for XEdit, and to your team. The new version does so much. It is a testament, an accomplishment you can certainly be proud of.
  5. I particularly like all of your village addons. Everyone in Skyrim has a place to rest at night.
  6. Just my 2 cents worth. The old Tracking center allowed for 25 tracked mods per page while the new tracking center only allows for 20 tracked mods per page, with the ability to change it as a premium-only feature. I get it, it helps encourage people to go premium. My beef is that the number of my tracked mods pages has now doubled (I obviously track quite a few). It's kind of a pain. Couldn't you just up it back to 25? Not cool to diminish features.
  7. In response to post #43238875. #43242185 is also a reply to the same post. Agree with you on video format. Great examples of these IMHO are the GamerPoets videos.
  8. One thing I truly hope you consider is documentation. A powerful tool that's badly documented can be destructive. Additionally, poor documentation causes people to ask the same questions over and over until they "sledgehammer" their way into understanding. In my opinion, documentation should be detailed if not exhaustive, and NOT contain vague and ambiguous references, or slang. English isn't everyone's first language. I know you are familiar with many accomplished mod authors that have been vocal about their issues with MO, and in some cases intensely so. I would hope that you revisit some of these issues and the author's concerns, regardless of the decided source of the problem. Since your work at this point is foundational, this may be critical input. Very best regards
  9. Yeah, it could be EFF. That's a very complex mod. Hard to look through. At your suggestion, I uninstalled Rustic soul gems yet the problem is still there so whatever it is, it must be something else. Thanks for your suggestion. If you come up with other ideas, lemme know. Edit: Could this be a game limitation?
  10. An option of Soulfire v1.7 is to give followers the ability to recharge their own weapons. The problem: If I change cells (go through a load door) they will loose that spell (Soulfire - Follower). Both of the spell's active effects will 'self delete' from their inventory. The work around: I've found that I can reapply the spell and it will work as intended as long as I don't change cells. Edit: Checked, this problem also happens with fast travel but doesn't with saves or sleep. My current load order Edit: 'Soulfire - Follower' spell is a constant effect ability.
  11. This effort is so awesome that words fail me. This is nothing short of resurrection from the dead. If I were a drinkin man, I'd toast to your long lives.
  12. Older post, I know, but do you have 'Stable uGridsToLoad' installed? If you do, try deactivating it. I found info that it had memory call problems and it gave me sporadic CTD's on load until I removed it. Now, no CTD's.
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