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Everything posted by TummaSuklaa

  1. You forgot to make the property for the ammo. You need to use AddInventoryEventFilter() and pass in the ammo, otherwise the Event wont work. You need to instead attach that script to the Player in an Alias(Dummy Quest) instead of directly on the player. It might be easier to instead remove the ammo based on aiItemCount as that records how many of that item was added.
  2. And what did you expect it to be? What did you expect me to think? All unnecessary sarcasm aside, I've seen LOD at least look similar to the thing it was representing. So the big ass yellow box from yards away was quite the sight for me.
  3. The Event you are using is complicating in Fallout 4 (it's easier in Skyrim, but it's been changed because stack overflow is just too easy..) and I can't wrap my head around doing it. You have to register for a hit event first: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RegisterForHitEvent_-_ScriptObject and also, that event wouldn't run anyway because you don't have all the parameters. All parameters need to be present, or the compiler will complain. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnHit_-_ScriptObject I will however right out a basic function for searching through a formlist. I am better with arrays for they are faster, so I might be a little off with this. Formlist property MyRefList auto Int Function GetRefInList(Form akForm) ; Checks the Formlist if this form is in it. if MyRefList.HasForm(akForm) int iIndex = akList.GetSize() ; Counts down until it reaches 0 While iIndex > 0 iIndex -= 1 ; Going through the list, from the last index to the first. ; Comparing each form to the passed in form. if MyRefList.GetAt(iIndex) == akForm ; Return the index for the matching form. return iIndex EndIf EndWhile EndIf ; If not found return this value instead. return -1 EndFunction
  4. Well on the LOD thing, the strangest thing so far is Beth's choice of LOD messes. A yellow building.. becomes a big yellow box(literally) from afar.
  5. Found the information, and going to add it to the wiki.
  6. Anyone know how to create/use these? I can drag one to the window, but it doesn't appear. Reading the wiki page, apparently there is a start and end thing for it..but I haven't found it.
  7. OnItemAdded/Remove now requires that you use AddInventoryEventFilters, or the Events wont run at all. A departure from how they work in Skyrim.
  8. Anything that has animation has a behavior graph/file, and knowing what those are is key to working with animations. Propellers turning, etc, it's all animation. The nif contains the data for its motion, I mean you obviously need to rig it in a 3D program's animation set, but it wont tell you the event names which when exposed can be used in the CK, I think. You can check out the various animation mods, or head over to Skyrim nexus and look FNIS and ask Fore about it, if he's still around to offer help/advice on animations. Now not trying to get your hopes up here, for I might be a little off the mark(zero experience with animations), but I know Beth loves to lock stuff behind controllers and animation files(not accessible unless you have a tool to extract the files). But it's another thing you can look into if you're wanting some more venues to explore to get to the bottom of your issue.
  9. A vertibird is considered a "creature" with its own 'VertibirdRace.' It has limb data just like a dog or ghoul. The .nif has built-in controllers (which I don't understand yet) and some kind of state machine which determines when the propellors turn on/ off, when landing gear retracts, etc. it seems like a lot of functionality was shunted onto the nif instead of being controlled in CK, which is annoying because I've been trying to mod vertibirds for months with no success, due to the brick wall of nif manipulation. Something so simple as turning off the cabin and cockpit lights is frustratingly hard... still can't do it, I can see the light emitters attached to nif, I can turn them off, but they turn back on in-game. Really want to know how this whole controller thing works. My ultimate goal with vbirds is to remove the minigun (or have it switch from side-to-side) and have the doors close when you are in the air. I've never been able to kill anything with minigun anyway... accuracy is poor from such high altitude. I'm also trying to make more generators for settlements, and again, the same problem. The on/off sound is controlled by the nif itself, has little to do with CK. Like I said it feels like nif's now include a state machine for repaired/broken, on/off, lights, sound, vibration, etc. I can't find where this state machine info is stored so I can't do much about it. Edit: I'd bet a few dollars that the flight behavior of VertiBirds is directly taken from the flight behavior of dragons in Skyrim. Something about that aimless circling, and the flickering between high-and-low res... no coincidence. Edit2: There is some kind of furniture markers determining where NPCs can sit or stand within the vertibird, just like a chair or crafting station. Most of that data you need may be embedded into its behaviour graph as well, which is inaccessible through the nif.
  10. Better option would be to allow us to control the X/Y positions, instead of only rotation(Z axis).
  11. Default scripts are confusing.. I'd use a different approach. Add the player to an alias to a dummy quest and add this script(untested) to the alias. Quest property QuestYouWantToStart auto Holotape property TapeToListenFor auto Event OnAliasInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(TapeToListenFor) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if akBaseItem == TapeToListenFor QuestYouWantToStart.Start() ; Note: The first stage will be the current stage. RemoveInventoryEventFilter(TapeToListenFor) GetOwningQuest().Stop() else ; some error occured EndIf EndEvent
  12. First, so there is no misunderstanding, my post wasn't directed specifically towards you but to a wide range. This remaster - this is worrisome because you and so many other people are maybe having high expectations of this. I urge you to lower them just a bit. Remember, this is Bethesda we're talking about here. They are all badass to everyone when they release something(finally) but then anger floods hard when their trademark mess ups ruin peoples' enjoyment. I'd also like to say, it's fine to want more mods, or at least see this game teeming with them and that it does feel daunting when you notice overall modding progress is either stagnating, or going real slow. Playing this with only a few clothing mods and some of my own, the game is quite addicting, and I see all around the modding possibilities, but all the things missing for now to make it happen. But that doesn't mean modding will cease. Look at Morrowind. It's almost 15 years since its release and mods are still coming out for it.
  13. In all of their games, the beginning contains the heaviest amount of scripting and stuff that is not going to be used for the rest of the game. In short.. they go all out for the beginning. So unless you have alt start mods, or things that don't touch the player character in any way, it's not smart to load mods before starting the game.
  14. The thing with the Queen was the beginning of the end. Spoilers and such.
  15. Alright then, sorry. That is something entirely new to me, and obviously Fallout specific. But I do know that the CK for Skyrim at least has many bugs.. (there was a whole topic listing them). So undoubtedly, the CK has its problems for Fallout.
  16. There are.. you just have look in the base parent scripts to find them..
  17. Minutemen are basically the faction of choice if you want to play a good character with selfless morals.
  18. Cell edits are ok as long as objects you place there aren't in the same spot as another mod's object. If it were otherwise.. no mod could be made without 100+ compatibility patches. Secondly, ObjectReference script properties will flag a cell as edited as you're adding that Cell's object to a property. If you select an item in the render window and then right click(for whatever reason) this will slightly move the object and flag the cell as edited. As Ethreon said, just looking around can cause edits too but I think the underlying reason for that is accidentally moving an object, since you do kind of have to grab the space to pan around, and you may end up selecting an object. TL;DR - Cells are fragile.
  19. MarkForDelete I believe only removes the object for that gaming session.
  20. Err they are still essential in my game.. and I'm up to date. o_O Nothing says the famous Nelson "haa haa" than pegging whats her name in the head with a .50 calibur sniper rifle and her dropping down and getting back up moments later. Nevermind. I haven't completed Sanctuary yet.
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