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Everything posted by BethelAbba

  1. I still haven't gotten anywhere with this. I switched over to playing Nehrim instead --- that's working flawlessly --- but would love to know why Modded Oblivion won't let me enter a town. Anyone else out there with any ideas?
  2. There isn't a game yet (from the original Diablo on) that I haven't done ranger for but my method was rather humorous. I know HTML coding, so I hacked their system, and then used the ones I wanted. Simple as that. I only took the test twice to see what there was... the rest, was as simple as changing numbers.
  3. I was once in an epic fight with Diablo.... oh, wait, wrong game.
  4. Fireball - Fireball - Fireball.... Hmmm, doesn't seem to be working.... I just let Martin take him on and stood out of the way. When up against something that looks at me like as if I was a bug... best thing to do, be the bug and escape notice.
  5. Ok, about an hour later. I like Wrye, pretty nice and straightforward to use. that said, I still have the "YOU CANNOT PASS" issue with City entry. Someone else had mentioned the same problem where I had downloaded MMM from. Stragey Informer (now that I have gone back to see this, I see that I am running MMM 1.7, not 7.0 as I originally stated. My bad.) In any case, I run Wrye and Boss... created and ran new characters for both, to boot, and still, same issue. I've got great entry level characters --- who will be permanently exiled to the forest and tundra. Maybe I should make them outlaws..... Oh, for the record, I for the latest attempt I removed Durability, Less Bone Loot and Gems and Gem dust, just to be safe. Ran Oblivion.esm, MMM.esp / .esm, Ren's Beauty and the other mods that make that one work. Pretty basic for modding. Problem persists --- any other options?
  6. What you said made sense --- if MMM does to NPC's what it does to Outlaws and monsters, I'm sure the town is so crowded I probably couldn't walk through it. And since Anvil is the one town with an outside Merchant (hence why I'm anxious to get there... I'm tired of selling things for $200g) it probably is just as overloaded with people. That said, the crashes do continue after disabling Diverse NPC. To be absolutely sure I created a new character and tried entering the Imperial City with Diverse NPC disabled --- still crashes. It will show the town loading and then crash before entering. I did download BOSS from your recommendation, to shows me the order my mods need to be run in but it doesn't reorder them in the least, as far as I can see. I'll try Wrye next. The problem here is that BOSS requires an internet connection --- and that particular computer is not hooked up and won't be. To get BOSS to run I backed everything over to a portable Hard Drive and ran boss on the HD from my other computer, then restored the new folder in place of the old one... but still the same issues. It works, I can see that, but the start up menu isn't showing any restructuring of the files at all. BTW: thanks for the assist. I was starting to get so frustrated with this thing that I was about to stop playing altogether. I don't wanna be stuck selling to the Kavatch Ork Merchant permanently, and it's a long way to Merchant level 50 when she'll start taking EVERYTHING off my hands. Let you know what Wrye does after I read the README files, figure out what it does and then port it over to the other computer to test it out.
  7. I'm sorry for resurrecting this dead thread, but I am at my wit's end and can't figure out what the deal is. I'm running Mart's Monster Mod 7.0 (I think) and from that I have chosen to run: Diverse NPC, Durability and Damage, Gems and Gem Dust, Less bone loot, Resized Races --- as well as the ESM and ESP files. I am also running Boethia Custom Race, KT Custom Race Fix, NEC Mystic Dark Elf and Ren Beauty Pack Full and Only Hairs. Add to those mods Shivering Isles and Knights and you've my full run of data files. What's occurring is that whenever I attempt to enter a town --- crash to Windows desktop. Any town, every time. I can enter any cave, any fort and even took care of the Oblivion Gate outside of Klavatch --- but if I attempt to enter Klavatch, crash. I also can't get anywhere near Anvil --- if I attempt to even get close to the town, crash. I now have a 8th level character who's never once entered a major population center in the game. Someone here mentioned boot order --- I have no clue what they are talking about and am curious if this might fix my issues. I would love to start buying houses and storing things, maybe even run some of the quests... can anyone out there help?
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