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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I just did the Namira quest...and I don't want to be a vamp.
  2. Thanks a billion! It worked...you are a brainchild...I couldn't figure that out for months on end. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I have Skyrim Special Edition on my D: drive. I try to put SKSE onto Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skryim Special Edition, and the Loader appears there, but when I click on it, it says "Couldn't find TESV.EXE". Anybody know where to put it, so it finds it, and runs correctly?
  4. from the world of FO4 and Skyrim. I got kind of burnt out because I need to get better graphics mods on that don't mess up. So I am on to Diablo III for a while. But I will be back sometime. Hopefully, great new mods will be made this Summer!
  5. from the world of FO4 and Skyrim. I got kind of burnt out because I need to get better graphics mods on that don't mess up. So I am on to Diablo III for a while. But I will be back sometime. Hopefully, great new mods will be made this Summer!
  6. I used to think it was a big deal to add tons of mods to my game. Like get to the magical 254 number. But I have found that having that many just adds to problems...because the more you have on, the greater the chance for a screwup. Right now, I am playing with only 99 mods. But I also added a ton of 4k texture addons...and to me, playing with excellent graphics means more than having 254 mods on.
  7. I figured It out yesterday. Can't remember what I removed to fix it, but the way I do it, is to remove half my mods, test. Then if I still have the problem, remove half my mods, test. If I don't have the problem after removing half, then I add a quarter on....etc...etc...etc.
  8. Okay...I haven't played FO4 in about 4 months...and am now getting back at it. I am using Diamond City Expansion by Statsmakten. But when I entered the city, parts of it are flickering and disappear until I get near them. Anybody know the problem? Which mod would interfere with it? I am only using a total of 97 mods...
  9. is blocked from taking comments...all I wanted to put down was could she make a 4k texture version? 4k...the wave of the future...
  10. Hey all you dungeon modders our there! This message is for you...I have noticed in comments, etc...that some players are worried that your dungeon mods can interfere with other mods because of their placement in the world. I also noticed almost all coastal land is unused...I'm talking a few feet off the coast. How about placing your dungeon entrances UNDERWATER...then no problems. Keep up the dungeon construction...I love it!
  11. Huzzah! Just adds lots more fun for my already non-endable SSE! The more quests and new NPCs, the better!
  12. What I like is to have a sh!+load of different unique followers throughout the game...so I can get different ones when I feel like it.
  13. Learn how to port mods...then you can do it yourself.
  14. The more mods you have, the slower it will load.
  15. It will come out when it comes out. I am not worried...because there are a million mods that will come out by then...and a couple million out already that I haven't tried. Just let them work at their own pace...do not try to rush them.
  16. I hope that this is going to be a quest mod. There aren't enough quest mods in this game!
  17. Wouldn't that be great if such a mod existed! Maybe 10 or so quests...and you end up King of the Werewolves...
  18. You might be searching for the mod called "Milk Milk Lemonade Round the Corner, Choclate's Made".
  19. I like your ideas. Hope you get it working soon, so I can make my bandit lifestyle fun to fight.
  20. Moddrop was that thing that everybody was complaining about right? I never got involved with it, and never will.
  21. I am mainly using a whole bunch of quest/adventure mods. Plus 3DNPC...which has a bunch of quests built in. Basically, the vanilla game is boring to me, since I have played it for more than 6 years.
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