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Everything posted by Aeryn333

  1. No it was not that, never played that mod, it was just a Tamerial cave, its not a modded cave addon..I have played so many times, it was time to see what I never found, so I Dl this mod that marks everything there is to explore in Tamerial, and I found it ,in a not easy to find place, without the markers I'm not sure I ever would have found that one on my own..Bloody'ell I wish I could remember the caves name, if anyone does let me know, I would like to go there again, this time prepared. Cheers Edit..Ohhh Ta.. Varus Torvyn I just went to the home page, of Lost Spires, I am DL that mod now, Archaeology major as I was back when, this sounds intriguing, thanks for mentioning it. The giant mudcrab is in vanilla Oblivion. It can be found in Greenmead Cave, on the Gold Road, between the IC and Skingrad. I do believe it doesn't respawn, though. Ta....Finally!!!......I started once again as a new custom character ...I played through so many times I just now want to explore, and am doing some added quest like Spires and all of Giskards quests, and also exploring Tamerial...now I can go visit that bloody mudcrab prepared... Ah aye Geenmead cave that does sound familiar.. Go raibh maith agat ( thank you very much) Cheers mate
  2. I believe you were running the "Lost Spires" mod. I don't remember which Spire it was, but it's the one where you recover the Stele for that Goddess. I'm guessing that mod because a giant mudcrab is in the cave in one of those Spires. No it was not that, never played that mod, it was just a Tamerial cave, its not a modded cave addon..I have played so many times, it was time to see what I never found, so I Dl this mod that marks everything there is to explore in Tamerial, and I found it ,in a not easy to find place, without the markers I'm not sure I ever would have found that one on my own..Bloody'ell I wish I could remember the caves name, if anyone does let me know, I would like to go there again, this time prepared. Cheers Edit..Ohhh Ta.. Varus Torvyn I just went to the home page, of Lost Spires, I am DL that mod now, Archaeology major as I was back when, this sounds intriguing, thanks for mentioning it.
  3. deleted double post damn browser anyways..wish there was delete post button also..
  4. Well this might sound silly, but you know all the expected things, so when they appear now it doesn't spook me, not much does..But I was dudgeon crawling, since then I can't find the bloody dudgeon, where I found this thing..Well I was wandering around with Neeshka my companion, and lo and behold, I did not think there was one of these in Oblivion, I turned a corner to be greeted by this giant and I mean bloody big *censored*, big as a Deadroth.. mud crab..sacred the bloody'ell out of me..For some reason with one swipe took out Neeshka as she has a tendency to just charge forward, and I ran like hell.. Got my composure and came back and fire-balled it to death, at a distance mind.. with finger of the mountain zap for good luck.. A giant mud crab, not scared of anything, but the unexpected sometimes, and that was it.. Anybody know the name of the bloomin' cave I like to find it again..??
  5. You know I have to agree with you on that one, one time, as i think back, I don't know when or how, it happned really, was not notified as it says most times you have been infected, this time I did not know, I had been infected had not been paying attention to my stats, until I went to sleep, went on fighting in dudgeons for days, until I decided to sleep and had the vampire dream, I woke up I was shocked actually. I hurriedly looked at me character and sure enough my eyes were pale and my skin ashen..It only happened that once..Of course I hurried to the chapel, but my infamy was to high and was not cured...to make it worse I scorched myself in the sun.. Fortunatey I had the evil lair, and went there, took a bath in the healing vamp pool..whcih only works if you have indeed become a vampire..In that case I did not know..so there are times, I guess when you can contract,Porphyric Hemophilia , not be notified, if you not paying attention to your stats..Can go about for three days without sleep, cave digging, then go to sleep, and wham there you are a vampire.. But I say that was an exception rather than the rule... Cheers
  6. Bear with me a moment as I have you all..You know this discussion could go around the twist so many times, till all our knickers are in a twist.. and still end up with no answer..that will satisfy anyone..Why because we are dealing with vastly different perspective in what it is called 'evil' and is called 'good'..There are no rights and wrongs for each perspective is ones own right.. I feel from what I read, even though this was a Q DO 'evil' or darker characters need more love is what I responded to since it was the subject matter..but the avoidance of that Q makes me ponder why..so lets fence aliitle friendly like Ok..just for the craic.. Until this endless debate on what makes evil and good..Is a vampire evil, was the count of Skingrad evil, was he not disgusted with the vile creatures as he called them that had sunk to animalistic behaviours and nothing more natures.. Even he as a vampire knew there was a difference..So vampirism in and by itself is not evil, even joining the DB in not 'evil' if one chooses it..one can Dl a mod and also skip the pufication another choice.. Think about it, when you kill Rufio, and (spoiler alerts)he says I have done nothing, and you say oh yes you have and he goes on, to say, I told her not to struggle..Then in my eyes the *censored* deserved to die, it can be conjectured he obviously from his words, raped a womon..and killed her, in those times, justice was death, we cannot judge the actions, according to the rules of this world, but the ways of a world more based on older times.. Even the Dark mother who like the Dark Goddess is misunderstood, and called evil, yet is She or does she also have two sides, one that those who are 'evil' by choice, draw and call out of her, and one to pass judgement on those guilty of crimes, that the Empire would just pass by since corruption in high places, oft turns a blind eye..to protect themselves is why.. No justice, reigns, so you kill him, and avenge a womon who was violated and killed..Is it 'evil' or justice. Even if I accidentally kill someone ion battle, Lucien visits me, and I am not in the mood to go that direction, I simply refuse, or because I know what Rufio guilty of now on my mind,, I it do as a freebee and still don't go to the sanctuary.. Am I 'evil' no, for in my eyes, Rufios crime, is a death sentence.. Once here in Ireland and other countries, there were the Old Ones.. that were the ones that kept men in line, and would simply curse them, to keep justice alive as corruption took its seat in high places..with corrupt leaders of the ages..So they became justice, the dark Mothers work aye indeed, dark does not mean 'evil' until the burnings..Did that make them 'evil' in today's world I suppose so, in Oblivion's world is that line so clear anymore.. Choices, one acts like this game forces, one to be 'good', so they rebel and try to become all evil..The game forces nothing unless you submit to it, or just play your game..in the moment of where you are.. Deadric worship good or evil, some perhaps, some just mischievous, I say nothing is so black and white so to speak although I hate usuing those terms.. Grey areas all over if you look.. depending, for what of Azura.. Even Necromancy all 'evil' not necessarily so..Play the Origin of the Mages Guild mod by giskard… A real eye opener to the grey areas, which you get to as Arch Mage change if you so wish, and redo the Mages Guild, from thee ground up, with the possibility of overturning his ruling on Necromancy and Vampiric guilds, and their place in Cyrodill. Now there's a power position worth pursuing.. So..since you all want to have this debate, think for a moment..'Good' and 'evil' based on today's real world term, since those that define that those terms are biased anyway usaully..unless we are talking real psycho-sociopathic stuff.. That is sick, but still do not count in this world of Oblvian.. There will always be, exceptions to the rule, who decides, power pure evil as a decision, are doomed to fail, aye its is a proven fact..in any world incl Oblivion.. In the eyes of the Imperial Empire, perhaps it is defined.. so since when has the empire of any world, been a valid judge of what is good and what is evil, right or wrong, usually based in prejudice usually biased relgious ideals..interwoven with political ideologies.. So on the premises, pure evil, pure good, dose not exist, unless one chooses just to never do anything from their darker moods and moments, or a darker charectors decides never to do a good deed, and just kill, wihtout conscience like the viler creatures, Janus stated himself that have returned to a pure animlistic nature with no conscience.. There is your answer if one has no conscience never does a good act, and cares for no one not even a companion, then and only then could one be considered truly evil and that is choice..The narrow minded view of Oh one is in the DB, they are evil..Is nonsense, for I have been and that was just a job, the rest of the time I helped people…So neutral is a more viable description for most people, who at times give into the darker sides, and sometimes their lighter sides, but does true 'evil' or true 'good' for that matter exists..for us as players.. Plain and simple vampires are not 'evil' by nature, unless they choose to have no conscience.. For those of you searching for pure evil, to conquer and defy all, and rule, as all evil empires have realised, that which is based on congest alone, usually at some point are doomed to fall..and fail..If you care nothing for the people who serve you, one day they will betray you.. For as the original Q asked do darker charectors need love..If not they are doomed to fail..that is the crux of this matter.. Once it was asked..is better to be feared, or repsected.. All true great rulers that have gained some wisdom will choose respected, or they are doomed to fail..For they are feared not respected, to be respected would call for some acts of kindness towards those that serve them, and if none exists...Pure evil charectors, can never run an empire for long, they are doomed to fail, be betrayed or assassinated. Historically it's a proven fact, and so in Oblivion it is also…Its not that good prevails…I believe its neutrality prevails..For its that fine line, between the two…that usually gains respect, for they neither demand all goodness, or all evil, but for others just to be. So what is the purpose of a debate that has nothing to do with the orginal Q asked of us. There I had my piece, its why I do not post in forums, I get drawn in, and always regret it…better I stay silent..My blunt Honesty isn't always well received...its why I I keep saying I will not got to forums, only reply about mods..so I give it a go and see..for this is an International one and a bit more opened minded..hopefully.. Debate is healthy, but round and round going nowhere, trying to debate a moot point, based on different perspectives usually leads to arguments, IME..and leads nowhere… Now can we get back to the original Q. asked by the person who asked it…as fairness to the one who started this topic..Is love necessary for those who lean more to the darker side..Or is that who needs love Q just to scary to address.. Fencing is fun, and we love it here, wher I am from, as is honest challenges to think, as long as its fair play..and good craic.. :wink: My answer we all do, no matter what path we choose, or we are doomed to be betrayed fall, and fail.. Cheers mates
  7. Neutrality, the grey area..I feel in the many characters, I have played as, and sides I have played..I realised that in the grey area, is more adventure and less bordom..good and evil are only separated by intent anyways..To good boredom, to evil equally so for me.. But the line between the two has infinite possibilities, and mods to explore them..We all need love admit it or not good evil or inbetween..In Morrowind it was possible someone is yet to make a Romance mod, that does not cares not which gender offers that love..Only Emma made such mods how I wish she would for Oblivion then good , evil, neutral all would get if , if they wanted a true partner, to share the world with. Cheers mates
  8. Well the allow cookies for this site stopped the me not signing in..But now when I go to files, like say mods, and try to frist click on Oblivian- go to..I can go to mods, but , then it logs me out, despite I added each site page to allow in cookie management..When I just click go to Oblivian HP.. I get this message..Warning: fopen(http://www.tessource.net/files/category.php&caching=true) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not found in /home2/tes/public_html/files/category.php on line 60 Could not open /home2/tes/public_html/cache/category.html Then I tried to do a bug report and it signed me in the forum, but when I went to click post, it signed me out, now I have cookies enabled lets see what happens, Blimey this is a real *censored*..OK here goes trying to post.. Heres hoping mate :(
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