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About TommyCreo

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  1. Ambitious project. So, have you made all these models by yourself?
  2. This sounds so effing awesome, for modders and mod-users alike. I'm glad to hear about the Mod Memory function, since I reinstall Windows quite often.
  3. Alright. Sorry to hear that. :sad: Good luck getting it working again.
  4. I like what I heard, and I will see if I can send you some lines to do in the near future. But the microphone that you used in this sample isn't the one you would be using for the actual recording, right? :ermm:
  5. One of the first mods to be released, a true classic: DK BulletTime
  6. That's a good question. It was possible to do in Oblivion, so I'm guessing it would be possible to do in Fallout 3 as well. But come on, let's be honest here. We all know what the first thing to receive the jigglebone treatment would be. :P
  7. Ok. So I'm not the only one getting this bug? I hadn't seen anyone else complain about it, so I thought it might be an isolated incident, but I guess it isn't. Shame. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
  8. When an NPC wearing the Guard Reinforced Stealth Suit looses a leg or an arm, it looks like this. All armor attachments get stuck to the blown off limb. If I shoot of another limb, they all appear on that one instead. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3951285/Pictures/Untitled-1.jpg Does anyone know why that may be? I've tried reinstalling. I've also tried uninstalling both Re-Animated and the Groovatron.
  9. Hello all. I know absolutely nothing about 3D animation, but I know it's possible to convert mocap data into kf files, so they can be used for Fallout 3, like Umpa animation does. And that's basically want I would like to do myself. Turn them into an animation, than can be triggered using a console command. They are to be used for making Machinima. Is it a complicated process? I know making custom animations are a pain, but what about converting mocaps? Could anybody explain to how it's done? If anybody would be so gratious as to help me out, they will of course be given credit as a consultant in my movie. :) You can check out the trailer for the upcoming project .
  10. It's aliiiiiive! (mad scientist's laugh) ;D Looking spectacular! Can't wait to see it released.
  11. Thanks for explaining Skree. I'll have a look at it soon.
  12. Here. As you see, from certain angles, there aren't any problems. In the lower left shot, the two shadows are overlaying perfectly fine. In the other shot, however, the top shadow messes with the lower shadow. I guess it's a problem with the mesh. But what can I do to fix it? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/373285-1248481507.jpg
  13. You're right. Only, I have my hands full as it is, and if all the shadows had to be made that realistic, it would take forever. But some of the important ones, I might put a bit more work into. Right now, I'm just trying to work out the kinks of the general method I'll be using. I still have one problem. That is, when I stack multiple shadows on top of each other, there are some ugly clipping issues. I'll post a screenshot. Maybe someone know of a solution to it?
  14. No, unfortunately not. The solution is a very crude one. I'm using a single, flat, square mesh, which I then apply texture sets to in the GECK. The texture is that which draws the shadow. The flat mesh is then placed in the level using the GECK, as close to the floor as possible. So the shadows can only be drawn on floors, walls and ceilings. I'm basically handpainting all of the shadows, as if I was drawing a picture. :rolleyes:
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