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Everything posted by miked79

  1. awesome news dood! Do you mind pointing me in the right direction, file wise. Ive been looking for what seems to be hours on hours! Just for my own sake to see if I was close to the actual values.
  2. This also was my reason for attempting to mod Xcom. I just kinda fell into changing other stuff along the way. But, I ve been scowering through unpacked upks and trying different things. But my knowledge is limited in the area. Im thinking many changes would have to be made in many different areas of the camera, because Id assume other camera operations such as scolling, cursor movements, zoom in/out, camera rotation degrees , etc would all be dependencies and must be changed accordingly. As of now Im having trubble associating float property values to hex values. Im trying to use the same method Djax used to mod the overwatch value, but it doesnt appear to work that way for these files. Again my knowledge is limited for this kinda thing, so I hope someone who REEALLY knows what their doing could give us a hand!!
  3. just outta curiousity what does the " -lzo " stand for ? or do? Thanks!
  4. OooO! ya ok, i completely understand. Thanks a lot man! saved me sometime! Kudos too Uu good sir! plus through all the .upks ive been obessesively scowering through, I see the area where you can tone down the damage of the Rift field. But in doing so it would effect the aliens use of it too. But anywHoo! :) thanks!
  5. POSSIBLE SPOILER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ethereals have an ability called Rift. ( they also have an ability called psidrain, which I was able to get too work with my troops) Is there a way to get that ability to function with our PSI soliders? I tried the same method in which DestroyTerrain (aka Freeaim) could be added to your troops. But I was unsuccessful. If anyone can get this going, lemme know! Im gonna continue to dig around.
  6. ^^ You messed up somewhere. XSHAPE should have reported that 1 hash file was updated. The only explanation is that one or more of the files you thought you modified actually weren't. Even if you just switched to using the uncompressed upk file, the hash would still need to be updated. I would check if xcomgame.upk.uncompressed_size was actually renamed. XSHAPE will skip files that have a valid <filename>.upk.uncompressed_size. Also, download and use the new version of XSHAPE (v.11b), and then you could edit the batch to use the -v switch like so: @echo off java -jar XSHAPE.jar -v 26444500 pause Ahhh figured out my problem! Or problems! Had some files in the wrong area and dint rename the proper file! poor me! Buts its all gOodly now! Thanks guys!
  7. Ooo i might have to give that a try later! Now doing that, do you still have to use the Xshape files? Cuz i think those are where my problem is.
  8. Im kinda hung up on this part. Not sure whats wrong :( And its upsetting cuz i thought i was following it pretty easily! I uncompressed the upk, then i unpacked it. Found the overwatch area, used hexeditor to change the values.Clicked save on hexeditor. Then I used the repacker to pack the folders back up into an uncompressed upk. Renamed the Xcomgame.upk and its uncompressed_size file (in the cookedpc folder) then i put the newly created uncompressed file in there. Extracted the Xshape files into the base directory XCOM Enemy Unknown\ ( or should they be in the folder that HAS my xcomgame.exe) I double click xhape.bat.... It says Xcom SHA Patcher for Excutable - No changes needed to be made. Press anykey. Then if i right click the bat and open as Adminstrator it says, Unable to access jarfile Xshape.jar press any key to continue. And when I try to load up the game, it crashes before it begins :( So im not sure what im doing wrong and its very frustrating!
  9. does this file go into the XCOM Enemy Unknown\Binaries\Win32 ? ( with the xcomgame exe)
  10. hehe u and me both Rhodryn, I cant help but reload a save if I can! I hate dieing. But I also now am playing Ironman, and Ill tell ya, im a lot more careful this time around! :) heheh I cant stand when my ppls die!!
  11. heHeh, ya those ethereals! They always just mind control all muh ppl and i basically kill my self! My team starts panicing and shooting each other, its mayhem!
  12. ehehEHH! L2READ FAQS AND SEARCH BUTTONS! eHEeh kidding, good stuff ! ;)
  13. like this? http://xcom.nexusmods.com/mods/4
  14. hehe thanks dood! :) and I would! if i knew where to send it! im sure theyd appreciate it as far as seeing how much fun someone (me) is having with the game!
  15. OOo awesome stuff! Thanks for working on this guys! :) Now if someone can somehow get a free fly camera that can zoom in very close and rotate in smaller degree increments ill be pleased as punch! :)
  16. Heavily editted for cinematic fun!! (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) My long time Col. D. Masters sacrifices himself at the end to save my Commander.
  17. ya ive been looking for days, through all the files dozens of times! i ! Its there somewhere! and im gonna find it!
  18. Id love to see Free Aim back in the game. I remember in the original you could aim anywhere u want. (instead of the rifles always needing a target). You could take out a wall or a barrier to give another 1 of ur soldiers line of sights. I know the grenades and launchers have like a blast radius. But I would really like to see the ability to fire my weapons whereever i see fit. For instance I was playing a mission and I was in building that was combined with another building. Aliens on one side of the wall, and I was on the other. And I had a solider on the alien side outta time units. I woulda like to blow a hole in the wall and get all up in there! But unfortunately i couldnt, and he was left to parish.
  19. Oo excellent, even more better than! :) I suppose i better download said patch and see what we be dealing with!!!
  20. you must add this line Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton",Command="Middle_Mouse_Button_Press | onrelease Middle_Mouse_Button_Release") To your C:\Users\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config ...XcomInput.ini under the [Engine.PlayerInput] section. Incase some of you dont know that. I found it upsetting that I couldnt zoom into the base facilities like I could in the Demo version.
  21. Chuckles me up. Even looks like him too. :) (prolly spoilers when you do that cuz he has everything unlocked)
  22. Oo nice, that might be a lil easier than what i did. But i did create a bat file that will remove the lines automatically , not sure if thats a file that should be posted on thee site or not?
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