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Everything posted by brothalynshhung

  1. ^^^ this always works for me, if i understand correctly. Half the time I create an archive for a new mod in CK it will freeze before loading the items in the archive window, what I do is create the archive by hand and name it to be the same thing the archive would be named on the .esp i actually wanted to make an archive for. (i make a fake esp with same name quick and it makes the name perfect automatically, but you can literally just create an archive and rename it the same as it would turn out to be, example 22archive.esp is 22archive - main.ba2 and 22 archive - textures.ba2 or something very similar. This will make it ask if you want to use the preexisting archive and it will actually work sorry if thats not what you meant :>
  2. Hey kitcat, from my understanding the playidle only works if the animation has a form id (is added to an esp thats installed to fallout 4). If thats not the case it won't work using the console command. Maybe you could try making your own esp and adding the idle animation to it. Thats my best guess, in case there wasnt a formid for it already, im not sure how that works.
  3. To make it a preset i believe the only option would be to use faceripper and create an .esp with it following the simple instructions found on the page for the mod (here on nexus). Could be wrong though. Im not sure how much of this will be possible on ps4 so I cant speak on that unfortunately, but if i had to guess id say its just an .esp and youll be fine.
  4. I was wondering if there was a way to select all keys that are the same (copy and pasted and placed at different times in the animation) at once, and be able to change the position of the hand/fingers/any body part of my human model, and have that change be applied to every single one of those duplicated keys? Thanks so much for any help. edit: figured it out, in case anyones wondering; Max Main menu > Graph Editor > Track view - Curve Editor
  5. im seeing all these crazy things we never thought would be possible on console now possible on console. is there any chance a script could be made, triggered through a holotape or something, that would enable/disable a tcl console command type of experience?
  6. yeah im like 99% sure that save to plugin option on faceripper is exactly what youre looking for, tell me if you have any trouble with those steps, if youre new to fo4edit.
  7. im pretty sure you'll need to use faceripper for this. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3878/? I've used this before to create my own .esp but that was for the players presets not npcs, im 99% sure its the same process for what you want to do. Its really quite a simple process, not as bad as its made out to be This is the last time I change my advice for you I promise :D. This is my final answer >.<
  8. If you need any further help making the .esp for your version of your mod just ask Im sure I can help if no one else is around before me.
  9. awesome thank you very much! exactly what i wanted to know plus what i was wondering afterwards in relation to loading screen interface folder/the weird file types within them. very much appreciated!
  10. I looked at every menu replacer mod I could find and all use the system of simply replacing the MainMenuLoop.bk2 file in data\video. I also tried archiving a .bk2 file myself but it was not considered as an archivable file by creation kit. This leads me to believe its not possible for console (no menu replacer mods for console would confirm this)? Thanks for any help!
  11. i figured it out!!!!!!!!!!! so hyped right now lmao. Ok so i started going through objects of the nif one by one, testing them in game without the others, seeing what caused CtD. found an object that was causing crash and compared it to one that wasnt in nifskope, turns out (i feel really dumb for not noticing this sooner) the objects in the .nif that are causing the CtD seem to all be missing "NiNodes" in "BSSKIN:INSTANCE", while the ones that work have a slightly varied but very similar list of 7 or 8 NiNodes under that category. So I deleted 2 of the 7 objects in the nif, the ones that were missing those NiNodes in BSSKIN:INSTANCE, loaded up the 5 objects that were good in game and they worked perfectly. (Well other then them swaying a lot is there a way to make them stationary????) Of course this could be an insane coincidence but I doubt it, and im going to test further. But I want to ask now that I know this, instead of just deleting the problematic objects in the .nif, does anyone know how to fix this? I cant copy and paste them from one object to the other (or dont know how using nifskope) and even if I could they vary a bit so I wouldn't know which object to copy them from. So how do I fix these objects missing the NiNodes in BSSKIN instead of deleting them?? and also stop the sway maybe? Thanks so much for any help.
  12. Oh damn I looked up on wiki and it said 2k resolution is x1080 but 1024 sounds right and makes more sense :/ As both of you have said I need to look at one texture at a time to solve it, i mean especially when I was changing the 200 textures each time dear god... Also, I have been using mip maps each time other then the very first time like a month and a half ago. And im keeping the exact same n, and s .dds textures as were used in the working versions of the mod. For now Im just gonna put it aside and try to finish converting a skyrim mod, unfortunately thats also giving me problems but at least its a change of scenery. Thank you both for the help I really appreciate it!
  13. Alright guys heres the update; i've made all the textures i've changed's dimensions exactly 2048x1080. also made them all DXT1 (most complatible compression setting possible) instead of DXT7, with and without alpha channels. I updated them to be two sided, tried with specular enabled and without it. I remade all material files and checked all nifs in nifskope to ensure all paths were correct. Tried with absolutely no other mods enabled. Cut down the textures from 200 to 25!!!! and changed the .esp to match. Same ******* problem >.<. Any more ideas would be really appreciated its been a really, really, really rough over a month now dealing with this and its getting pretty frustrating:/
  14. awesome, thank you so much for the help you two. I cant believe how many mods ive got to work right knowing now how many things I should have been doing that I havent been >.< I will try changing any textures that dont have proper dimensions, as well as change the texture paths to vanilla ones and see if it still crashes (great idea!) Here is the dropbox link for the nif that looks perfect in Outfit Studio but crashes to desktop when equipping the item, in case anyone feels like taking the time to look at it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ydsbn3los05xr2/CtdNif.nif?dl=0 Again tyvm for the help you two, much appreciated!
  15. i went into nifskope and theres objects that are showing up in the nif as flat square/rectangle type objects when theyre supposed to be actual shapes (they show up as actual shapes in outfit studio). pic: http://imgur.com/a/T2xVw could that have something to do with the problem? i did try deleting those objects and keeping the ones that are normal but it still crashed. I tried deleting all but one objects and it worked (purple texture but I think I just had to fix some paths to the textures). I could upload the nif to dropbox or something but you probably dont want to waste your time on something that seems so hopeless:\
  16. http://imgur.com/a/ELUj6 Im trying to convert a mod, using the skyrim to fo4 tutorial that was recently posted on nexus. (gonna ask permission to share it, if i can get this to work). As the picture found in the link would show, I seem to have done everything properly, but when equipping the item in game it crashes to desktop. sometimes i dont even get that far before it crashes. I checked the nif in nifskope and i cant find a single problem, ive gone over it so many times. The material files all look perfect also, but thats a given from the preview in outfit studio. I made sure it was set to cbbe body (in outfit studio and nifskope both) and I have cbbe active so it cant be a problem with me not having the proper skeleton for the equipment to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :confused:
  17. cool tyvm for the info! Ill try using a palette file as well as bringing any that were above 2k down. I had no idea the mipmaps effected it that much and I really dont mind changing the resolution much I just didnt want to go all the way down to like 512x512 pictures, theres probably only a few that are above 2k by 2kish. I appreciate the help guys I should have asked here first! ty ty
  18. true eh :/ very true. looks like I'll have to cut down the amount from 200 to something more reasonable, because I believe Ive merged as much as possible (Ive made them use the same n, and s .dds textures, with a material swap changing the d .dds texture). Thats upsetting but at least I have a very very likely cause and fix for my problem instead of running around without a head for the past month trying to fix this problem. I appreciate the help very much! thanks man
  19. Thank you so much for the help! The mod in question is my own mod that has 200 retextures that can be applied to 3 different clothing pieces, and all the of textures are very high resolution. So I can answer yes to both of those. Since using lower resolution is undesirable, do you think that cutting the mod into say, 4 pieces of 50 retextures for each of those 3 clothing pieces, and seperated them with differently name material files and nifs (though they would use the same paths) and even change the tab they are found in at the chemistry station, would these changes help the problem do you think? That seems like my best route at this point? Again tyvm for the help.
  20. Im having a weird issue where the textures of a clothing mod will be perfectly fine for the first little while, but as time passes, after a minute or two, the textures will either show black textures that move around the clothing item when you move, or make the mesh appear almost completely see through. Switching the clothing to someone else will fix the textures back to normal but only for a minute or two and the process will repeat. Can anyone please help me with this? edit: heres a picture ****ADULT IMAGE NSFW**** http://imgur.com/a/n2L9L ****ADULT IMAGE NSFW**** as you can see the scarf will be almost see through and the belt will be that black texture ( you can slightly see the normal texture on the part that hangs down from the side), that black texture will move around the clothes when you move.
  21. Please ignore me, I found out. Changed the file extension to an .esp. I almost s#*&#33; my pants.
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