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Everything posted by FalmerBane

  1. Okay so I am intermingling new followers with updating the old ones. The process is sloooow...
  2. I hate the default sleep animation that NPC's and PC's use when using a bed. I don't think I know anyone that sleeps like that with one leg on top of another "stacked" if you will. Would like to see an animation that takes the default bed-roll or hay pile animation and its the head a little so that it can rest on a pillow. This is a much more natural looking animation in my humble opinion.
  3. 1.2 Petabyte's of site traffic is almost worth the 5K in relation to showing what you've done here to potential advertisers and more specifically the audience you hold where the gaming industry is concerned. Let there be no doubts that the Nexus is a force to be reckoned with! Thanks for the update.
  4. Over the next few weeks I will be updating my older followers instead of making any new ones. There will be some corrective changes and hopefully some subtle improvements. I have learned much since my first 10 mods and hope to make them shine a little more.
  5. Thanks zzjay! :)
  6. My game was corrupted today so will have to start all over. This will hamper any future character creations for a while unfortunately.
  7. solsikke737, Thank you! The modding community is pretty incredible here and Willow has been wonderful in helping me in the past so its only natural I would do what I can to reciprocate. :)
  8. Was informed that they are aware of the problem and will be trying to fix it. Its not an update, its borked...
  9. True on the eye makeup being primary and fortunately I am no lore espousing git. There are many many other mods on here that absolutely destroy the original feel of the game and are better suited to Tokyo disco's. What gets me a little hot is when a person goes on about how lore-unfriendly a person's mod is (hasn't happened to me yet) but I see it all the time when I am checking out mods. I'm like no s**t, yes that purple cat suit with moth wings covered in Kajit fur is prolly not lore friendly lol.
  10. My Rant on Makeup on Female and Male NPC's not being "Lore Friendly" There are a lot of people playing this game that think the use of makeup is not lore friendly and so they are hesitant about using character mods like mine that use makeup or beautification mods. I would ask you to consider these following historical tidbits in relation to being lore friendly. Makeup is documented to have been used by the Ancient Egyptians over 10,000 years ago by paleontologists. Makeup was also documented to be in use by the Greeks, Romans and other ancient societies, including tribal body and face painting by Ancient Briton and Germanic tribes. To me it is completely plausible for makeup to be used in Skyrim given Bethesda supplied it and used it in the game on its own NPC's. Inescapably Skyrim's lore is tied to our history in some way shape or form. The latest "trend" of having NPC's look more natural is more likely a current trend in modern use of makeup and not a direct reflection on the lore of this game or any game that that bases its lore partially on human medieval and ancient history. It is inarguable that Skyrim spans the times from early man to the late 16th century with the various in-game elements it provides us. Note the use of mammoths and saber tooth cats and then fast forward to some of the more modern items in the game such as steel bear traps (which were recorded to be first in use in the late 16th century). It is perfectly fine and period to this game to have your characters kicking ass in black eyeliner, eye shadow and red lipstick. Don't let someone tell you it isn't lore friendly because it really is. Given the choices of races we have in Skyrim it may not only be lore friendly but very plausible on some characters depending on their status and rank within their society. In the end it is completely your choice on how you want your NPC's and PC's to look. I personally am not interested in having androgyny rule my game so I opted to creating and sharing my own female characters that cannot be mistaken for anything else. Thanks for reading, FalmerBane
  11. left nut for a good sleeping animation to replace the timer... A hot lesbian and or hetero sex animation scene for married players/npc's or at bare minimum a cuddling animation when the lovers comfort bonus applies...
  12. Since my computer handles high res without issue I tried a couple of the high res female skins available to the CBBE mod and wow they look nice! I have tried two of the CBBE compatible skins with CBBE V3. The problem I am having is that I seem to get anomalies whenever I try to put a modded (or at times un-modded) armor on my char. I have tried everything including putting the High Res bsa's in my "My Games" ini folder and still I get the missing or discolored hip chunks, strange clipping, triangles on the inside of the knees and the occasional squashed boobies syndrome. My guess is that most of the modded armors on here don't support 4K but since I am admittedly a novice in this area I would be grateful for any help or suggestions in this matter. I am about to do a clean install of my game to see if that helps in respect to loading of the mods I use.
  13. I really would like to see something along the lines of a middle eastern Harem or Belly Dancer costume for a female character I have. I have the ideas, just not the tools or talents to create them. Would love to see a black set with scales on breast area and belly band. The Forsworn outfit has got potential as a mod base. Anyone else like to see the Redguard's have a little more attention paid to them? Thanks!
  14. After 3 attempts I killed the bride, stole her goods and escaped without so much as a single septum required for reparations of my crime. Yes, I left any and all followers behind and I did exactly as you did above. ;)
  15. I would love to see a hair/face mod done for circa 1988 Siouxsie Sioux (of Siouxsie and the Banshees) with her wild hair and her signature gothic albeit Cleopatra looking makeup. Any takers? :)
  16. A guard in Windhelm once gave me a bottle of 16 year old Dahlwinnie single malt and a handful of Hoyo de Monterrey cigars. :D
  17. Honestly I was planning on doing this alone, just forgot about her. Once I get my skills up in that area I will look into using zombie thralls. Please don't ask me about the time I accidentally cut my wife's (Jordis) throat on a quest... lol Thanks for the welcome!
  18. I went to complete the Dark Brotherhood quest "Bound Until Death"and accidentally brought my follower Illia with me. I have her clad in the DB muffled armour and frankly forgot she was there. So I take the bride out and all is well, or so I thought. I start making my escape and all of a sudden I hear someone throwing Ice Spikes behind me, crap its Illia! She was killing everyone in a frenzied flurry of Ice Spikes and slashes from her Daedric dagger named Omega. (I have Alpha) ;) I looked around and she had taken out about 7 NPC's before I stopped the death fest... lol Thankfully I had saved that part of the quest line so I could play around with different methods of assassination and escape. :P Hi, I am new member to the Nexus if you couldn't tell :)
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