The current state of affairs is a vast improvement on the initial changeover, certainly. It'll still take some getting used to, as any change does, but I rather suspect that it'll be better received now. With the horizontal Hot Files bar back at the top and my default tab set to Latest Files, this I can live with and probably learn to like eventually, which I definitely couldn't three days ago, when it appeared that your site friends' activity would be a paramount feature (which would have been a pity for me because despite having been here for over five years I never added any). I still find some nitpicks with the layout - the Hot Files bar under the larger picture shows six files, but with a gap at the right-hand edge which is just too small for another file but looks messy, and some filenames run into three lines which means the third half-disappears at the bottom of the box, and so on, although if someone wants to tell me that's somehow down to my own settings I'll happily listen and learn! Still, I've regained a lot of faith this evening that things like that will be ironed out. Thanks for listening. And I apologise if I've mucked up my spelling, that's the wine. The run-on sentences are habitual, though...