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About ChildOfBodom

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    United Kingdom
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    Skyrim... oh gods Skyrim
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    Oblivion, Dragon Age, Skyrim

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  1. Please add my name to those chorusing in dismay at the disappearance of QaL, as well as to those requesting a PM from anybody able to send me the 1.6 file (assuming that is within the rules of the site!) I have a working copy running on my current game and am downloading the fileplanet 1.5 version as I type, but I'm planning a new computer which will require a fresh installation sometime fairly soon and don't want to lose the opportunity to play this mod at the best it can be. Idomeneas created something magnificent with this project. I don't know why they chose to take it down and of course that's their prerogative as author, but what a loss to our community. I will cling desparately to the hope that it's temporarily down for maintenance or an update or something. Not sure I really believe it, but you never know, right?
  2. The current state of affairs is a vast improvement on the initial changeover, certainly. It'll still take some getting used to, as any change does, but I rather suspect that it'll be better received now. With the horizontal Hot Files bar back at the top and my default tab set to Latest Files, this I can live with and probably learn to like eventually, which I definitely couldn't three days ago, when it appeared that your site friends' activity would be a paramount feature (which would have been a pity for me because despite having been here for over five years I never added any). I still find some nitpicks with the layout - the Hot Files bar under the larger picture shows six files, but with a gap at the right-hand edge which is just too small for another file but looks messy, and some filenames run into three lines which means the third half-disappears at the bottom of the box, and so on, although if someone wants to tell me that's somehow down to my own settings I'll happily listen and learn! Still, I've regained a lot of faith this evening that things like that will be ironed out. Thanks for listening. And I apologise if I've mucked up my spelling, that's the wine. The run-on sentences are habitual, though...
  3. As some have already I feel I have to throw two pence behind the begging for a homepage customisation option or a revert or something. Ongoing development is generally a great thing but I really, really liked the horizontal new and hot files bars and don't wish at all for social networking-like features. Of course it's down to you running the site, and I'm not going to make any stupid I'LL STOP USING THE NEXUS commentary because I won't and also that would be childish, but it's one change to the sites I can't say I enjoy, either.
  4. ... I may have spent today buying the Neverwinter Nights Complete Collection specifically in order to play some of these mods... OK so that wasn't the *entire* reason; I'm sure I owned both I and II at some point but over the years they've vanished, and I haven't seen either for a long time. I never did own any of the expansions so I thought, well, why not now? And I'm really looking forward to playing again!
  5. I have nothing particular to add; I just wanted to register my excitement and get in on the first newspost on this site...
  6. I have to say that, aesthetically, I, uh, don't actually like it very much. At all. But it's certainly fine functionally, progress and change are good, and I'm sure it's a change I'll soon get happily used to!
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