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Status Updates posted by Shadiva

  1. Heyo Zelion You anything in Blade and Soul nowdayes?
    1. zelieon


      nope...im play tera..xD

      na server

  2. Yoooooooooooo
  3. Visiting to say Hi Hi ! :P
    1. Heinz9


      I know I'm late, but Hello to you too!
    2. Shadiva


      haha Nemos problems :D
    3. Heinz9
  4. Hi there my dark prince in rags ;)
  5. Ha en sweet helg giiiiirl!
  6. Stoping by to say Hi :)
    1. kowalski99


      Haha,it's true?!Hi 2 u too.;)
    2. Shadiva


      You like the new look? starting to get used to it now, realy liked the old one so is a slow learning hehe ;)
  7. Just wisiting to say Hi there :D
    1. ReizenEndler


      LOL Hi sister, alright with you? =)
    2. Shadiva


      :P Hi hi there :D yaeh everything is sweet! soon spring here so imma happy :D soon i can take out my summer car and everything will be so SWAG :D what you been up to my friend? =)
  8. Thanks for al the comments btw sorry i havent seen them till now, been besy with other things and have totally missed them, :)
  9. Sorry Suechan dident notice you commented, dont remember if there was a chest, but you can always do the command Help Qipao 4 then use the ID you get from it to writhe in command again like this player.additem xxxxxxxxxx 1 (x is ID of Qipao iteams and 1 is how many you want,) good luck and jsut ask again and i'll help you more if needed :)
  10. Yeah might add some new pics, have several :)
  11. Just dropping by and wanna let you know ;)
  12. Sent pm to you
  13. Sorry my friend, totally missed you commented on one of my pictures!
  14. Hello my shining knight in rags! :D
  15. A happy new year to you too my friend! /blow kiss
  16. haha Ja det gör inget :D
  17. Have a nice new year! :D
  18. Gott nytt år! :D
  19. Happy new year! =)
  20. Yoo! you have a totally cute avatar picture on Skyrim forums :D
  21. Tack för underbar mod och för all tid nedlagt på den!

    kramar /Cecilia

  22. haha You know me, i'm a bad girl ;P
  23. haha aww thanks, looks like a sweet romantic one, perhaps something good to see :)
  24. What a realy nice picture you posted on my profile, what anime is that?
  25. haha aww so süß du bist :)
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