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Status Replies posted by Shadiva

  1. After all this time...where did my half of my friends list go?!
  2. anyone know any good world hd texture which is not too big in size???
  3. X-mas vacation! Wooohoo! Time for fun stuff!
  4. I did just got so very confused by someones post... I think my head is tired cause it didn't make any sense at all to me >.<
  5. I did just got so very confused by someones post... I think my head is tired cause it didn't make any sense at all to me >.<
  6. Omedetto de gozaimasu XD
    1. Shadiva


      hehe made this sorry excuse of birthday gift



      cant post it in any better way haha sorry :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Omedetto de gozaimasu XD
    1. Shadiva


      You had your birthday yeasterday or something? :D oh yeah you had lol, sorry! Otanjoubi omedeto my friend!
    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      haha a lot of work for that reasen, you want to apply to University and need more points?
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      Oh haha yea i helped her out abit, so saw a tiny bit how much work there is, and she gets loads of books to read before a certain time and need to do an insightfull understanding about them etc, clearly nothing for me haha
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  10. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      haha Yea understand that, hope it will go nice for you, my sister made something similar, she is studying Psyhologi,
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      You will writhe 400!! essays in the time it take for a kenyan to run 200! meters
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      Here we have no candy bars! we have Powerthirst! Rawwrr will get your light side go mayhem


      haha such a classic video

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      haha dont resist, give in to it, join the dark side! lol :D
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      Yeah sound awfull! hate that stuff, my concentration would last for a half of a page then, "oh pretty birds, where are my shizzly fizzle, oh a nice ep of Fraiser" haha
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  15. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      Well your eye might have made some trouble, like half the pages to the left is blank?
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Last day for my essays and I am almost done with both of them. A total of about 600 pages (300 for each). I sense a lot more time to work on my mod.
    1. Shadiva


      Good work there, hope it will be appriciated too! and perhaps we will see some awsome modding after it! Chive on! <3
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. Owwies, my upper eyelid hurts, kinda bluish too, wonder if I in somehow managed to pop a vein?
    1. Shadiva


      guess you need to go to the hospital thenm just in case there is anything infectious and need pencelin for it, it realy dont sound that super haha go go, chop chop!
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Owwies, my upper eyelid hurts, kinda bluish too, wonder if I in somehow managed to pop a vein?
    1. Shadiva


      You probably just got something bacterius in your eye, can happen to me too sometims, when i'm up late and tired, i get these "sleepy eyes" and makes me wanna itch them, so no question where i get the bacteria from lol, but they itch! :D
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. The new Youtube is fugly! Where is the style? did i just make a visit to the hospital? with a big screen, there is a white wal infront of me = Sad Panda (~`.´~) In the spirit of mods here on Nexus, it should totally be customized with your own liking on it and style, "Your Youtube" i want it black got damit >.<
    1. Shadiva


      Ah thanks! gonna do a search for it on Firefox then, thanks!
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. I think I'll have to chop my mod in bits, at least if I want to release anything soon.
    1. Shadiva


      Might be a good idea, a good way to find bugs in them so the final result wont have loads of them, its a pretty big mod your working on,
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
  22. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Lol like hell, Yes! where is Dr: Bombay, we often sing him at work ;D, Tiger took my family the tiger took my mother! haha cant be more "Ful-snyggt" then that haha
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  23. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Yeah many UNP request out there, and when peeps with CBBE asks its "what? no i dont care!" haha and btw i totally liked that song when it came out :D
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  24. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Yeah like CBBE the most myself too, UNP is abit to "real" or something for me and some of the armors i like the most are for CBBE + the bodyslider and TexBlender are awsome tools, making it possible to have the coolest, and realy "you" body in Skyrim,
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  25. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
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