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Status Replies posted by Shadiva

  1. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Playing some with Tera Online armors too, as i did play Tera a lot in there betas and when it was released, so pretty!


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      hehe sweet! never been that much for hunting in Skyrim, i wanna make wars and kill as much as possible, but recently i have been interested in sneaking, so isntalled some Blade & Soul armors, and started sneaking with a 2H katana, Tensa Zangetsu from the anime Bleach, is so awsome to take out a hole camp while the others dont know s*** :D though now im starting to go bak to the tank with big 2h sword again, sneaking is so slow!
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  3. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      oh sorry forgot to add "so thats why i play 2H" :D
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      It's sweet even :D but i like playing with anime like BIG swords, like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Chrome Razor, impaling one with that and half the body is gone! cute :P



    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  5. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      They can be cool yeah, but i like to chop off the heads so 2h is for me :D
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  6. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Got 100 on 2h and 40 something on 1h, but it was not fully what i thought it to be, i forgot the lame animations when fighting without a wep, hehe but looked cool though :)
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Shadiva


      Yeah, your up realy early, that's not the sunday way :P i woke up 5mins ago, think i'll test Battle Claws by Loshirai14 looks cool, and think they will suit with Thunderbird armor just fine, ebon version, and gonna use the Sword version, will need to traine some on 1h hehe my skill in it aint that high atm :P
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  8. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  9. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Shadiva


      Aww like a cute Chobit, where i can buy one, i like totally need one =D
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  11. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  12. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
  13. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Shadiva


      haha Well there's always gonna be whiners, myself dont care about such stuff, i just want it pretty whatever armor is used, i like that you are gonna use some Warhammer storys, cool materiel :)


      will try think out anything you would like to add too :) but on the morning im not that fast-paced in my mind haha

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Shadiva


      Ah totally sweet! a grand project then! is it gonna be a lore-friendly mod or more fantasy (wich i like more) mod?
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Shadiva


      What are you working on for mod? voice acting and shizzle! that sounds fun :D
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      Ja s*** va trött man blev, gick o la mig med hehe ;D
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      Ja Mouse T var sköna på sin tid, precis som Basement Jaxx


      Where's your Head at



      now that realy makes me wanna dance! realy got that hardcore feeling about it, hm nu blev det på engelska.. haha orkar inte ändra, det får bli Svenglish!

      gör inget om jag är lite yngre kroppsligt :P men kan inte säga jag är speciellt vuxen i huvudet heller hehe

      känns tråkigt, bättre att ha kul istället :D

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  18. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      haha Ja du jag tänkte själv på den haha Vi är ju nästan lika gamla, du är bara 1 år äldre, generations shizzle i believe ;)


      typ som om jag nämner MoDo - Eins Zwei Polizei

      så tänker du nog på

      =P och helt pinsamt men min första låt som jag riktigt gillade haha ! tycker fortfarand den är skitbra (*.*)
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      BOOM shakalack! helt halloballo Jon så jävla rolig :D
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Shadiva


      Yeah should totally be epic! but i still want al my X-mas light on it! perhaps try putting it al in the strange sidebar on the side of the console, i think there's something else that's supposed to get in there but cant be that importent can it? atleast i get an awsome console yay! *fap fap*
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      haha Åfan det var ju rätt simpelt ja haha jag ska bättra mig nästa gång (^.^)


      Kanske dans Smurfen som du ser så kan han allt dansa! :D

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  22. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Shadiva


      haha hm what to make a good controller of, *Holds the DvD player* perhaps alittle big but Meh! ho cares, though i might need it for something, cant recall what it is atm... Perhaps this *Takes out alien artifact of DOOM* now this just might work :P
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      Tar det här på Svenska, vad heter han med spegeln? borde ju helt klart vara han haha!

      Så jävla gullig (*~*)

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  24. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Shadiva


      haha We actually talked about Smurfs at work yeasterday, i usaly cal a male co-worker Smurfan, but then he says i'm Smurfan :O but cant say i looks like her though :P


      Yeah you should totally do that, but wich Smurf should he be? can seriusly say i dont know S¤¤¤ about his real personality haha he's videos are to wierd for that haha :D

      Kanske CP Smurfen hahaha!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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