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  1. His link is indeed a GMAD thread, and the particular post he links is him using a million words as usual, to basically explain that they don't want to inconvenience the "casual" mod collection authors that use 5-10 minutes to set up a collection, by making them maintain that list, so yeah doubt it would be very persuasive even if you could see it
  2. Yep working again now for me too The problem with "modern" browsers, is they love to take away customizations and other options for user control, so yeah Waterfox classic is based on FF56, but is still kept up to date with security patches and the like https://www.waterfox.net/blog/waterfox-2021.02-release/ is the latest update for it
  3. I can not navigate normally to skyrim (or any game since the header wont open, nor does any of the games show on the main homepage, though clicking your link(or writing in the URL manually) does work, and once there through that way I can get to the individual mods, but I can't download manually (and I don't have an mod manager installed ATM, as I have not been playing any modded game recently, but am more using the site jsut to check up on comments for mainly the 2 mods I converted to SSE). Also the pictures on the mod page doesn't "compress" so have to scroll a LOOOONG way to get past all the pictures to the mod info also. As I said earlier I am on Waterfox Classic 2021.02 (64-bit) and I am from Denmark (not using any VPN, or anything like that to hide/change my IP). Disabling my anti-virus and restarting my browser with all extensions disabled does not change anything either
  4. Same issue here in Waterfox Classic 2021.02 (64-bit)
  5. In response to post #73994788. Well even porting mods are work as well. Also you can set any % of the DP you would get to go to another person, so you could give a portion of the DP from your port to the original mod author if you wanted
  6. In response to post #73996753. #73997948, #74003048 are all replies on the same post. No matter how well they lock it down, someone is gonna figure out how to mod it anyway. Just gonna be a matter of it we will see mods after a week, a few months or a year or 2 maybe
  7. In response to post #73898943. Hmm am I missing something? I didn't see any real changes to the notification system, other than it not working properly as I outlined in my previous post in here.
  8. Hoping the notifications not being registered as read when click on them in the bell icon menu is part of these "performance issues", having to manually click the mark all as read in the new UI, have been quite annoying the last while
  9. Still not automatically marking notifications as read in the dropdown when clicking on them to go and read them, have to manually click on the mark all as read at the top. Pretty annoying specifically when there is a lot of notifications
  10. Wow, that is quite a nice one this time around :)
  11. Well getting harder and harder to find something original to write in these
  12. In response to post #64234761. That is quite the late end of the year for a "spring cleaning" :P
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