Soo if a person whit low mental maturity comits a crime lets say a robery they will give a low sentence, fine but when it comicts something worse liek a murder, simple one no other nasty stuf but whit clear intentions, what we do. In that one i was a little harsh soo i say sorry, but i will say that is still a lot of imcompetence in the Justice system (loopholes,excepcions,ect..)like in every legal sytem heck even in my crafht there a lot of rings to jump. but if you wanna some information about my critic here . Dont be a grammar shark, english is my 3º lenguage and my computer keep trying to make it spanish, And yes and no..... i need to learn a S*** load of laws that makes somethimes no sense .yes I found some judjes that understand that the laws are crazy YES . I was in a curt room luckily no. I need to still do what the law says or get either fired or/and fined Yes