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Everything posted by Fayd333

  1. I have been a using the Nexus for almost 10 years now, and have watched it grow. NMM has evolved and is quite simply a brilliant piece of work that makes gaming even more enjoyable for thousands of people. I am looking forward to another 10 years of Nexus growth and improvements. I think what you do for the modding community is amazing. Thank you for all your hard work! Happy New Year!
  2. I can honestly say that the newest version of X-Com has failed to capture my interest as previous version have. I may be biased because of my preconceptions of the original. The graphic design and story telling are brilliant. The detail put into the maps was fantastic. Kudos to the graphic design team. However, the watered down game mechanics were really weak. Replay value is really weak. The decision to 'dumb down' the gameplay for whatever reason left me feeling cheated. You can only bring ONE extra item with you on a mission? You can wear a shirt, but not carry a grenade. Or you can carry a (one) grenade, but you can not carry a med kit. Only one type of soldier can carry a second item , and only when they just about max out thier level? The childish way inventory was handled really lost me. The best soldiers the world has to offer keep shooting each other and crying for thier mamas because one of them took 2 pts of damage? Really? Wow. I mean, just.... wow. This really happened during a game : Everyone is okay. Escorting Civilian to the dropship. Drop ship in sight. Looks like another perfect run... What? Talking fire. Man One is scratched. He panics and crys for his mama. Man Two feaks out and shoots Man Three in the back of the head (killing him). Woman Four looses it and shoots the civilian in the back of the head (Killing him). Man Five panics and crouches calling for emergency evac. Man Six, sick of hearing Man One cry for his mama, puts him out of his misery.... Our turn. All together now. Everyone crys for their mama while the aliens finish them off. Mission Failure. Game Failure. The same maps... over and over. You basically fight the same fight over and over. You appear in the same spot. The aliens appear in the same spot. They get a free move. It gets boring really fast. If the player could start in a different corner of the map each time you would have 4 times as many maps! Random maps would have been even better. I really had high hopes for the new XCOM. Fortunately, I did get a free copy of Civilization 5 for pre-ordering. Guess what? Civ 5 is actually pretty good. Throwing away more money on DLC for XCOM? Probably not.
  3. No Problem. Actually working on a Skyrim house right now. Can't seem to find any housing mods I like. Most seem way overdone with seperately loaded areas and have the general feel of a rat maze. Keep an eye out for the Survivalist Cabin...
  4. I have fallen in love with modding and am very grateful to the nexus community for the opportunity to share ideas . Though not very vocal, I have been buzzing around the nexus sites since 2004 and have no regrets. Looking for other modders living around Athens, Georgia, USA willing to work together to improve and learn modding skills. Currently working on mod project for Skyrim.
  5. Despite Modding for some time now, I have only recently begun teaching myself how to modify textures. While working on my present project I noticed two possible problems with Skyrim's Male Elven Armor . http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/37995-1324094254.jpg The first seems to be some kind of problem with the belt as shown here. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/37995-1324094364.jpg The second seems to be a problem with the shoulder plates not riding correctly on the left shoulder. As I am still learning re-texturing and have not moved on to meshes, I thought I would see if someone in the community would be nice enough to take a crack at correctling the problem. Thanks in advance! Edit: Moved this topic into Skyrim Modding.
  6. Despite Modding for some time now, I have only recently begun teaching myself how to modify textures. While working on my present project I noticed two possible problems with Skyrim's Male Elven Armor . http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/37995-1324094254.jpg The first seems to be some kind of problem with the belt as shown here. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/37995-1324094364.jpg The second seems to be a problem with the shoulder plates not riding correctly on the left shoulder. As I am still learning re-texturing and have not moved on to meshes, I thought I would see if someone in the community would be nice enough to take a crack at correctling the problem. Thanks in advance!
  7. I just noticed that above the comment box is a little note that says "Accepts BBCode". Hmmm.... Yup yup! Looks like I found the info. Thanks for the help!
  8. All well and good, but how? I have tried and can not seem to get it to work. The Long Description just converts everything to basic text... Can not seen to change text colors, or size, or anything else much less add pictures. Thanks for the help!
  9. After reading the competition page it says that points will be given for having a "Pretty Mod Description Page". Any resources on exactly how we do that? I would love to improve the descriptions for my already exhisting mods, but am not sure how it is done.
  10. I am having an issue with a sorting script and was hoping someone might be able to help. The problem is I am trying to sort NCR and Legion money into a safe using the RemoveAllTypedItems script command. Unfortunately, both the NCR cash and Legion coins refuse to transfer. I am betting I need the correct Type code on the script. After checking the online list from the GECK website, I do not see a reference listing that seems to apply. Currently the script line looks like this... Player.RemoveAllTypedItems SafeRef 1 0 31 MoneyList The MoneyList is all Misc items except the NCR cash, Legion coins, and PreWar Cash. The PreWar Cash transfers to the Safe just fine. I am guessing that the Type Code for NCR and Legion money is not 31 (Misc) - even though it is listed as a Misc Item in the GECK. I tried removing the items with the RemoveItem command calling on each type individually and still had no success. Anyone have the answer here? Thank You!
  11. I would really like to see an update of the GECK with the release of VEGAS. Fixing the Dialogue and Quest CTD issues would be great. Lipsinc support would be fantastic! I have to admit, as much as I enjoy playing the game. I enjoy tinkering with it just as much.
  12. Not sure if this has been suggested before. I know there are mods that convert some items to quest items on the nexus. I have been doing this with caps and ammo myself for some time. I would like to see a script that allows the player to toggle any item as quest with a keystroke. Would make selling easyer if you could mark items you do not want to sell so that they were not displayed in the barter screen. Just an idea if anyone wants to have a go...
  13. Guess I was not clear! :) The problem is that when you actually WANT to use a button/switch and have it LOOK like a button/switch, the selection is rather limited. Just thought it was silly for the game to be filled with computers and machinery and have such a limited selection of actual buttons/switches/dials as activators. Converting other exhisting meshes is a good idea and one I have made extensive use of already. I just want a button that looks like a button! :confused:
  14. After being away from Fallout for a time I am finally back to working on my Sanctum Mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8180 A good part of the mod revolves around creating a working labratory for the player to conduct experiments in. Unfortunately Fallout does not really have a large selection of different types of buttons, switches and dials to use as activators in the GECK. I would like to add a console that has a variety of controls the player can interact with instead of the same switch over and over. We do have a great deal of consoles and computers already available as resource/inspiration. Using the same textures would ensure that the new controls would blend seemlessly with exhisting statics. I think it would be a great community resource if someone was willing to tackle the problem!
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